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This section contains a list of Carbonio CE customizations.

Templates for NGINX

An administrator may wish to alter NGINX for a variety of reasons, such as adding a custom header for internal auditing. Because it will be rewritten after upgrades, editing the NGINX configuration file is not an option. The most practical solution is to utilise an NGINX-provided template. The remainder of this section introduces various information regarding NGINX’s operation that are important to customisations, followed by a demonstration of the technique.

NGINX generates its initial configuration using two directories: files from /opt/zextras/conf/nginx/templates are processed and saved in /opt/zextras/conf/nginx/includes, which are subsequently read and utilised during normal operations. There is an additional directory, /opt/zextras/conf/nginx/template_custom, which includes files that override settings in the equivalent file in the templates directory to enable for custom adjustments.

In other words, anytime the configuration is read, if a file with the same name exists in both the templates and templates_custom folders, the one in the templates_custom directory is utilised.

This implies that a user cannot save preferences in a file with a unique filename, but must instead change the nginx.conf.web.http.default.template template.

A few aspects are worth emphasising:

  • When a customised template is used, the processed file (the one in the includes directory) becomes an extra header that indicates the configuration as having been derived from a custom template and specifies how to restore the default.
  • The log file will contain information about which templates were selected and where they were saved.
Carbonio Docs Custom Fonts

Fonts are often found in the directory /usr/share/fonts on a Linux system, and adding new font families is as simple as using the package manager. To install the Roboto typefaces, for example, run the command:

To enable Carbonio Docs access to the typefaces, first copy all of the following files:

Then, ensure that the user carbonio-docs-editor owns the whole fonts sub-tree:

Finally, the service should be restarted.

Rep the previous procedures on any Node where Carbonio Docs is installed.