Carbonio Email Service provider

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The information in this section is intended to provide an overview of licencing choices and renewals, and it is subject to change. Please fill out the Contact Us form for further information and enquiries.

Plans for Zextras Suite Licencing *Team Pro enhances Zextras Suite Pro with the following features:

  • Group conversations
  • Sharing of files
  • Sharing a screen
  • Server for video
  • External gatherings
  • Virtual Corporate Spaces
  • Discussion Forums
  • An Android and iOS native mobile app
Test Mode

Zextras Suite will run in Trial Mode if no licence is activated. All functionalities will be active for 30 days, with the following restrictions:

  • Only on the same Zimbra Infrastructure can previously backed up data be restored.
  • Data exported within 30 days of the current date can be restored through the Backup module.

This is determined by the timestamp of the export, not the timestamp of the things included therein: you will be able to import all items regardless of their date as long as they were exported within the last 30 days.

The brand-new Zextras Store

The redesigned Zextras Store offers a more user-friendly appearance and buying process. The primary page is the Customer Corner, which is separated into Orders and Profile sections. The first, shown in Fig. 3, shows the history of all orders, whereas the profile comprises information about the purchaser, such as corporate information, location, contacts, and so on.

A variety of crucial information is provided for each order, including the unique order ID, kind and expiration date, status, and cost. COMPLETE, PENDING, or RENEWED might be the status.

A series of icons (see Fig. 4) next to each order allows you to perform an action on the order.

Buy a New Zextras Suite Licence

Zextras Suite may be purchased straight from our website at Configure your Zextras Suite licence here.

  • To begin, input the total number of mailboxes on your Zimbra server (the minimum is 10 mailboxes).
  • Then, include the Zextras Suite Licence Plan: Pro vs. Mobile
  • If you select the Pro package, you may specify how many mailboxes you wish to licence with Zextras Team Pro (a minimum of ten).

After you’ve made your selection, the total cost of the licences is presented, and you may view the cost’s specifics. Choose your preferred payment option and then complete the order.

This section explains all of the available options for making changes to an existing Licence Plan, which are Renew a Zextras Suite Licence Plan, Upgrade a Zextras Suite Licence Plan, Change a Zextras Suite Licence Plan, or Add a Maintenance Service to a Perpetual Licence.

In all circumstances, it is assumed that you are already logged in to your Zextras account’s Customer Corner.

Renewal of the Zextras Suite Licence Plan

Renewing a licence implies extending the present Plan’s lifetime. To access the Renewal, pick the licence you wish to renew from the Orders page by clicking on the Renew symbol, and then enter the new expiration date in the Duration box.

The cost of the extended Licence Plan will be calculated and shown automatically by Zextras Store. Choose your preferred payment option and then complete the order.

Zextras Suite Licence Plan Upgrade

Upgrading a Licence Plan entails adding mailboxes and maybe extending the period. To access the upgrade, go to the Orders page and click on the Upgrade icon next to the licence you wish to upgrade.

Enter the new total mailbox count. For example, if you already have 10 mailboxes and wish to add 5, you must provide 15 characters.

The Zextras shop will automatically compute and display the cost of the additional mailboxes for the remainder of the life of your current licence. Choose your preferred payment option and then complete the order.

Modifying a Zextras Suite Licence Plan

To update a Licence Plan, such as replacing Zextras Suite Mobile with Zextras Suite Pro or adding Team Pro to Zextras Suite Pro, please fill out the Contact us form.

Add a Perpetual Licence Maintenance Service
The Maintenance Service is cumulative, and to receive technical help or install software updates, you must have a valid (i.e., not-expired) Maintenance Service subscription.

If your Maintenance Service membership has already ended, you must pay the Maintenance Service costs for the whole period missed, beginning with the expiration date. To add a Maintenance Service, choose the licence from the Orders page by clicking on the Upgrade symbol.

Check the box labelled Add another year of Maintenance Service; Zextras Store will calculate and display the cost of the Maintenance Service. Choose your preferred payment option and then complete the order.
How to Activate a BID
In some cases, the Sales Team can provide a BID code to a client (as seen in Fig. 5). In this scenario, from the Customer’s Corner, follow the actions stated below.
Choose whether to BUY NOW or PAY BY BANK TRANSFER. Payment will be done by credit card if you select the BUY NOW option.
The Zextras Suite licencing must cover the whole infrastructure.
The total number of account mailboxes on your Zimbra Server must be larger than or equal to the number of licenced mailboxes purchased.
How to Determine the Correct Number of Mailboxes
Simply open the Zimbra Administration panel, click on the ‘Zextras Suite’ option on the left, and then on ‘Core’ if you have Zextras Suite installed on your Zimbra infrastructure. The number displayed in the ‘Licence’ part of the page as ‘Your Mailboxes’ is the minimum number of mailboxes you must licence.
If you do not yet have Zextras Suite installed on your Zimbra infrastructure, you may do the following search in the Zimbra Administration Console: the number of results is the minimum number of mailboxes you need to licence.
Take notice of the numEntries value as well.