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Carbonio does not have an installer: when new versions are released, the Zextras repositories are updated, and packages are accessible for installation with other system updates. As a result, the upgrading operation is generally a simple one, including just a few instructions that must be run on each node.

The upgrade method comprises of a preparatory work, followed by the proper upgrade, which is same for each Node. Regardless of the version presently loaded, a successful upgrade will always update Carbonio to the most recent version available, which is now 24.1.0.

Depending on the packages updated and the version from which you are upgrading, you may need to do certain manual steps. Before beginning the update, please review the update Checklist to determine if any extra tasks are required.

Furthermore, if the upgrade incorporates third-party software, incompatibilities may occur, necessitating extra manual actions. The Troubleshooting section below includes advice on how to prevent or resolve certain situations.

Upgrade Checklist

This upgrade affects the following Roles or Packages, which require some manual intervention throughout the process.

This version contains a breaking change that may require some attention during the upgrading.

Some files were relocated from one package to another. Because package managers restrict a file from belonging to several packages, an error message will appear during the upgrade. You must ensure that the package is installed; consequently, these brake changes result in a somewhat different upgrading method, as described in Step 3. You can pick between two conflict resolution procedures: automated or manual. They are comparable and will guarantee that all of the packages are properly installed.

Preliminary tasks

As a preparatory job, we backup the Directory Server’s LDAP data. In a multi-server installation, run the following instructions on the node having the Directory Server Role installed.

  1. Dump the LDAP database, especially if the update includes the Directory Server. This may be done using the command (as the zextras user).
  2. Make a backup copy of the file /opt/zextras/conf/localconfig.xml and save it somewhere safe.
Upgrade Nodes.

Remember to begin the update with the node that contains the Directory Server, then proceed to the remaining nodes in the same sequence as they were installed.


This section contains remedies to several probable errors encountered during the upgrading procedure.

Installation of carbonio-docs-editor failed.

When installing Carbonio-docs-editor on RHEL 8-based systems, you may get the following error:

You must follow the advise in the last line and perform the command.

After installing the programme, you may restart the upgrade.

missing carbonio-docs-editor user

On RHEL 8-based Multi-Server setups, you may get the following error on all AppServers that do not have the carbonio-docs-editor package installed.

In these circumstances, examine the /opt/zextras/libexec/zmfixperms script, which fails, with a text editor and locate the following lines:

The remedy is to comment out these four lines by prepending a # to each line, such that it becomes:

Then run the script again.