Carbonio Mail Features


Private Email Server

Server – The core of the product is a fully customizable email server. Webmail and collaboration features are only a part of the product.

Built-in antivirus and anti-spam – Zextras Carbonio server comes with a robust anti-spam and antivirus, which email servers usually lack.

Private Deployment – A Carbonio server remains private by design, whether on private cloud or on-premises.

Real-time Backup and Restore

Real-time – Zextras Carbonio backup system is realtime, eliminating the chance of losing data even in a disaster.

Disaster recovery – ZIn case of a disaster that is always a huge threat, Zextras Carbonio protects all your data. Moreover, the recovery procedure is effortless and quick.

Single items restore – Allows admins to undelete single items from the backup eliminating the need to restore the whole mailbox, thus saving time and resources.

Restore Local Account – Allows admins to restore accounts by recovering all items in a specific retention period.

Backup Export – Allows admins to export single domains or accounts.

Import External Backup – Allows admins to import and use backup files created on another infrastructure.

Backup on External Volume – Allows admins to back up onto external storage devices, whether bucket or NFS.

Coherency Check – Designed to detect corrupted metadata and BLOBs.

Automatic Purge – The automatic cleanup operation to remove backups that exceeded a specified retention time.

Fast Multi-threading – Helps the restore procedure by restoring multiple accounts simultaneously to speed up the process.

Advanced Storage Management

Object Storage Support – Allows admins to move a considerable portion of data to durable cloud storage. It helps save storage space and eliminates the need for preprovisioning. Moreover, it supports all S3 compatible services (Amazon S3, EMC, OpenIO, Swift, Scality S3, Cloudian, Custom S3 solutions).

Centralized Storage – Allows admins to use a shared volume for different mailstores. Two main advantages are better data management, especially in large-scale multistore infrastructures, and faster transfer operations such as in mailbox move.

Hierarchical storage management – Allows admins to use a shared volume for different mailstores. Two main advantages are better data management, especially in large-scale multistore infrastructures, and faster transfer operations such as in mailbox move.

Item Deduplication – It helps save space by automatically deleting duplicate files and storing them only once. The file can be referenced several times if needed without using more space.

Batch compression – It helps save space by compressing files, including backup files, to reduce space.

Effortless migration – Allows admins to migrate accounts or whole domains into different infrastructures easily.

Easy Volume Management – Allows admins to manage multiple volumes through both CLI and UI.

External Tika Connector – Allows attachments to be included in the Lucene indexer using external Tika resources.

Mailbox Move – AAllows admins to move accounts to different servers of the same infrastructure easily

Specialized Administrative Profiles

Delegated Administration – To delegate rights and permissions to different users.

Granular Rights and Permissions – Granted rights and permissions can be different for each delegated admin.

Multi-multitenant Environment – As an admin can grant rights to other users to make them delegated admins, each delegated admin can do the same with other users as long as they are granted those rights themselves.

Domain Settings – Allows global admins to specify some limits at the domain level that any admins cannot exceed.

Quota Management – Allows global admin to set different types of quota limits.

User Management Through Class-ofservice – Define which users in the domain can use a specific class of service.

User Management Through Class-ofservice – Define which users in the domain can use a specific class of service.

High Availability

Active/Active Cluster – All replicas are active and ready to take over.

Granular Control Per User – To let admins choose which accounts can use high availability

Heartbeat Monitoring System – A component that monitors how fast the server replies based on the CPU or memory loads helps avoid any slowdowns.

Auto-switch Failover – A backup operational mode in which a secondary system automatically kicks in to continue the functions of a system component if the primary one goes offline so the users may never see the failure.

EAS Support

ABQ device control – Granular (allow/block/quarantine) access control for mobile devices connecting to the server.

Address Book Service for External Clients Such as Outlook – Allows external clients, such as Outlook, that don’t support multiple address book sync or autocomplete feature to subscribe to an LDAP-based address book managed by the administrator.

Anti-DDoS – Allows admins to specify a limit and automatically suspend the connections on devices that exceed the limit.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) – Allows remote mobile management such as remote wipe, application control, security features, etc.

Remote Wipe for Mobile Devices -To wipe out mobile devices remotely when needed.

Secure Authentication

Two Factor Authentication – To boost the security of user accounts using any time-based one-time password apps.

SAML Integration– Users can secure but easily log into their accounts without providing their credentials using any identity provider.

Support for both IdP-initiated and SPinitiated SSO – IdP-initiated SSO: end-users can log into their identity provider account such as Okta, AzureAD, Auth0, UCS, etc., and click on a specific app to log into their account. SP-initiated SSO: end-users can use the LOGIN SAML button in the login page to send an authorization request to their identity provider, such as Okta. When it’s approved, they log into their account.

Domain level authentication – Allows admins to configure different endpoints for different domains – each domain can have its unique authentication endpoint.

Dedicated mobile password – Allows users access to the account using a dedicated credential. It will enable access without using the main password.

Support for QR Code – To allow users to connect to TOTPsupported apps such as Google Authenticator for 2FA simply by scanning the generated QR code.


Multiple compose tabs – To facilitate composing without the need to close other tabs.

Built-in antivirus and anti-spam – Perfect for fast replies directly inside the email pane.

Full compose for rich text emails – Separate tab to use full rich text capabilities.

Single/conversation view modes – To read emails as a conversation or in separate email messages.

Attachment preview – Opening attachments without the need to download the attachment or close the email pane

Drag and drop capabilities – Easily manage attachments and move emails into different folders including trash.

Address autocomplete – Fast email address suggestions based on the global address list.

Scheduled sending – To send prepared email messages at the exact time even when the sender is logged out.

Advanced message filtering – To manage incoming messages to different folders including trash, based on sender address, domains, keywords, etc.

Manage messages using tags and folders – To tidy up email messages based on your teams, projects, or other preferences for future references.

Shared folders between users – Extremely useful for team members, projects collaborators, or any arbitrary group of users to receive affiliated email messages.

Granting view, manage, or administrative rights for shared objects – To define different access permissions for shared objects.

Delegating users to reply on behalf of you – Useful for team members, project managers, etc.

Integrated anti-spam, and antivirus – To automatically reduce spam and scanning for malware and viruses

Multiple Address book – Useful for managing address books of big enterprises with multiple sectors.

MShared Address book – To allow multiple users access to different address books.

White-labeled – It’s highly customizable e.g. insert company logo and the preferred image on the login page.


Multiple calendar management – To prevent easily overcrowded calendars using different calendars for different tasks.

Customizable event invitations – Event invitations can be easily modified to provide invitees with more information such as instructions to connect or meeting motivations.

Public and private calendars and events – Each calendar event can be configured separately to hide or display to other users.

Optional and mandatory attendees and resources – To differentiate between optional attendees so the meeting can start without the need to wait for them.

Preview available conference rooms – To see which rooms are available to select based on the selected date and time.

Timetable for participants’ free hours – Easily displays free hours of invitees. It’s much more useful when scheduling big meetings.

Auto-suggests next available time / locations – In case of unavailability, you can choose from the next available suggestions.

Shared Calendar Management – To manage who can see which calendars and easily modify or change settings.

Grant view, manage or administrative rights – To define different access permissions for shared objects.

Configurable reminders – Reminders can be configured to include notes, repeat, etc.

Customizable repeating events – Events can be set to repeat based on several factor

Drag and drop capabilities – To easily change and modify events and the timetable.

Color coding events – To easily recognize similar events which are especially useful in crowded calendars.

Tagging events – Events can be differentiated to be found easily for future references.


Search email, contacts, events, tasks, attachments, and documents – Search between all different components, separately or together.

Search within email bodies – Email message texts are also searchable.

Full-text search capabilities – To search on specific formating in the email bodies.

Attachment indexing – Attachments are indexed to be found easily and quickly when needed.

Complex queries using logical operators – To allow specific logical operators to perform more refined and detailed searches.

Real-time refresh of the search results – No need to refresh the page to find recent changes in the search tab. Changes such as new email messages or new attachments.

Browse, upload, download, metadata search, etc. – File manager to organize files and folders.

Real-time collaborative editing – Several users can edit, comment, and contribute to documents, spreadsheets, and presentation files simultaneously

File versioning – Automatically keeps track of the file edits. Especially useful in collaborative editing

Support for multiple servers – Not limited to one server.

Multi-node architecture and scalability – Provide scalability by using different servers in the infrastructure to create a multi-node environment for collaboration.

Load balancing – To spread the processing load onto different nodes.

Full sharing capabilities – Share files with granular control over permissions that can be easily modified at any time.

Internal document sharing – Share documents and files easily and securely within the infrastructure users.

Generating public links for external document sharing – Share documents and files easily by generating a public link for people without any account in the infrastructure.

Document access control (view only, edit, etc.) – Set who can do what with shared documents.

Secure Sharing – Set password for files shared externally to provide more security


Text messaging (one-toone or groups) – Easy to send messages without writing a formal email which is especially useful to save time. You have also the full functionality of group conversations.

Reply, edit, and delete message – Easily modify texts inside message bubbles. Edit and delete come with a time limitation.

Video meeting (one-toone or groups) – Video meetings and conferences, audio calls whether 1:1 or in the group, etc.

Screen sharing – Share your entire screen, a specific window, or only one tab in your browser during a video call.

Shareable Meeting Rooms – To temporarily create rooms for video calls and virtual meetings, with waiting rooms and external participants.

Waiting Room – Allows moderators to choose who can join the rooms through a list of requests by users in the waiting room that want to participate in the meeting

Delegating moderators – To grant specific permissions to other participants which helps manage the meeting and the group.

Scheduled meetings – To run the meeting at a specific time without the need to create the room exactly before the meeting time.

Support for external participants -External users who do not have an account on the infrastructure can be invited to the meetings and participate. The invitation is sent through an email to notify external users.

Structured corporate communication – To create different spaces and for different sectors, teams, projects, etc.

Centralized video server – To reduce processing power and bandwidth usage.

External Stream – Possibility to share video in real-time to a different platform (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.)


Native iOS and Android apps – Mail app for emails, calendars, etc. Files for collaboration and file management. Chat for chats and video calls.

Multi identity support for the Mail app – You can use several accounts all logged in the app at the same time to receive, send, and manage emails.

Push notification – To inform users when new messages are received.