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Changelog for Release 23.7.0 of Carbonio

Availability: July 24, 2023

SHELL-27: The board may be scaled more effectively. New Features

Now the board can be scaled more successfully.such that the user may move the entire board to any point on the screen and post messages of various sizes and locations.

PREV-114: Improving the preview when data is retrieved from storage

While data is being retrieved from storage, the preview is enhanced. The retrieve data feature is no longer anticipated when numerous files are being opened simultaneously.

GIF Preview & Thumbnail Functionality in PREV-22

With this enhancement, the Carbonio Web Mail Files module will now show GIF files. When a GIF is added and then chosen, the previews and thumbnails show the actual content of the file rather than a still picture.

IRIS-4373: By default, a new calendar is activated when it is created.

The feature is now turned on by default when a user creates a new calendar.

IRIS-4333: New appointment attendee availability has increased

Now that messages stating “One or more attendees are not available at the selected time of the event” are displayed, we can quickly determine whether any visitor is accessible for a new appointment.

IRIS-4213: Print mail has an attachment indication

The presence of the attachment is now noted in the written text when we print new messages or save them as PDFs.

IRIS-3938: Improved move conversation functionality

The ‘shift’ feature now makes it possible to shift conversations seamlessly to any specified destination folder, which enhances the administration of email data in functioning shared mailboxes.

IN-595: A tty is started by the carbonio command.

Currently, the Carbonio command starts a tty and returns its value.

Clamav was upgraded to version 1.0.1 in IN-570.

The most recent Carbonio release’s default antivirus is currently Carbonio-clamav-1.0.1.

Carbonio files allow GIF preview thumbnail, bug number FILES-675

The Carbonio files now allow for GIF thumbnails and previews.

FILES-645: Upload fails with a clear red alert notification

A red alert signal is displayed next to the counter in the entry for “uploads” in the secondary bar whenever an upload fails.

FILES-644: File’s Uploads badge now behaves better

The Uploads badge in files now acts more appropriately and displays the right badge.

Files and Folders Count Feature (FILES-573)

Users may now view the number of chosen files and folders in the Files tab thanks to this update. Without the need for manual counting or estimating, this capability is meant to help users manage and comprehend the volume of data they are working with.

Delegation group initiation through CLI, COR-934

We’ve updated the AdminUI to include the ‘initDomainForDelegation’ CLI and API command in compliance with the rebuild role description. This command’s goal is to create delegation groups in the manner outlined in the paper, making it possible for better role management.

COR-914: Improved Carbonio JAR file structure

The Carbonio JAR package files now have better file organisation. The new structure facilitates the administration and processing of these files since the files are organised systematically based on module, service, and library.

CO-782: Improved draught deletion in a shared mailbox

Even when utilising shared mailboxes, the backend has been modified to reliably erase draughts from the authorised user’s mailbox after sending. Draughts that were sent from a shared mailbox but not erased due to this change are been fixed.

CO-756: Enhanced content security for external requests

Security threads are currently being upgraded for various external requests, such as document editing. To preserve a single CSP header, it has been modified to split zimbraReverseProxyResponseHeaders into carbonioReverseProxyResponseCSPHeaders.

CO-727: Files from a shared account can be saved as an attachment.

Users may now save attachments from shared mailboxes using the ‘Save to Files’ option, which enhances cross-account attachment management and boosts user productivity.

CO-694: Removed characteristics for subscribe to distribution list

Due to their long-standing deprecation, subscription/unsubscription characteristics have been taken off the distribution list.

CO-677: Updated consul token path for Carbonio-proxy

Carbonio-proxy’s consul token path has been changed to “/etc/carbonio/proxy/service-discover/token”.

Enhanced authentication error messages (AUTH-517)

Unauthenticated activities now have a better authentication error message.

Removed from distribution list after AC-723

The distribution list subscription’s deprecated property has been removed from the DL administration.

AC-693: CarbonioAmavisDisableVirusCheck can be controlled by administrators

From the administrative panel, the administrator may now regulate carbonioAmavisDisableVirusCheck.

AC-649: The administrator may modify the account’s domain

An existing account on another domain can now have its domain name changed by the administrator.

AC-624: Directions to forums and tickets are included in the feedback

Instructions on how to create a forum post or an open ticket are now included in the feedback.

Allowing administrators to request LetsEncrypt certificates is AC-483.

From the admin panel, the administrator may now obtain a LetsEncrypt certificate.

Account COS Inheritance management Enhancement (AC-453)

As a result of values obtained from the Class of Service, the inheritance behaviour has improved.

Improved HSM Settings Admin UI (AC-308)

Admins may now establish an HSM operation manually or on a schedule using the Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM Settings) panel in the Carbonio Web Admin UI. Additionally, it offers optional prompts for selecting the default policy or creating a customised one, selecting post-task deduplication, and configuring alerts for when a job is finished.

Admin may set up 2FA and a trusted network for AC-165

Now that 2FA and trusted networks are configurable at both the global and domain levels, administrators may set these settings in a variety of managers, including SMTP, IMAP, dAL, and user interfaces.

 Bugfix List: Save Settings Modal Functionality (SHELL-115)

The user must select one of the following alternatives when updating settings due to improved modal and user interface behaviour: the options “Cancel,” “Leave Anyway,” “Save and Leave,” or “Click outside the modal

Allow ‘&’ and ‘>’ characters on the out-of-office auto-response, per SHELL-101

Fixed a bug that prevented an out-of-office auto-reply from being delivered to the sender when it contained the letters “&”, “,” and “>.” The characters included in the out-of-office notification were the precise cause of the issue.

SHELL-70: The out-of-office part of the system is working.

The section marked “Out of Office” is now active. after choosing an option from the external sender’s drop-down menu.

SHELL-46: The user’s origin affects how the search criteria are applied

The search criteria are now changed based on the module the user came from when they browse to the search module from another module.

SHELL-32: Improved search options within of general settings

General settings’ search preferences are now correctly saved.

Enhanced folder list on selection (IRIS-4533)

After selecting the shared folder, the folders list is now presented as it should be; earlier, the selected folder was updated but was relocated to the end of the list; this problem has been fixed.

IRIS-4467: Better cancellation of an invitee’s appointment

After cancelling an appointment they were invited to, users may now choose to just tell the organiser.

System folder name validation is disabled, according to IRIS-4465

Users cannot rename system folders since the name checking has been turned off, but they may modify and change their colours.

Enhanced folder creation is IRIS-4456.

Even if you pick a different parent when using the New folder action, the new folder is still generated as a child of the Inbox folder. There was a bug that led to this; it has been fixed, and the new folder’s location is now accurate.

Calendar settings loop was addressed in IRIS-4447

The settings for the calendar’s rendering loop were fixed, which prevented the browser from crashing.

Improved Conversation Deletion Feature (IRIS-4441)

For chats, the “Delete” feature has been improved. Users may now relocate chats to the trash folder rather of permanently deleting them, giving them the option to search or retrieve them later if required.

Improved shared account draught and trash messages (IRIS-4440)

In shared accounts, trash and draught messages are now shown as distinct messages rather than as a conversation.

IRIS-4403: Improved state of the redirect button

The status of the redirect email button has been enhanced, and the message-specific buttons are now hidden until the entered email address is legitimate.

IRIS-4402: Redirect action error handling

By displaying the red snack bar when diverting to an incorrect email address or when the computer’s network is disabled, the mail redirect action is now enhanced.

IRIS-4390: A shared account’s ability to delete folders

Now available is the shared account folder deletion.

IRIS-4384: Improved moving of folders for power users

The speed of the interface has also enhanced, and moving folders for power users with a lot of folders has been made easier.

IRIS-4375: Shared item name can be changed by the user

Now that the user has accepted the sharing, they can easily update the shared calendar’s “item name” on the share notification email.

IRIS-4362: Messages are shown in my shared folders.

In shared with me folders, all messages are now visible, even when the destination mailbox’s setting is “view to message” and the source mailbox’s setting is “view to conversation”.

IRIS-4330: Error Feedback on the Creation of an Invalid Folder

The offset argument not being supplied to the search function has improved the behaviour of the infinite scroll in search results. Now, consumers have access to an endless array of search results.

IRIS-4315: Improved folder sharing

Now, when a user shares a folder, the “send notification about this share” checkbox is automatically selected.

IRIS-4265: Improved message movement in search results

The move message’s behaviour in search results has been enhanced, and the inactive “move” button now has a tooltip notifying the user that the chosen folder is already a child of the folder.

IRIS-4255: The mail context menu now includes a Show Original option

By right-clicking on a message item in the mail, you may now access the “show original” option in the context menu.

Improved Infinite Scroll in Search Results (IRIS-4236)

improved how the infinite scroll behaves while showing search results. This was brought on by the search function not receiving the offset argument. Users will be able to navigate through an endless list of search results without any hiccups thanks to this innovation.

Carbonio-docs-editor service activated onboot, DOCS-195

Services for Carbonio-docs-editor are now available when the system boots.

Fix for DOCS-194: Print functionality

The new Carbonio documentation core and editor have the print capability back.

Multi-instance clipboard capabilities in DOCS-193

The correct functionality of the clipboard in a multi-instance context is improved by this upgrade. This entails making sure the appropriate serviceId is used when carrying out copy-and-paste operations.

Language adjustment for docs-editor features: DOCS-192

The language of the document may now be changed by the user. When a user selects a language from the tools, Carbonio-docs-editor updates as necessary. menu.

CO-781: Zmconfigd now functions after updating from 23.6 to 23.7

Zmconfigd has been updated from version 23.6 to 23.7 and is now operational. Due to an issue that has since been resolved with the upgrade of Carbonio 23.7, Zmconfigd ceased to function.

focusing the domain and COS input dropdown fields

Now fully focused and functional input dropdown areas for COS and Domain.

Email Retention Ensure Unit Measure (AC-621)

The “Time Range” option now shows a unit of measure by default and not an empty field in the “E-mail Retention Policy”‘s “E-mail message lifetime” field. The default value for this parameter is now in “Seconds.” As a reminder, there are also “Minutes”, “Hours”, and “Days” units of measurement available.

Admin may modify the compression threshold value, AC-569

The storage compression threshold’s value may now be changed by the administrator.