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Summary of the Carbonio CLI

An interactive shell that enables Carbonio commands to be executed is the Carbonio CLI, sometimes referred to as the Carbonio Shell. Run every carbonio command as the zextras user. You may accomplish this by operating as the root user.

As soon as you run this programme, the prompt will read zextras$.

At this point, you have two options for launching a carbonio command:

  1. the CLI to execute it:
  2. step inside the Carbonio Shell

You may use tab for auto-completion and the prompt will change to carbonio>. Use only the sub-command and its associated arguments in the shell, leaving off the initial carbonio. For instance, a command

is executable in Carbonio CLI as

The Carbonio Shell is helpful if you need to run numerous commands at once to complete a complex work and maintain track of your history so you can look back on previous actions and refer to them in the future.

Structure of a command

A typical Carbonio command is made up of a number of components, some of which are necessary for the command to function.


All Carbonio modules, such as authentication, administration, and provisioning (also known as carbonio prov), are supported by the Carbonio CLI. These are also referred to as subcommands.


Each Carbonio command has certain arguments that are accessible depending on the command. In the online help, parameters are indicated with (M) and (O) depending on whether they are required or optional.

All parameters are supplied as a pair with a name and a value, but only the optional parameters need to have a name; the necessary ones must not. Take a look at this assistance page, for instance.

List of Parameters (M) == Required Parameters, (O) == Optional Parameters

We must format the command as follows in order to limit the number of accounts in the domain acme.example to 1,000:

This command has two parameters: domain> acme.example and account_limit> 1000. However, because domain is required, we omit its name.

Command Line Alternatives

It is also possible to add arguments to any commands; for instance, you may execute

The options on the command line are as follows:


Name the destination host on which the command should be run (either an IP address or a hostname is acceptable). To broadcast the command to all servers, use all_servers. Simply choose not to utilise the option to run a command solely on the server where you are currently signed in.


The command’s output will be shown in JSON format, which is good for scripting.


immediately prints the operation’s feedback to STDOUT. To stop the output, press Ctrl+C; the action itself won’t be stopped.


carries out the command in synchronous mode while anticipating the completion of the operation and returning an exit code:

  • 0 – A success
  • One: Failed
  • No. 2: Stopped
  • 3 – Obsolete
  • Interrupted (4th)
requesting assistance

There are no changes between the contextual aid provided by carbonio’s CLI and Carbonio Shell at different levels of use. The most typical application is

This shows every option and module that Carbonio is capable of using (see previous section). The help keyword may also be used to display a list of all commands in a module or to access the help page for a specific command (for example, carbonio help config distributionList).

Programming Commands

You may pipe several Carbonio commands to the Carbonio shell by saving them in a file called Carbonio-commands.txt. Consider the commands in the file carbonio-commands.txt, for instance:

These commands may all be run as

This is helpful, for instance, when a method calls for a series of Carbonio instructions to be executed; instead of copying and pasting each command individually, you may put them all into a file and run them all at once.