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Anyone who is experienced with API development, primarily developers, who wishes to communicate with Carbonio Files using its SOAP API should refer to this section. Therefore, it is believed that everyone reading this section is familiar with the fundamentals of SOAP API calls.


Token of Authentication

An authentication token is necessary for each API call and may be obtained by using the AuthRequest SOAP command:

The token is included in the AuthResponse that this call returns.

Every REST request must include the token as a cookie, which means it must be transmitted to the server through the Cookie header:

Request Structure for API

Requests to the Carbonio Files API are sent as HTTP POST requests to the Carbonio server on the following path as GraphQL queries with the Cookie header specified in the preceding section:

The request body is a JSON-encoded object that includes a GraphQL query, the operation name, the variables used and some restrictions on them. A few sample queries are provided below. The reference documentation for the Carbonio Files GraphQL API can be found at Information on the elements is provided in the following section.

Given two arguments, a Query may be used to retrieve a Node, which can be a file or a folder saved on Carbonio Files, and its attributes:
  1. The node’s distinctive identification is node_id.
  2. version is a file’s current version.
  • Query techniques include some of the following:
  • The root folders (LOCAL_ROOT and TRASH_ROOT) are returned by getRootsList.
  • From its node_id, getNode gives a node.
  • You may search for a node using keywords and a number of filters (shared by/with me, etc.) with findNodes.
  • You may list a folder’s children as an array of Nodes by using the children property of the Folder object.
A write operation on a folder or file is known as a mutation. Typical acts include:
  • It goes without saying that createFolder, flagNodes, trashNodes, restoreNodes, moveNodes, copyNodes, and deleteNodes
  • A node’s name, description, and other information can be changed using the updateNode function.
Files Download and Upload
There are a few ways to upload (POST) and download (GET) files; for the latter, the Carbonio server must receive requests that follow this path:
The whole reference manual may be found at