Backup for Carbonio

After you’ve done configuring your server, you’ll need to take a few more steps to configure the Backup component and have all of your data automatically backed up.

CLI Features Configuration

Change the availability of a Carbonio component at the COS or account level using the CLI, and is therefore the counterpart of the Carbonio Admin Panel sections COSc

Advanced Administrative Tasks

Carbonio’s MTA (Postfix) accepts e-mail over the SMTP protocol and routes it to the appropriate e-mail queue based on the user’s username.

Domain Restrictions

Domain Limit Management enables a Global Administrator to define domain-level limitations that no Administrator may exceed.

Email Aliases Administration

An e-mail alias allow to add another name to an existing e-mail address. Like any other e-mail address, it is composed by a username.

Carbonio’s Authorship

Carbonio Auth is a Carbonio component that impacts the process of accessing a Carbonio instance beginning with the Login Page, including the access mode.

Administrative Tasks

Carbonio Auth provides an overview of the authentication mechanisms available by Carbonio as well as instructions for configuring them.

Privacy MTA

This component of the Carbonio Admin Panel allows you to modify how Carbonio maintains and interacts with e-mails.

Privacy Operations

This page gives an overview of the routine operations that are running on Carbonio and a few information on each of them.