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Some Carbonio customizations are included in this section. The installation instructions for the Carbonio Docs Custom Fonts have been relocated to the Carbonio User Guides area.

NGINX Schemas

An administrator could want to modify NGINX for a number of reasons, such as providing a unique header for internal audit. The NGINX configuration file will be rewritten after upgrades, thus editing it is not an option. The most practical choice is to utilise a template provided by NGINX. The remaining portions of this section provide some functional NGINX information that are pertinent to the customizations before demonstrating the process.

NGINX creates its initial configuration from files in two directories: /opt/zextras/conf/nginx/templates, which are then processed and saved in /opt/zextras/conf/nginx/includes, which are then read and utilised during regular operations. A separate directory called /opt/zextras/conf/nginx/template_custom includes files that override settings in the equivalent files in the templates directory, allowing for customised adjustments.

In other words, whenever the configuration is read, if a file with the same name exists in the templates and templates_custom folders, the one in the templates_custom directory is utilised.

This implies that a user must alter the built-in nginx.conf.web.http.default.template template instead of storing preferences in a file with a specific filename.

A few things are worth mentioning:

Every time a customised template is used, the processed file (the one located in the includes directory) will add a header indicating that the configuration was created using a customised template and providing instructions on how to return to the default.

Which template is selected and to which file it is saved will be recorded in the log file.

Adding a MariaDB index

In order to speed up some common Carbonio operations that occur frequently, it is feasible to add an index to the MariaDB database that saves emails when their volume reaches a certain threshold.

In fact, the Coherency Check feature of Carbonio Backup and the doCheckBlobs feature of Carbonio Advanced both check to see whether the hash of the files matches the one stored in the database and issue a warning if they don’t match, with the option to change the incorrect one for Carbonio Backup.

Both jobs work on a subset of data and restrict the amount of items altered by filtering the data by mailbox_id and location of the mail_item table in order to avoid and minimise any data loss in the event that a problem develops.

As a result, these two procedures might become database-intensive and extremely sluggish, to the point that they affect the entire inbox and are noticeable to all users.

Since Carbonio 23.1.0, you may use a script that is supplied with Carbonio to add an index to the location field, enhancing efficiency. Just execute the script, and you’re done. To add index to a location, follow these steps:

  1. Join zextras as a user.
  2. Head over to the scripts directory.
  3. Implement the script:

You can confirm that the mail_item table now has the new index from the MariaDB prompt after you’re finished.

Carbonio Docs with Custom Fonts

Fonts are often found in the /usr/share/fonts directory on a Linux system, and adding new font families is typically as easy as using the package manager. Use the following command, for instance, to install the Roboto fonts:

Copy all the files before allowing Carbonio Docs access to the fonts:

Then confirm that carbonio-docs-editor is the user who owns the whole fonts sub-tree:

Restart the service to finish.

On any Node where Carbonio Docs is installed, repeat these instructions.