Experiene The Ultimate in High Availability Cluster Management

We help you build and manage

High Availability Cluster that manage mission

critical workloads and high data-access applications

All our High Availability Cluster Hosting Solutions Come With

20 Global Locations Across 4
Continents for Your Multi Region Clusters

Latest Intel Scalable & AMD Gen 3 Servers

Solutions Engineers to Help You Plan, Design & Build Infrastructure

Transparent & Fixed Pricing

Multiple Payments Options

High Availability Clusters

3 Node Cluster

View Diagram

Very good option for handling more web traffic and medium database load.

2 Web/App Servers

Database Server

Load Balancer(Free)


5 Node Cluster

View Diagram

Ensures high availability & must for high intensive database. Master slave servers can share the load.

2 Web/App Servers

3 Database Server

Load Balancer(Free)


7 Node Cluster

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This is the best option for any high traffic website & enterprise business.

4 Web/App Servers

3 Database Server

Load Balancer(Free)


2 Node Cluster

View Diagram

This is the best option for any high traffic website & enterprise business.

4 Web/App Servers

3 Database Server

Load Balancer(Free)


High availability VS IT disaster recovery?

  • High availability technology IT systems and services are designed to be available 99.999% of the time during planned and unplanned outages. The so-called five-nine reliability system is almost always switched on.
  • If a critical IT infrastructure fails but is supported by a high-availability architecture, the backup system or backup component takes over. This allows users and applications to continue working without interruption and access the same data that was available before the interruption.
  • IT Disaster Recovery refers to the policies, tools, and procedures that IT organizations should adopt to bring critical IT components and services back online after a disaster. An example of a cyber disaster is the destruction of a data center as a result of a natural event, such as a major earthquake.
  • High availability is a strategy for dealing with small but critical failures of IT infrastructure components that can be easily recovered. IT disaster recovery is a process for dealing with serious events that can lead to the failure of the entire IT infrastructure.

Highly Available Load Balancer

  • In general, total availability is expressed as a percentage of availability. An HA load balancer can achieve optimal operational performance by being deployed on a single node or in a cluster.
  • In a single-node deployment, a single HA load balancer performs all management functions and collects and processes all analytics. In a high-availability load-balancing cluster, additional nodes provide node-level redundancy for the load-balancing controller and optimize performance for CPU-intensive scans.

Why is High Availability So Important?

Reduced Downtime

Reducing or eliminating your downtime.
Our high availability systems are designed to continue operations even if your individual components fail Increased service availability for your server components, which are crucial for your mission-critical applications and services.

Improved Data Protection

Converting your systems to impliment High availability involve redundant data storage or real-time data replication. If one of your servers fail, another server with an identical copy of the data can take over, minimizing your risk of data loss.

Automatic Failover

In case of a system failure, our high availability infrastructures automatically will switch the load to a backup system with minimal or no service interruptions. Our high availability solutions include load balancing, which distributes your workload across multiple computing resources. This not only optimizes your resource use, but also helps avoid overburdening a single resource, which can lead to improved performance and

Load Balancing

Our engineer health checks, monitoring, and reporting will bring light to problems that out-of-the-box monitoring can miss We set up scheduled server patching to keep your infrastructure with the latest available security patches We identify bottleneck patterns when your systems are under heavy usage which you may not even notice

Business Continuity

By reducing the risk of downtime, our high availability helps ensures continuity for your business . This is especially important when your business depends on their IT infrastructure for critical operations.

Enhanced User Experience

By providing reliable, continuous service, our high availability services will improve your user experience. Your users expect applications and services to be available whenever they need them, and downtime can lead to user frustration and loss of business.


Some industries have regulations requiring certain levels of system availability Implementing our high availability infrastructure can help your business meet these requirements.

Cost Savings

Although implementing our high availability can involve upfront costs, the potential cost savings from avoiding downtime can be significant. This includes not only direct costs (such as lost sales) but also indirect costs (such as damage to a company’s reputation).

Why is a HA infrastructure necessary?

You must regularly deal with important application management. If you manage a website with a lot of traffic, downtime is unaffordable, and service disruptions are your worst nightmare because part of your work involves ensuring high performance. you want a good service that is always accessible.

Benefits of High-Availability Cluster Server

Enhanced Relibility

Clustered web hosting ensures high availability by distributing your website across multiple servers. If one server experiences issues, others seamlessly take over, minimizing downtime and maintaining a consistent online presence.

Load Balancing

Clustered hosting employs load balancing techniques to distribute incoming traffic evenly among servers. This optimizes resource utilization, prevents overload, and maintains steady performance.

Improved Performance

Clustering enhances your website’s speed and responsiveness. The load distribution across servers ensures smoother user interactions, reducing latency and enhancing overall performance.

Resilience to Failures

In the event of a hardware or software failure on one server, other servers within the cluster continue to operate seamlessly. This redundancy minimizes service disruption, ensuring uninterrupted user access.

Disaster Recovery

Clustered server hosting often includes robust disaster recovery mechanisms. Data replication and backup strategies ensure data integrity, even in the face of unforeseen challenges, further bolstering reliability.


With clustered server hosting, your website’s performance scales effortlessly to accommodate traffic spikes. The ability to add resources as needed guarantees optimal user experiences during peak times.

The Advantages of Clustered Servers

Efficient Resource Utilization

Dedicated server cluster hosting optimizes resource usage by efficiently distributing workloads. This prevents any single server from becoming overwhelmed and guarantees consistent performance for users.

Unmatched Reliability

Clustered web hosting ensures high availability through a dedicated server cluster. In case of hardware or software issues on one server, others step in seamlessly, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous access to your services.

Enhanced Performance

Dedicated server cluster hosting optimizes performance by distributing traffic across multiple servers. This load balancing mechanism prevents overloads and maintains consistent responsiveness, even during peak usage periods.

Minimal Downtime

With a dedicated server cluster, updates or maintenance can be performed on one server while others continue to operate. This eliminates the need for prolonged downtime, ensuring uninterrupted user experiences.

Redundancy and Backup

Clustered web hosting incorporates redundancy measures, where data is replicated across servers. This provides data integrity and a backup in case of failures, ensuring your information is secure and always accessible.


Clustered server hosting easily accommodates growing demands. As your traffic increases, you can effortlessly add resources to the cluster, ensuring your website’s performance remains smooth and responsive.