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The Indexing Process

Zextras Powerstore now has an External material Extractor for indexing attachment material. This eliminates the need for the resources to spend time reading the attachments.

The external content extractor works in tandem with the default engine in Zimbra. The core Zimbra indexing method examines an item’s contents and divides it into different portions depending on the MIME components of the object. The datastream is then sent to the Zextras Powerstore handlers for any additional material after Zimbra handles the indexing of known contents — plaintext.

The indexing engine incorporates an indexing cache, which speeds up the indexing process for previously analysed information. Smaller datastreams are not cached since the cache advantages only apply to big datastreams. Datastreams larger than 10Kb are cached by default, and the cache holds 10000 items.

Parser Controls Indexed Formats

Parsers can be enabled or disabled by using the zxsuite config CLI command to set the relevant value to true or false.

To deactivate PDF parsing, for example, run:

All parsers are activated by default.