Carbonio Email Service provider

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Carbonio Tasks is a component that lets you build basic entries to track your actions.

Each job is generated by clicking the NEW button and requires simply a title. You can optionally provide a priority (low, medium, or high), a description, and a reminder.

Tasks are provided as a list, arranged by their creation date in descending order, with the newest on top: selecting a task will open it and expose its details on the browser’s right-hand side, where its creation date and description are also shown; for each task, you can

  • Toggle the completion status
  • Edit all the information.
  • Remove a task from the list. The removal is irreversible, thus a confirmation dialogue will display.

The number of tasks that can be produced is restricted to 200; when the 200th is about to be created or when the limit has been achieved, a banner in the Tasks editor will indicate that no more tasks may be added. In these circumstances, it is required to eliminate previous tasks before creating new ones.