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The Carbonio 23.5.0 Changelog was made public on May 15, 2023.

IRIS-3953: Subfolders in the Carbonio Web UI are not enlarged in the New Features List

Subfolders are not enlarged when the Carbonio Web UI is used for the first time.


 Maximum number of chips in the contact input increased For To, CC, and BCC, the maximum number of chips in the contact input has increased from 20 to 1000.

Document installation ignores the consul UUID, DOCS-171

When executing pending-setups after reinstalling the docs editor package, it should disregard consul UUID for existing entries.

When editing a document, one may view the information of other participants (DOCS-169).

Now, when someone edits a shared document, we can see their user name and other data.

Move the operation log to PostgreSQL (COR-842)

Postgres has now received the operation logs.
CO-659: Turn off antivirus protection

Amavis antivirus may now be disabled by administrators.
Carbonio-clamav as a service in consular mesh
As of right now, Carbonio-clamav upstream has been added for Carbonio-mta, and ClamAV is registered in Consul Mesh as a Service. The carbonio-clamav is mapped to an antiviral service by the carbonio-bootstrap. Carbonio-antivirus has replaced Carbonio-clamav. Additionally, the carbonio-bootstrap script allows for the modification of the carbonio-antivirus setting (true/false). The bootstrap script further offers the ability to change the notification address for AV alerts.

ZimbraSmtpRestrictEnvelopeFrom default value modification (CO-592)

To enhance the default management of bounce messages since the SPF alignment fails if the return path is different from that of the “From” address, change the default value of the “zimbraSmtpRestrictEnvelopeFrom” property from TRUE to FALSE.
AC-500: Admin can delete the user’s LDAP password

Using the admin panel, admin may now clear the user password from LDAP.
Admin may control user application credentials (AC-446)

Through the admin panel, Admin may now manage user application credentials.
The AD setup can confirm login with AC-417.

The login verify feature may now be used by the AD configuration to verify login.
Now that domains have been created, administrators may create and delete GalSync accounts from the admin panel.

SHELL-73: When one board tab is closed, another board tab opens properly.

After shutting one board tab, the others now function as planned.
Moving from one component to another causes the view to not reset, which is SHELL-47.

Currently, while switching between components, the view does not reset.
PS-459: Improved S3 bucket validation

A file is now uploaded to the bucket, read, and then removed to improve the testS3Connection command and ensure that the bucket is operationally sound.
PREV-110: File upload now includes a PDF thumbnail operating in the file upload windows is a PDF thumbnail

MOB-407: Fix for attachment name encoding using EAS

Fixed an issue that led to non-ASCII characters in attachment names being incorrectly encoded while synchronising via EAS.
IRIS-4241: A message’s or a conversation’s drag is operating as intended
It works as intended to drag a mail item from one folder to another one.
IRIS-4240: improved new appointment
You are now able to write naturally and concisely inside the text area on the board when making a new appointment.
Enhanced shared accounts is IRIS-4238.
Now, shared accounts may use the preview action’s moving message.
IRIS-4160: File, mail, contact, and calendar translations according to the specified language
Files, emails, contacts, and calendars are now translated into the chosen language. outcome as anticipated

IRIS-3974: Fixed Issue with Truncated Email Text

When reading an email, the problem known as “truncated text” arises where content between the “” and “>” letters is lost. This problem only affects the webmail user interface; it does not affect the Carbonio mobile app.
IRIS-3937: Improved Italian translation

while creating a brand-new email BCC is currently written CCN in Italian.
IRIS-3841: Fix UI problem for mail deletion

Fixed a problem that allowed deleted emails to remain visible in the inbox even after being erased. Now, when you click the trash symbol on an email, it is immediately deleted from your inbox.
IRIS-3524: Improved Polish translation

Now, the Polish translation is better.
Public shares for calendar work: IRIS-3353

Public Share Calendar operates as anticipated. All steps to verify have been completed.

FILES-638: The document can be opened in a certain version
Now, the user may access a certain version of the content without seeing a http 500 problem.
Share button is translated to the chosen language, FILES-629

The share button is now translated to the chosen language in accordance with the user account’s language settings.
FILES-624: Translation Improvement for the Search Button Accordion

This enhancement focuses on ensuring that the accordion operations of the search button are accurately translated into the chosen language.
COR-905: The password changing feature is working

Password changes are now possible for users.
Domain administrator not receiving json error, COR-901 When updating an account, domain admin does not encounter a json error.

Fix NoOp SOAP Request Failures with CO-695

The NoOp SOAP Request is now fixed when users enter into their accounts.
BCK-685: An improved usage example for setBackupVolume

The “Usage Example” section’s setBackupVolume instructions have all been updated.
Delegated Admin may control a user’s OTP and application credentials (AUTH-521).

Users’ OTP and credentials may now be managed by the Help Desk (Domain) Admin.
Fix for AC-575: DL and GAL button label wording

The user interface for the mailing list and GAL steps has been improved, particularly the size of the DL and GAL buttons. By scaling the buttons to properly show the text, the default behaviour has been improved.

AC-532: Delegated admin fields not flashing

The Public service protocol and time zone fields no longer flash while logged in as a delegated admin.
GalSync LDAP Filter enhancements (AC-526)

The correct value give has been substituted for gn in the GalSync LDAP Filter.Name
AC-522: Improved domain deletion

The materials are no longer accessible from anyone, and the deleted domain has been removed from the list of deleted domains.
Fix for AC-519: “Change to” button’s size in GAL setup

The “Change To…” button has been enlarged in the GAL setup user interface, which enhances the default behaviour by scaling the button to correctly show the content.
Improved restore account wizard (AC-478)

You can only move on with the restore account wizard now that the account to be restored has been chosen.