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Configuring the mail servers to store mailbox items in the backup is possible using the Carbonio Admin Panel’s Backup GUI. Backup Restore Strategies are part of the backup procedures, however they can only be executed right now using the CLI. The Restore Account is the lone exception, and it can only be done using the GUI under Admin Panel Domains Manage Restore Account.

The settings are divided into two major sections: Global Server Settings, which are applicable to all defined storages, and Server Specifics, which allow you to specify distinct backup rules for each servers if you have built more than one server.

Global Server Configuration

The primary configuration choices are further divided into two sections: Server Config and Advanced, with Server Lists giving a summary of the backup’s current state on the specified servers.

Server Configuration

Options for the standard server operations are included in this section.

The Realtime scanner (Enable Realtime Scanner), the module itself (This module is activated at the starting), and the Smartscan (Run the Smartscan at the startup) may all be made to automatically start using the first three choices.

Set the directory where backups will be kept, which is by default /opt/zextras/backup/zextras/, and the threshold values (in Megabytes): how much space to reserve for backups and for the Metadata. These options pertain to the backup path.

The second choice is to specify the Smartscan’s schedule, or the times that it runs. The default setting of 0 4 * * * indicates that Smartscan will run every day at 4:00 AM.

The Backup Purge’s Schedule (which defaults to 0 4 * * 6, or at 4:00 AM on Saturdays), and the Retention Policy for items and accounts, which has a default value of 30 days, make up the final group of choices in this section.


Options to include data in backups that are by default excluded from backups are available in this section.

You may opt to include the entire server configuration and the LDAP dump in the backups, and you can purge outdated configurations to free up space.

The following selections enable saving the Index in a backup and accelerating searches: You may customise where the index is kept by using the following textfields.

Last but not least, there are two choices for the backup’s metadata: make sure they are updated each time the backup is saved (Flash metadata on the disc at every save) and make sure the user’s metadata are included in the remote backup (Archive user metadata folder in the remote backup).

Server Directory
The active settings (Backup upon startup, Realtime Status, Smartscan, Purge interval), whether the backup is local or remote, a description, and how much storage space the Metadata and the Backup take up are all displayed in this area.