Carbonio Email Service provider

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This section provides general guidance on the most typical activities and functions of the Carbonio CE components. More information, how-tos, and best practises are available in separate sections for the following components:

  • Quick Search And Object Creation Search for an existing item or create a new one.
  • Preview files without having to save them first.
  • Carbonio CE’s main component is mails.
  • Calendars: keep track of your appointments and share them with coworkers.
  • Contacts, for gathering and organising your e-mail addresses
  • Documents are created, shared, and collaborated on using Files.
  • The Quick Search feature is completed with Search.
  • Settings is where you may adjust all Carbonio CE options.
All Zextras Carbonio CE functions are available after signing in to the mailbox; access to the mailbox requires just the use of a compatible browser on any device that is connected to the Internet.
On mobile devices, a specialised application may be used to access particular Carbonio CE functions.

To reach the login page, use the URL of your webmail and enter your credentials:
  • Your e-mail address is your username.
  • Password: use the same password as your username.
  • Version: You may choose between Iris, Carbonio CE’s native GUI, and Classic.
Once logged in, the user will be sent to the Home screen, where he may access all of his mailbox’s features.
Carbonio CE’s features are organised into modules, which may be accessed via the menu on the left side of IRIS, Carbonio CE’s main web interface. They are, at a glance:


Manage your inbox and e-mails by creating filters and sub-folders


Plan your activities and appointments, share them with coworkers, and look for their shared calendars.


Show all information about contacts and distribution lists.


(Optional): Share materials with colleagues.


A strong search engine that spans all mailbox components.


Define your choices to personalise the appearance and functionality of your inbox.

Furthermore, all of the functionality for searching for things in the inbox and creating new objects in the various modules has been consolidated.

The rest of this section offers instructions for using Carbonio CE’s GUI to perform the most frequent tasks.

Functionalities for Quick Search and Creating New Objects
The functions for creating new objects (email, contacts, calendar appointments and events, and so on) and searching have been incorporated into the top bar of Carbonio CE. For example, while reading e-mails, you may make a new calendar appointment or search for contacts when arranging an event on calendar.
Use Carbonio CE’s top bar, as illustrated in Fig. 6. Click the blue NEW button to create a new object in the module you are now in (for example, create a new appointment while in the calendar) or the to create a new item in another module.

The search function is similar: the white button on the right-hand side of the NEW button, whose label changes depending on the module, may be used to search the module for the string entered in the text field. To search in a different module, click the. The Advanced search feature allows for a more in-depth search.
Preview Sharing files with a coworker is a common courtesy: attach them to emails, put them in Carbonio Files.
Carbonio Authentication for Users
Carbonio Auth has a separate settings page (see Figure 7) for managing all user-side credentials and functionality, such as account and EAS Mobile Passwords, Mobile App QR Codes, and 2FA OTP.

Overview of the Carbonio Auth settings page
The Carbonio Auth settings page is accessible via the right-hand menu. Carbonio Auth does not require any CLI access from users.

The establishment of a new credential allows you to grant other people access to your account, including the Zextras Mobile Apps, without having to divulge your personal credentials.
The user can do the following from the settings page:
  • Change the password of the person who is currently logged in.
  • Add new credentials using the relevant pages, which may be accessed by selecting Exchange ActiveSync, Mobile Apps, or OTP Authentication.
  • Examine the status and other details for any Exchange ActiveSync and Mobile Apps credentials that have been established. Entries in the list in each part indicate the label of the password, its status, the service it is valid for, and its creation date.
  • Examine the status and other details for each One Time Password established. Each item includes a description, status, unsuccessful attempts, and the date it was created.
  • Control 2FA access. Unless it has been enabled or deactivated at the COS, domain, or global level, each user can decide whether to enforce access via 2FA.
  • Delete any credentials that have been generated.
The remainder of this section provides an overview of the various options for creating new credentials as well as instructions for adding or deleting them.

Change your password
Click update Password to update your password. You must first enter your existing password, followed by a new one twice (see Fig. 7).
Click the blue CHANGE PASSWORD button to save the new password.

EAS Create New Credentials
Click Exchange ActiveSync, then NEW AUTHENTICATION + to generate a new Password for the EAS service. In the Authentication description section, add an easy-to-remember identifier for the password.

The new Mobile Password will be presented when you click CREATE PASSWORD.
To exit the Carbonio Auth window, click DONE. The new Mobile Password is now available in the Carbonio Auth Zimlet’s Active Passwords list.
Make New Credentials for Mobile Apps
Carbonio Auth may help you manage and speed up Zextras Application logins, such as those for APPs for Mobile Devices. This is accomplished by creating a QR Code that the user can then scan from the App’s login page to log in. The technique is pretty similar to the previous section’s description.
To generate a new QR Code for a Mobile Application, launch the Carbonio Auth Zimlet and navigate to Mobile Apps, then NEW AUTHENTICATION +. In the Authentication description, insert an easy-to-remember identifier for the password. When you click CREATE PASSWORD, the new QR code for the Mobile Application will appear. You may frame the code and provide access to the app using the Zextras mobile app.
To exit the Carbonio Auth window, click DONE. In the Carbonio Auth Zimlet’s Active Passwords list, an item for the new Mobile Application is now accessible.

Make a New Credential: OTP
To establish a new One Time Password access, open the Carbonio Auth Zimlet and select OTP Authentication, then NEW OTP + to bring up a dialogue where you can add a unique label to identify the OTP.
The QR code will be displayed; scan it with your smartphone or copy it (as a string) to the clipboard, then click NEXT to see the list of PIN numbers to be used for authentication.
Then, to print the codes on paper or to a file, click the PRINT PIN CODES button. All of the codes are included in the printed page, as well as the username/e-mail address for whom they are valid and instructions on how to use them.
Finally, close the Carbonio Auth window by clicking DONE. In the list, a new OTP entry will be displayed.

Remove Credentials
Simply choose a credential from the list of Active passwords or OTPs and click the erase x button to erase it:
To confirm the removal of the credential, click YES.

Carbonio Preview enables a fast glimpse at such files. PDFs, text documents, spreadsheets and other office files, and photos may all be previewed, with the exception of the svg format.

To preview a supported file, click once on its name: the Details view will appear. Click the little magnifier symbol above the information to display an automated preview in JPG format, centred and resized to fit the browser window. PDF files may be scrolled by using the buttons (PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End).
To open a file for editing in Carbonio Files, right-click the file name and select Open Document from the drop-down menu.

When a document is opened in preview mode, you have the option of sharing, downloading, or printing it.

Depending on the browser and its settings, the print operation may begin instantly or display a print dialogue.
The Mails module is where fresh e-mails are stored, created, and organised.
Shares and Folders
E-mail is organised into folders by default, which are Inbox, Junk, Sent, Draughts, and Trash. These folders, often known as System folders, cannot be renamed or deleted. By right-clicking on any item in the folder list, new folders may be created and arranged in a hierarchy
When a folder includes unread emails, a blue symbol with a number appears to the right of the folder name, with 99+ indicating that there are at least 99 emails to read.

A right-click also allows you to perform further activities on the selected folder, such as moving, wiping (removing all e-mails in the folder), editing, deleting, and sharing (with internal colleagues or even making it publicly accessible).
To find shares, go to the Share Folders section and click the FIND SHARES button. Enter the e-mail address of the colleague whose shares you want to find in the dialogue: If a coworker has shared a folder, it is displayed as a list.
When dealing with shared folders, messages or conversations (depending on the visualisation) may be moved from the shared folders to a local, non-shared folder, and vice versa.

While e-mails are tagged as read by default when they are viewed, they can be marked individually. This option is very important when using a shared account to ensure that everyone who has access to the email has read it.
A tag is a label that can be applied to an e-mail or a calendar event item to help enhance both the organisation of the e-mails or events and the search among them.
New tags may be added by right-clicking on the tags menu item, and existing tags can be changed or removed by right-clicking on them.

To find a tag, use the syntax tag:name in the Search quickbar, substituting name with the tag’s name. Calendar appointments can be marked using the same tags that are used for e-mail.
E-mail Management
E-mails are automatically placed in the Inbox folder when they arrive (unless they are tagged as junk email) and in the Sent folder when they are sent. These landing folders may be altered using the Mails settings page by configuring filters to automatically transfer each email to a certain folder.

By default, e-mails are organised in Conversations, which means that an e-mail with all of the answers it gets is packed into a single element in the list. In this situation, a tiny number indicates the amount of emails in the exchange.

It is feasible to display each e-mail as a single item in the list, but answers would not appear near the original e-mail.
Drag-and-drop conversations (or single messages when viewing e-mails by message) to any folder: you may pick one discussion in the list by clicking on the Avatar on the left of the e-mail (i.e., the circle with the sender’s initials). You will be in the so-called Selection Mode, where you may pick other chats by clicking them, or all of them by selecting the pick ALL button above the list, and then move them to another folder.
When you delete a discussion, it is moved to the Trash folder, giving you the ability to search for messages within the discussion before permanently deleting it.

There are a few icons in the top-right corner of each e-mail that allow you to do a variety of tasks; click the symbol to access them and many more: Print, delete, tag, or flag e-mail as read/unread or spam. A flag is a basic signal for an email that may be tailored to one’s preferences, such as whether it is more important than others, if it requires action, or whether it has been processed and can be archived or deleted.
More options are accessible and displayed when you right-click an email.

Carbonio CE supports e-mail receipts: while writing an email, click the symbol on the right-hand side of the subject to request a read receipt from the e-mail recipient.

When you open an email with a receipt request for the first time, a modal will display asking you to send a read receipt to the author. To send the receipt, click NOTIFY; otherwise, no receipt will be issued.

In Carbonio CE, an automatic three-second wait occurs to prevent sending an unfinished e-mail, and a notice shows in the bottom right corner: click UNDO to halt the sending and continue editing the e-mail.

If you have numerous aliases or access to shared accounts, you may add a distinct signature to each e-mail you create, forward, or respond to: see the section Using Signatures in the Mails settings.
Creating e-mails
Click the NEW button in the top bar of Carbonio CE to create a new e-mail. A panel with the editor will display, allowing you to send an email. This panel may be resized and positioned anywhere within the browser’s tab. Furthermore, because this panel is shared by the other modules, you can begin numerous tasks (for example, compose or respond an e-mail, modify a contact, or create a new calendar event).
and they will all be displayed in the same panel, which will be grouped by tabs on top of the panel.

A draught is stored while writing an e-mail; when you close the panel, you will be requested to preserve it so that you may resume writing later. If an error occurs that disrupts communication with the server (for example, a network failure), an error message will be shown. If you attached a document and the upload fails, you must delete it and attach it again.

Carbonio CE supports e-mail attachments; depending on whether the e-mail is composed before it is sent or received, the following actions are available.
Trash Container
The trash folder is a special area where deleted emails are temporarily preserved in case they need to be retrieved. An e-mail in the Trash folder will be automatically removed after the retention term, which is set to 30 days by default.

Deleted Files Folder
This, like the trash folder, is a specific folder where e-mails that have been tagged as spam or are otherwise unwelcome or unwanted are placed.
Carbonio CE has anti-virus and anti-spam engines that can automatically determine if an e-mail is legitimate or not and designate it as spam. If you believe an e-mail is spam but it was not processed, you may manually designate it as spam by right-clicking it and selecting designate as spam. Also, an e-mail in the Junk folder (i.e., identified as spam) can be designated as not spam, and it will be delivered to the Inbox.

The garbage folder’s contents all help the anti-spam engine learn and improve its results.
Calendars The calendar component allows you to keep track of and share appointments, meetings, and events with your coworkers.

A new appointment can be established in a variety of methods other than using NEW. The first is accomplished by clicking on the chosen day and time on the calendar. The only difference is in the start (and finish) date and time: when you press the button, they are set to the current date and time, but when you click the calendar, they are taken from the clicked day and time.
Alternatively, you may open an existing appointment, clone it, and change only the essential data, such as the date and time, rather than creating a new one and filling in all the details. This option is handy if you need to plan recurring events on an irregular basis.

When an account is configured with several identities, you may select which one to send invites from: the e-mail’s sender will then be automatically populated based on the identity selected.
Attendees whose presence is required or optional can be added by entering their e-mail address. If the attendee is already unavailable or has an overlapping appointment, the e-mail address will be highlighted and a notice will be shown. This enhances and simplifies event generation.

If the invitation was not received or if something went wrong, the event will appear in the calendar but will be marked with a red symbol. A new time might be proposed by the attendee. In this situation, a new e-mail will be created and sent to the other party to notify them of the change.
When you right-click an event in the calendar, you may perform many activities, including opening it and displaying all participants and information, editing, copying, or moving it, and seeing its original, plain text version.

Tags can also be applied to any calendar event, and the event can be (tentatively) approved or denied.

Searching for events is simple: type a search term into the fast search field to get a first set of results. By default, all matches from the previous and next 30 days are displayed. To extend or narrow the search, click the ADVANCED FILTER box and use the date selectors to enter new start and end dates. Add more keywords to the search if desired.
Calendars that are shared
You may also search for calendars shared by your coworkers by selecting Shared Calendars from the left-hand side columns and then clicking the FIND SHARES button. Enter the (partial) name of the colleague in the dialogue that appears, then select a colour, and lastly click ADD.

The calendar will display in the list of calendars, and all appointments will be visible; change their visibility by checking the box.

Create a CalDAV CLient.
Adding a Carbonio CE calendar to your chosen CalDAV client is simple and only takes a few minutes. The technique is nearly same for each client; the difference is provided in the box at the conclusion of this section.
In this instance, the user wishes to set up a calendar called Calendar on the domain in Mozilla’s Thunderbird. Replace these values with appropriate ones in the remainder.
You can keep track of all the individuals with whom you exchange e-mails in the Contacts component and organise them into address books. Existing address books are displayed in the right-hand column of the component’s list. You may add new contacts by clicking the NEW button and choosing New Contact; they will be saved in the Contacts section of the Contacts component. You may also specify which address book the new contact is saved in. Tags can also be applied to any contact.
Deleted contacts are saved in the Trash address book, which you may manually empty. To do so, right-click the address book and select Empty trash from the menu that appears.

A right-click on the address book lets you to do several actions on it and its contents, including editing, sharing, emptying, and deleting it. Additionally, new address books may be created. Icons for each contact allow you to perform various operations such as deleting, moving, or sending an email to the contact.
If a coworker has shared an address book, you may find it by clicking the FIND SHARES button and entering the e-mail address. You will view all of the user’s address books.

Using the search bar, you may look up contacts. The ADVANCED FILTER option allows you to further focus your search. You may also include shared address books in the search here.

Set up a CardDav Client
Adding a Carbonio CE address book to your chosen CardDAV client is simple and only takes a few minutes.

In this instance, the user wishes to import an address book from the domain into Mozilla’s Thunderbird. Replace these values with appropriate ones in the remainder.


Carbonio Files is a file storage solution that allows you to share documents with peers, collaborate on edits, and version documents.

Items stored in Carbonio Files are shown in the centre area and grouped in a folder structure, which includes a number of pre-defined shortcut icons: Home, Shared with me, Trash, Filters, and Uploads. Files may be organised into folders under Home; a list of recently viewed files and folders is also displayed, allowing the user to easily restart work on these items.

Working with Documents
The panels below outline the most frequent tasks that may be performed on files and folders.

Working with Documents
The panels below outline the most frequent tasks that may be performed on files and folders.
Carbonio Docs is built on an extensively modified LibreOffice online package that extends Carbonio CE’s capacity to collaborate in editing many sorts of documents, such as text documents, word processors, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Carbonio Docs’ connection with objects stored in Carbonio Files and email attachments is seamless and managed by a specific Carbonio Docs component.
When a document is edited, a connection to a Carbonio Docs server instance is established, and a copy of the file is fetched and presented in the user’s browser. Only updates to the client are sent back when modifications are made, in order to maintain the correctness and fidelity of the document between client and server while decreasing bandwidth utilisation to the bare minimum.

Every document may be shown in read-only mode, with a basic GUI limited to reading functions, or in edit (read/write) mode, with a complete GUI.
Important Characteristics
Carbonio Docs’ most commonly utilised primary features are:
  • Viewing and editing documents in both single-use and collaborative modes
  • The same features of LibreOffice desktop programme are provided.
  • Collaboration editing functions are supported by any contemporary browser, with no extra or third-party plugins required.
  • Microsoft Office document compatibility
  • Platform and operating system interoperability
  • The layout and formatting of documents saved in various formats or file types are preserved:
  • text files (odt, docx, doc, txt, rft, and others)
  • spreadsheets (xlsx, xls, ods)
  • presentations (pptx, odp, ppt)
  • The ability to save the same file in many formats or file types.
  • Documents may now be exported as PDF files.
  • Most image formats (PNG, GIF, JPEG, and others) are supported for preview and thumbnail production.
  • PDF document preview
  • Limited graphical user interface for read-only documents, complete graphical user interface for all read and write documents
Carbonio Tasks is the component that allows you to keep track of your actions by creating basic entries.

Each job is created by clicking the NEW button and includes simply a title, which is required. You can optionally include a priority (low, medium, or high), a description, and a reminder.

Tasks are displayed as a list, arranged by their creation date in descending order, with the most recent at the top: selecting a task will open it and display its information on the browser’s right-hand side, including the item’s creation date and description; for each task, you can
  • Change its completion status.
  • Edit all of its specifics
  • Take a task off the list. Because the removal is irreversible, a confirmation dialogue will display.
When the 200th job is going to be created, or when the limit has already been reached, a banner in the Tasks editor will alert you that no more tasks may be added. In some circumstances, it is important to delete existing tasks in order to create new ones.

Folders that are shared
Shared Folders and You (and Your Smartphone)

Carbonio CE allows you to synchronise folders that are not owned by the user to mobile devices. This applies to all Exchange ActiveSync item types, so you’ll be able to sync any shared email folder, contact book, calendar, or task list to mobile devices.

Specific functionality accessible on mobile devices may vary depending on the client.
  • The constraints for shared folder synchronisation are as follows:
  • A mountpoint referring to a whole account share cannot be synced.
  • It is not feasible to sync a shared folder subfolder since doing so would result in an incomplete folder tree.
A read-only share cannot be synced because the Exchange ActiveSync protocol does not support the idea of a read-only resource. Synchronising a read-only folder will result in severe discrepancies between the client and server, as well as several errors.
You can keep track of all the individuals with whom you exchange e-mails in the Contacts component and organise them into address books. Existing address books are displayed in the right-hand column of the component’s list.

You may add new contacts by clicking the NEW button and choosing New Contact; they will be saved in the Contacts section of the Contacts component.

People’s e-mail addresses are automatically added to the Emailed Contacts list.

Deleted contacts are saved in the Trash address book, which you may manually empty. To do so, right-click the address book and select Empty trash from the menu that appears.
Deleted contacts are saved in the Trash address book, which you may manually empty. To do so, right-click the address book and select Empty trash from the menu that appears.

A right-click on the address book lets you to do several actions on it and its contents, including editing, sharing, emptying, and deleting it. Additionally, new address books may be created.

Icons for each contact allow you to perform various operations such as deleting, moving, or sending an email to the contact.
If a coworker has shared an address book, you may find it by clicking the FIND SHARES button and entering the e-mail address. You will view all of the user’s address books.

Settings The Settings module allows you to adjust the design as well as the functionality of the modules. General, Mails, Calendar, and Contacts are the four configuration categories.

The Settings module allows you to change the modules’ look as well as their functionality. General, Mails, Calendar, and Contacts are the four configuration categories.