Carbonio Email Service provider

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In a production setting, Multi-Server is the only supported installation technique.

Please go through these parts thoroughly before attempting to install.

Carbonio is composed of Roles.

With the installation of certain Roles, a Carbonio infrastructure is formed.

A Role is an atomic Carbonio functionality that consists of one or more packages.

Carbonio’s Characteristics

We may divide the Carbonio Roles into three broad categories

  • Infrastructure roles are required in any Carbonio implementation.
  • Carbonio’s core functionality is expanded via Service Roles.
  • Carbonio benefits from the resilience and redundancy provided by Advanced Roles.

This is a list of the roles that comprise a Carbonio installation.

How to Set Up Roles

Please study the following relevant considerations before presenting each Role and the actions required for their proper installation:

  • While the fundamental technique is the same for both Ubuntu and RHEL 8, the particular commands and file locations on the two operating systems may change, so make sure you run the proper command on the correct files and operating system. The commands that vary are listed below. Click the Ubuntu or RHEL tab, depending on the Operating System you are using to install Carbonio.
  • All of the instructions included in this installation method must be run as the root user.
  • If you encounter any problems during the installation, please go to Section System Troubleshooting, where you will find useful commands.
  • When the installation procedure is complete, you may use a browser to view Carbonio’s GUI: instructions can be found in Section view to the Web Interface.
  • You must first install the Database Role, followed by the Mesh and Directory Roles. Then you may move on to the additional infrastructure Roles and, lastly, any other Roles you require for your installation.