Carbonio Email Service provider

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This page compiles different instructions and suggestions for issues that may come up when using Carbonio regularly that are connected to any installed third-party software.

Check the configuration of nginx

Since nginx’s configuration is spread out over several files, finding the problem’s root cause during operation may not always be possible.

There are two primary reasons why nginx could not function properly or even start:

Issues with PostgreSQL databases

A statement in the log file that reads something like: Here, the database named core can’t be accessed, resulting in failed SQL commands, indicates that a database has been inaccessible in some rare circumstances. When a database has the wrong owner, this sort of error occurs. The name of the user who is the owner of one of the databases indicated in Table 2 must match the name of the database on Carbonio.

By running the command as the postgres user whenever the owner of any of these databases is incorrect, you may remedy the problem.

Substitute the name of the database that produced the error for core.

Using the command Carbonio Mesh, you may verify that the database has the right owner after you’ve issued the command.
On the specific page for Carbonio Mesh troubleshooting, you may find instructions.
Troubleshooting a system
System tools like systemctl and journalctl, which the carbonio service smoothly connects with, make it possible to analyse the situation and look for potential issues more quickly.

You may use this command to start or stop all of the Carbonio units because the syntax follows the model used by Systemctl.
Run the command to check the status of all the Carbonio services.

Additional details on each device you can operate

Restart any services that are in a failing state. For instance, you must perform this command if the nginx Carbonio Monitoring exporter has not yet begun.

to have access to the logs that each unit produces.