Carbonio Email Service provider

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Tasks in Advanced Administration

In this part, we detail a few complex tasks and show how to complete them quickly.

Control of access depending on roles

In order to share administration tasks and responsibilities with other users, Carbonio employs a delegation mechanism that enables the principal administrator to designate users as either Global or Delegated Administrators, each of which has a unique set of privileges for configuring and managing these features.

Each Administrator, whether Global or Delegated, may access with the personal account and be able to monitor and administer the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam features in accordance with the permissions allowed.

Email Management on the Server

The SMTP protocol is used by Carbonio’s MTA (Postfix) to receive email, which then passes it to the appropriate email queue based on the user’s username (which also doubles as the user’s email address). When an email is sent to a mailing list or distribution list, each person on the list receives a copy of the email.

From the CLI, further rules may be added directly to Postfix. You may find actual examples of limitation rules in the Postfix documentation, such as in the Postfix Standard Configuration Examples. In the official Postfix documentation, further examples may be found depending on the use case.

Management of Server-side Attachments

You may provide global guidelines for how to handle attachments in an email message using global e-mail attachment settings.

Both at the COS level and for specific accounts, rules can be specified. The global rule takes priority over COS and Account settings when attachment settings are established in Global Settings.

To limit the kind of attachments that are permitted, a list of formats (extensions) can be defined through CLI.

Use command, for instance, to stop the.exe filex

Controlling a COS

On Carbonio, each account is given a COS, a global object that is not constrained to a specific domain or collection of domains.

The default characteristics for an account and whether or not certain features are enabled for it depend on the COS that was assigned to it. The COS manages server pool utilisation, mailbox quotas, message lifespan, password restrictions, and attachment blocking.

The classes of services may be created and edited using the Carbonio Admin Panel, which will soon have a COS administration task with a helpful wizard that walks the Administrator through the creation process, as well as the CLI.

The following command may be used to add all the customisable characteristics afterwards. It can also be inserted at the end of the base command above as [attribute value] pairs: