Carbonio Email Service provider

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A Carbonio migration technique allows you to migrate configurations and data from an existing infrastructure that is going to be decommissioned or dismissed into a Carbonio-based mail server architecture.

This section does not go into detail about how configuration and data are exported from the Source infrastructure since the procedures necessary to do so vary greatly.

This section provides an overview of the second step of such a procedure: importing an existing mail server architecture into Carbonio. Indeed, we feel that focusing on some essential areas of the import operation is necessary, as is not underestimating the effort required to properly complete a whole export/import cycle.

The import operation is divided into two parts.

The import technique is based on Open Source technologies, therefore there should be no issues throughout the numerous activities that must be completed. More on this later; first, several terms must be defined.


Before we begin, let’s clarify certain words to avoid misunderstandings.


The Source infrastructure (Source) is the mail server from which to migrate, and it comprises everything at the start of the operation. It is critical to emphasise that we make no assumptions about the Source (which can be any programme), and that the Source is just required to extract data and is therefore unaffected by the approach.


The Carbonio installation to which you wish to relocate your existing mail server is referred to as the Destination infrastructure (Destination).


The Procedure is a sequence of tasks that will help you through the process of importing all of your data to the Destination. It requires access to both the Source and Destination CLIs, albeit it is expected that all data has already been exported before you begin the Procedure.


Provisioning is the collection of all data and information regarding Domains, accounts, COSes, and mailing lists that are present on the Source before the Procedure begins.

Data refers to the collection of all e-mails present on the Source prior to the start of the Procedure.

Procedure for Import

The procedure is separated into two sections. step one is a preparatory step that ensures you have all of the essential items to begin the import, whereas phase two is when all of the imports on the Destination are carried out

Phase One: Checklist of Requirements

The following is a list of prerequisites that must be met:

Depending on the Source, the exact tools to be needed to retrieve these files may differ.

Step 2: Import to Destination

This phase is the Procedure’s operational phase. We are now refining the essential commands and selecting the best instruments to carry out the procedures.

The instructions in the following sections demonstrate how to import on a Carbonio infrastructure and are provided solely as examples. You are free to use any alternative method or instrument.

More information and how-tos will be published soon and linked here as soon as they are available.

Provisioning of Domains and Accounts

On the LDAP Node, domain files are assumed to be kept in the files /opt/zextras/backup/ (domain and accounts structure for and /opt/zextras/backup/acme.corp.ldif (domain and accounts structure for acme.corp). They may be added using the slapadd command:

E-mail importation

The IMAP protocol is the most functional and standard technique to read from the Source and write to the Destination. As a result, we recommend imapsync as an IMAP migration solution.

We presume you’ve previously received credentials for an account that has access to all of the accounts on the Source, and you’ve already established a Global Administrator to be used just for the import.

Replace all values written in ALL_CAPS with matching values acceptable for your infrastructure in the following command, which must be performed on the Node hosting Carbonio Mails and Calendar.

ICS Calendar Import

We presume that all users’ Calendar files have been exported and saved in ICS format in the Carbonio Mails & Calendar Node’s /opt/zextras/backup/ directory, for example, /opt/zextras/backup/, /opt/zextras/backup/user1@acme.corp.ics, and so on.

They may be imported into Carbonio using the command:

CSV Contacts Import

We presume that all users’ Calendar files have been exported and saved in CSV format in the Carbonio Mails & Calendar Node’s /opt/zextras/backup/ directory, for example, /opt/zextras/backup/, /opt/zextras/backup/user1@acme.corp.csv, and so on.

They may be imported into Carbonio using the command:

Limitations of the Procedure

The Procedure migrates:

  • Domains
  • COSes
  • Accounts
  • Messages sent and received by email
  • Personal file cabinets
  • Folders that are shared
  • Distribution and mailing lists
  • Signatures
  • Calendars
  • Contacts

Other items not associated with a Carbonio installation will not be moved