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3.1.11 Zextras Suite

Date of release: May 17th, 2021


  • AUTH-202 is the issue number.
  • Change the title to login page.
  • Description: The title of the login page may now be changed.


  • BCK-492 is the issue number.
  • Title: Restoring a specific item on a fresh account
  • Improvements in the operation of appointment/calendar restoration
  • BCK-494 is the issue number.
  • Title: Restore speed improvements to operations
  • The restore operation has been enhanced to improve its speed.
  • BCK-496 is the issue number.
  • Index halted during restoration procedures
  • To enhance restoration speed, Zimbra indexing is now temporarily deactivated while conducting restore operations such as external restore and restore on a new account.
  • BCK-514 is the issue number.
  • LDAP dump generated during daily Smart Scan
  • Description: The daily Smart Scan procedure will now save an LDAP dump in the backup path.
  • BCK-518 is the issue number.
  • Title: Improved error message when missing blobs are discovered by the coherency check operation
  • The error message issued by the coherency check operation when a missing blob is discovered in the backup path has been clarified.
  • BCK-519 is the issue number.
  • Saved and restored account/COS/domain configuration
  • The Real-Time backup now saves account/COS/domain configuration as well. When recovering an account/COS/domain, the whole item setup is now recovered.
  • BCK-522 is the issue number.
  • Title: Improved error handling in backup coherency checks
  • The handling of problems during a coherency check while the backup is being repaired has been enhanced; now, if moving files away from the backup route is not feasible, an error will be issued.
  • BCK-534 is the issue number.
  • Title: Improved debug logs when transferring backups to a third-party storage location
  • The debug logs have been enhanced; now they report each remote call to the store, and each file upload to remote storage is logged for each folder.
  • BCK-540 is the issue number.
  • When a backup fix operation is missing, the coherency check’s backup fix operation is corrected. Drive blobs
  • Description: A fault in the backup coherency check process prohibited it from properly fixing the backup route when missing Drive’s blobs were present.
  • BCK-550 is the issue number.
  • By default, the doUndelete function now restores in the original folder.
  • The restoration within the source folder is now the default behaviour of the doUndelete command.
  • BCK-577 is the issue number.
  • workaround for doUndelete on restoring items in subfolders
  • Description: Fixed an issue that prohibited objects in subfolders from being correctly restored within their subfolder when using the doUndelete command.


  • COR-496 is the issue number.
  • Title: Improved notification empty list display
  • When the notifications list is empty, a status message appears informing administrators to click the refresh button to update the list. To refresh the list, a refresh button has been included.


  • TEAMS-1489 is the issue number.
  • Instant Meetings hosted on the server of the owner
  • Now, an instant meeting is hosted on the server where the user who creates the meeting lives.
  • TEAMS-2467 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Display a separate stream for screen sharing
  • In a meeting, users can submit two separate streams: one for camera and one for screen share.
  • TEAMS-2468 is the issue ID.
  • Autopin screen share is the title of this post.
  • while using Video Server during an instant conference, while sharing the screen, the view instantly changes to cinema and the new screen share session is pinned.
  • TEAMS-2544 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Group and instant-meeting history optimisations
  • The ability to reveal or hide the prior history of a group chat has been added to the group invitation feature. In addition, when a new user enters an instant meeting, they will not be able to access the past history. History, on the other hand, will always be apparent in spaces and channels. Furthermore, when a user quits a chat or the conversation is erased, the data from the clear conversation is destroyed.
  • TEAMS-2554 is the issue ID.
  • The service for cleaning up conversations messages has been deployed.
  • A cleaning service has been established for communications that are no longer accessible or visible.
  • TEAMS-2709 is the issue number.
  • Create an area without participants
  • It is now possible for users to establish places with no users.
  • TEAMS-2749 is the issue ID.
  • The modal window of an instant meeting is presented twice.
  • The modal windows for Instant meetings will no longer be displayed twice when adding attendees when creating an Instant meeting.
  • TEAMS-2761 is the issue number.
  • Refactored discussion order on forward modal
  • The chats with cleared history were incorrectly put to the top of the list in the forward modal box.
  • TEAMS-2777 is the issue ID.
  • Team answers’ content-type has been refactored.
  • Description: The Content-Type header will now be included in all HTTP replies except the 404 error, allowing Team to be used in conjunction with the “X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff” header.
  • TEAMS-2787 is the issue number.
  • Title: Fixed pin video icon during meeting
  • The ‘Pin video’ action has been repaired and is now displayed during meetings in both grid and cinema mode.
3.1.10 Zextras Suite

The release date is set for April 19th, 2021.


  • AUTH-189 is the issue number.
  • Login page’s title Zimbra settings
  • The login page now supports normal Zimbra settings.
  • AUTH-201 is the issue number.
  • Title: Login page colour palette problem resolved
  • Description: Resolved an issue that caused the Login button to vanish when the colour palette on the login page was changed.
  • AUTH-209 is the issue number.
  • Minor graphical refactoring by Auth Zimlet
  • Some unnecessary labels have been eliminated from the Auth zimlet.


  • BCK-422 is the issue number.
  • The external restore process now takes into account already existing directories.
  • If a folder with the same path and name already exists in the account, it will be utilised instead of creating a new one with the same name during an external restoration process.
  • BCK-485 is the issue number.
  • External restore operation now respects existing mount points
  • If a mount point with the same path has already been established by a filter in the account, it will be utilised instead of generating a new one during an external restoration operation.
  • BCK-491 is the issue number.
  • Backup on S3 storage class enhancement
  • The storage classes of items in the S3 store mirror the backup’s current storage class settings.
  • BCK-515 is the issue number.
  • Purge action during backup migration is now corrected.
  • If a purge operation happens during a backup migration procedure, it will be queued and will wait for the first operation to complete. The same thing happens if a purge process is in progress and a migration operation tries to commence. This prevents the migration from failing.
  • BCK-517 is the issue number.
  • Account scan information has been enhanced.
  • Account id and mailbox id are now reported in account scan alerts.
  • BCK-524 is the issue number.
  • Backup migration to a third-party store has been enhanced.
  • Description: The backup migration to a third-party storage now replicates the metadata, server configuration, and map files as well.
  • The progress bar will show the number of uploaded archives, server settings, and maps. If the server’s logs are configured to debug, a line will be reported for each file submitted. The final notice will no longer recommend running a smart scan with the deep and remote_metadata_upload parameters.


  • COR-489 is the issue number.
  • Notifications: sortable date column
  • The date column must be sortable and display the whole time field.
  • COR-492 is the issue number.
  • Detail panel on notification list disappears
  • There is no scroll bar, and scrolling to the final piece of the list causes the detail panel to vanish.
  • COR-508 is the issue number.
  • Auth deployment from Core
  • Auth Zimlet cannot be deployed via the Core panel.
  • COR-598 is the issue number.
  • Title: A new command to dump configuration has been added.
  • It is now able to dump configuration attributes, whether inherited or not.


  • DRIV-385 is the issue number.
  • Fix for the Content-Type header in Drive replies
  • Description: A problem that prohibited the Content-Type header from being included in requests has been fixed. If the “X-Content-Type-Options nosniff” header was set, Docs’ documents were not shown in some browsers.
  • DRIV-1031 is the issue number.
  • Title: Outlook Drive email alerts now have a larger logo.
  • When you create, amend, or revoke a Drive share, you’ll receive an email with the Drive logo. The picture size has been adjusted so that it appears appropriately in Outlook as well.
  • DRIV-1146 is the issue number.
  • Drive database queries accelerate improvements
  • The Drive database and queries have been optimised to improve file opening performance.
  • To prevent computing the maximum version of each node during the retrieve of the linked node and revision information, the current version has been added to the node table. Version 10 of the database has been released.


  • MOB-38 is the issue number.
  • Title: Turn on ABQ by global/cos/account.
  • The ABQ can be set at the COS and account levels.
  • MOB-305 is the issue number.
  • Title: Fixed recurrence of all weekdays in appointment synchronisation
  • Description: A issue was fixed that prevented appointments occurring on all weekdays from being correctly synchronised.
  • MOB-307 is the issue number.
  • Title: EAS Shared Calendar Organiser
  • When you create appointments on someone else’s calendar using EAS, the appointment is incorrectly interpreted as an invite accepted as tentative by the calendar’s owner.
  • MOB-340 is the issue number.
  • Synchronisation of EAS Contacts’ Birthdays
  • This fixes an issue in which ZxMobile shifts birthday times based on the server’s timezone, causing birthdays to be displayed a day before the proper data for GMT+x timezone.

Subscription Administration

  • SM-7 is the issue ID.
  • Notification of an expired licence
  • Description: A warning was given without the relevant information when the number of generated users exceeded the number of licenced users.


  • TEAMS-1837 is the issue ID.
  • Team desktop notification is now fixed.
  • Description: A issue that prevented zimbra tabs from opening when clicking on team desktop notifications has been fixed (chrome only).
  • TEAMS-2472 is the issue ID.
  • Fix: Leave group as the last participant
  • Description: A issue that caused an unending load page with the Team logo while exiting a group type chat as the final participant has been fixed.
  • TEAMS-2483 is the issue ID.
  • Clear history button now available
  • Description: A clear history button has been added in one-on-one discussions, groups, and spaces.
  • TEAMS-2500 is the issue ID.
  • Notifications about “who is writing”
  • This addresses an issue in which the “…is writing” message was displayed even after the chat user had completed writing.
  • TEAMS-2517 is the issue ID.
  • Title: IPv6-related video server problem resolved
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Video Server service from correctly binding to the 8188 port when the IPv6 interface was deactivated.
  • TEAMS-2524 is the issue ID.
  • Title: A new config parameter for user presence has been added.
  • Description: Sysadmins may now configure a configuration element to enable or prohibit the transmission or receiving of user presence information (“online”/”offline” status, “is writing” status, and “is writing” status).
  • TEAMS-2526 is the issue ID.
  • Title: A new configuration attribute for message readings (ACKs) has been added. 
  • Sysadmins may now configure a configuration attribute to enable or prevent obtaining information about message readings.
  • TEAMS-2573 is the issue ID. 
  • Date of meeting start/end
  • The team meeting service alerts now include a timestamp.
  • TEAMS-2574 is the issue ID. 
  • Meetings with a free signal
  • Description: Added a Free signal while waiting for other meeting attendees
  • TEAMS-2630 is the issue ID.
  • Title: A issue that mutes the client when the video is disabled by the user has been fixed.
  • Description: A bug that mutes the audio when the user disables the video has been fixed.
  • TEAMS-2726 is the issue ID.
  • The team connection problem has been resolved. 
  • Description: A issue that caused Team connection to be lost when downloading all attachments from an email has been fixed.
  • TEAMS-2743 is the issue number 
  • Fix for the Instant Meeting Bug
  • Fixed a rendering error that prevented instant meetings from starting properly.
  • TEAMS-2767 is the issue ID.
  • Team chats rendering solution
  • Description: A rendering error that prevented other participants’ names from appearing inside the chat title has been fixed.
3.1.9 Zextras Suite
Date of release: March 22nd, 2021
  • BCK-24 is the issue number.
  • Title: Improved and expanded on the restore blobs command for notifications.
  • After performing a restore blobs operation, the list of parameters is now appropriately shown.
  • BCK-437 is the issue number. 
  • Backup’s CLI doItemRestore supports parameters in a variety of formats.
  • Description: The CLI now accepts the account’s name or id as an input.
  • BCK-439 is the issue number 
  • BackupChatEnabled property default value has been changed to false.
  • Description: The backup is now off by default.
  • BCK-446 is the issue number.
  • Undelete command now has a new argument.
  • It is now possible to recover deleted objects in their original folder using the undelete command.
  • BCK-447 is the issue number
  • NullPointerException repaired during purge with third-party backup
  • Description: A issue was fixed that prohibited the purge process from being completed if third-party backup on S3 was enabled.
  • BCK-461 is the issue number 
  • The command doRestoreOnNewAccount has been updated.
  • Description: Fixed an issue that prohibited previously deleted accounts from being restored when a backup had several accounts with the same name.
  • BCK-493 is the issue number.
  • The backup on the external storage has been corrected.
  • Description: Improved the check to see if a backup is moved to a new bucket using the same credentials. The creation of backup volumes straight from the migrate/set command has been fixed.
  • COR-515 is the issue number 
  • fix for doDeployClientZimlet download
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the zimlet to be downloaded from the incorrect path.
  • COR-516 is the issue number.
  • The error message for the doDeploy command has been updated with explanation.
  • When the doDeploy command fails now, a notice with the error and an explanation is presented.
  • COR-572 is the issue number.
  • The GetAllOperations command has been updated.
  • Description: A issue that prohibited the right output from being presented while no operations were ongoing has been fixed.
  • COR-584 is the issue number
  • The presentation of the configuration status has been enhanced.
  • Description: In the case of out-of-sync nodes, the config status now provides the problems as well as the reasons.
  • DOCS-113 is the issue number 
  • Title: Popup error if user clicks on preferences before zimlet loads completely
  • Description: A popup error occurs when a user clicks on preferences before the Docs zimlet has finished loading.
  • DRIV-974 is the issue number.
  • Title: Fixed special characters in Drive file name
  • It is now able to store attachments with a single quotation in the name into Drive.
  • MOB-306 is the issue number.
  • Title: Fixed file download from shared folders
  • Description: A issue that prohibited attachments from being downloaded from emails in shared folders has been fixed.
  • MOB-308 is the issue number.
  • EAS autocomplete settings honour zimbra contacts autocomplete
  • When drafting a new email using an EAS device, autocomplete on the recipient address will search in local contacts, GAL, or shared contacts, based on Zimbra contacts settings (zimbraPrefSharedAddrBookAutoCompleteEnabled, A_zimbraPrefGalAutoCompleteEnabled).
  • PS-286 is the issue number.
  • Fixed logs for the mailbox purge command
  • Description: A issue that incorrectly showed the logs for the mailbox cleanse
  • command has been fixed.
  • PS-291 is the issue number.
  • DoMailboxMove now provides an error if any arguments are missing.
  • Description: Added an error message that appears when a user attempts to conduct a mailbox transfer operation via CLI without supplying any parameters or with the incorrect ones.
  • PS-297 is the issue number.
  • BulkDelete service is now operational.
  • Description: A issue that did not repeat unsuccessful removals on the local file system has been fixed.
  • TEAMS-2054 is the issue ID.
  • Improved Instant Meeting User Interface 
  • Description: A significant UI update for Instant Meeting, with a new layout featuring grid-mode or cinema-mode, both with fullscreen support; see who is speaking, utilise the push to talk function, or mute/unmute someone with microphone troubles. If your meeting is huge, you may cycle over the participants list, which is cleaner and more organised. Resizing the window will automatically adapt every ui component of the current meeting. If the owner is still present, the Instant Meeting will remain open; otherwise, if the owner has departed and you are the final person present, the Instant Meeting will shut automatically.
  • TEAMS-2128 is the issue ID
  • Mute alerts button has been added.
  • Mute notifications button added in one-on-one discussions, groups, and spaces.
  • TEAMS-2167 is the issue ID.
  • Mute function for talks has been implemented.
  • To prevent alerts, it is now able to mute discussions, groups, and places.
  • TEAMS-2353 is the issue ID.
  • Meeting views on grid mode have been enhanced, according to the title.
  • During a meeting, a user may now check if other users are chatting by looking at the green border that displays on their panel.
  • TEAMS-2356 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Separation of small tiles
  • Because of its margin, stream components are more evident.
  • TEAMS-2357 is the issue ID 
  • Title: Fixed notification writing in talks
  • If the connection to the server is lost during writing, the “is writing” signal will stay until the user logs out. This has now been resolved.
  • TEAMS-2376 is the issue ID.
  • The chat list filter has been enhanced, as the title suggests.
  • When a user clicks on the “chats” tab after filtering the chat list, the filter is reset.
  • TEAMS-2380 is the issue ID 
  • Title: Removed alerts for join, leave, and kicked messages on channels and spaces. 
  • Description: Removed message alerts from channel and space badges when someone enters, leaves, or is thrown out of a channel or space, but only if these messages were received during the session.
  • TEAMS-2382 is the issue number. 
  • Title: A new call button has been introduced to mini-chat.
  • Description: A new button has been added to the mini-chat header that allows you to call the other member/members that are involved in the conversation.
  • TEAMS-2384 is the issue number.
  • Title: A new button has been introduced to navigate from the Team tab to the associated mini-chat.
  • Description: A new button on the discussion header has been added to lead you to the associated mini-chat.
  • TEAMS-2385 is the issue number.
  • Title: A new button for switching from the mini-chat to the Team tab has been introduced.
  • Description: A new button has been added to the mini-chat header that allows you to navigate to the associated conversation on the Team page.
  • TEAMS-2392 is the issue number.
  • Title: Team user search does not conduct excessive searches  
  • Check to see whether the team search does too many searches.
  • TEAMS -2433 is the issue ID. 
  • Copy has been added to the message menu.
  • Copy capability has been added to the bubble contextual menu.
  • TEAMS-2477 is the issue ID
  • Mailbox relocation must account for silence
  • When moving a mailbox, even silent chat information should be transferred.
  • TEAMS-2491 is the issue ID
  • GetHistory does not display deleted messages
  • GetHistory does not display deleted messages.
  • TEAMS-2498 is the issue ID
  • Add papyrous as a backdrop image for chat  
  • Add papyrous as a chat backdrop image.
  • TEAMS-2615 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Video Server installer distinguishes between Zimbra NE and OSE installations 
  • The Video Server installer now includes the command to execute to setup it on both Zimbra Network Edition and Zimbra Open Source Edition.
  • TEAMS-2620 is the issue ID. 
  • Title: Multi-version cluster error
  • When a user on a server using APIv9 initiates a communication with a user on a server using APIv10, an exception is raised.
  • TEAMS-2621 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Janus calls bug on rooms fixed 
  • Fixed a problem that prohibited calls in rooms from being launched if the rooms were on a different server than the user’s.
3.1.8 Zextras Suite
Date of release: February 22nd, 2021
  • AUTH-196 is the issue number.
  • Improvements in logging
  • When an invalid credential is used, further information is added to the log.
  • BCK-291 is the issue number 
  • Missing Blob logging enhancement 
  • Description: Missing Blob log lines have been improved.
  • BCK-364 is the issue number. 
  • Improvement of Coherency Check logic 
  • The Coherency Check’s anomaly and error management logic has been enhanced.
  • BCK-431 is the issue number. 
  • Bugfix for doStopAllOperation realtime scanner queue
  • Due to a problem, the doStopAllOperations command did not correctly clear away outstanding RealTime Scanner operations from the operation queue.
  • BCK-433 is the issue number. 
  • Title: All ldap master hosts’ backups have been added. 
  • Description: A bug in the command zxsuite core getnotification was fixed when a host was supplied with -host.
  • Fix for remote getnotification 
  • Description: A bug in the command zxsuite core getnotification was fixed when a host was supplied with -host.
  • DOCS-95 is the issue number.
  • Bugfix for Docs Sidebar View 
  • The sidebar in Docs appears broken due to certain missing icons.
  • DOCS-117 is the issue number. 
  • Improvement in Docs Logging 
  • Docs logging has been improved; now, save activities are reported in /opt/zimbra/log/docs-server.log.
  •  DOCS-118 is the issue number.
  • Removal of Docs Idle/Standby 
  • Docs no longer goes into idle/standby mode, remaining available to welcome user interaction.
  • DOCS-125 is the issue number.
  • Docs document limitation bugfix 
  • Description: A issue that caused a server-side restriction of 50 concurrent documents has been fixed.
  • MOB-288 is the issue number. 
  • Title: ABQ now has regex filtering. 
  • It is now able to filter devices using RegEx using a specialised ABQ command set
  • MOB-301 is the issue number. 
  • Eas 2.5 and Samsung allday calendar item repair
  • Description: Resolved an issue in which allday calendar events made or accepted on mobile were shifted to the day prior if the device was Samsung or used an earlier eas version.
  • PS-276 is the issue number.
  • Powerstore cache enhancement 
  • Several incomplete blobs were left behind in the cache after a mailboxd failure or restard under severe demand.
  • PS-277 is the issue number.
  • ‘doMailboxMove’ may now relocate mailboxless accounts. 
  • The doMailboxMove command may now relocate accounts that do not have a mailbox.
  • PS-284 is the issue number.
  • Fix for Mailbox Move Concurrency Issue 
  • Fixed an issue that caused mailbox movements to stall when disc indexing was running on the same mailbox.
  • TEAMS-2265 is the issue ID.
  • doDeployTeamZimlet error line repair 
  • Description: Corrected the error output that appeared when doDeployTeamZimlet failed; earlier, it wrongly referred to Drive.
  • TEAMS-2297 is the issue ID.
  • The usage of several video servers is now possible.
  • The strict limit of one VideoServer per infrastructure has been removed. Multiple VideoServer instances can now be run on the same infrastructure.
  • TEAMS-2310 is the issue ID.
  • Handling messages greater than 4096 characters
  • Description: Instant messages with more than 4096 characters are now truncated and do not remain in the queue.
  • TEAMS-2312 is the issue ID.
  • Title: # character added to channels
  • The character # has been added to the front of channel names.
  • TEAMS-2366 is the issue ID 
  • Improvement of Edit Message Behaviour
  • Edited messages in 1:1 chats, groups, places, or channels are not resent if the content has not changed.
  • TEAMS-2405 is the issue ID.
  • Font for instant messaging interface
  • Fonts now honour the small-normal-large-verylarge display font size selection for the instant messaging functions.
  • TEAMS-2447 is the issue ID.
  • Improvements to the VideoServer installation 
  • The VideoServer installer has been modified to eliminate several edge circumstances that might cause the installation to fail.
3.1.7 Zextras Suite
The release date is set for January 25th, 2021.
  • AUTH-131 is the issue number.
  • “Password Label” navigation arrow keys
  • When entering a new Auth password, the arrow keys did not operate in the “Password Label” box due to a flaw.
  • AUTH-184 is the issue number
  • Option to disable domain configuration warnings
  • It is now possible to suppress the domain warning if the zimbraPubliService variables are not configured
  • AUTH-185 is the issue number.
  • Update on account credential generation
  • If qrcode is set to false, it is now possible to establish a user credential even if the zimbraPublicServiceHostname is not configured.
  • BCK-414 is the issue number.
  • DoRestoreOnNewAccount feedback enhancement 
  • Description: The output of doRestoreOnNewAccount operations has been improved; now, if a non-existing source account is supplied, the right result is delivered.
  • COR-568 is the issue number.
  • Updates to i18n (Core)
  • Updates to the i18n on Core modules
  • DOCS-80 is the issue number.
  • Open Documents pages in a new browser  
  • To increase usability, Docs documents are now opened in a different browser tab.
  • DRIV-1008 is the issue number.
  • i18n Updates (Drive) is the title of this file.
  • Description: Drive i18n updates
  • MOB-295 is the issue number.
  • Title: Workaround for Outlook for Mac recurring appointment synchronisation
  • Description: A workaround has been included to address an Outlook for Mac error that causes recurring appointments to be set with incorrect recurrence metadata and consequently fail to sync to mobile devices via EAS.
  • PS-278 is the issue number.
  • Improvement in volume removal performance
  • Description: The volume removal check has been improved so that when a volume is removed, the system only checks once to see if there is data on that disc.
  • TEAMS-1897 is the issue ID.
  • TEAM infopanel enhancement is the title of this post.
  • The layout of the team infopanel has been refactored to increase usability.
  • TEAMS-1999 is the issue ID.
  • Team UI Refactoring is the title of this project.
  • Refactored various UI components to make them more efficient and useful.
  • TEAMS-2066 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Image Improvement in Replies
  • Description: Improved picture alignment when responding to 1:1 conversations or group messages; the list is no longer inverted.
  • TEAMS-2067 is the issue ID.
  • Copy of the Zimlet version has been included.
  • Description: When utilising instant messaging services, you may now copy the zimlet version by just clicking it.
  • TEAMS-2158 is the issue ID.
  • Fix for space addowner
  • Description: A bug that prevented the administrator from adding space owners has been fixed.
  • TEAMS-2172 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Instant meetings placeholder page loaded on mobile browser
  • Description: Instant meetings launched via a received link on a mobile device led the browser to load a web page indefinitely. This was unclear for users, and an adjustment in UX/UI was required.
  • TEAMS-2197 is the issue ID.
  • Improvements to the Message Edit Interface
  • Description: TEAM’s edit capability for messages has been improved, increasing the editing section.
  • TEAMS-2233 is the issue ID.
  • Bugfix for the microphone/webcam modal pop-up
  • Description: A issue that allowed the first “Microphone/Webcam” modal to remain open while entering an Instant Meeting as an external guest has been fixed.
  • TEAMS-2245 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Closed a logic gap that enabled forwarded messages to be forwarded.
  • In groups/spaces/channels and 1:1 discussions, it is no longer possible to forward forwarded messages.
  • TEAMS-2249 is the issue ID.
  • Improvement to the original sender of forwarded messages
  • Messages sent in conversations/groups/spaces/channels now display who authored them, even if the sender is not a contact.
  • TEAMS-2259 is the issue ID.
  • Updates on i18n (Team)
  • Updates to the i18n for Team
  • TEAMS-2263 is the issue ID.
  • Quick access sidebar has been deleted from the title.
  • The Quick Access sidebar in the “Mail” view, which displayed the most recent discussions and allowed users to initiate chats, has been eliminated.
3.1.6 Zextras Suite
Date of release: January 4, 2021
  • AUTH-132 is the issue number.
  • Cli orders a date improvement
  • Description: Improved the output of the zxsuite auth commands; now returned dates are not in epoch format.
  • AUTH-151 is the issue number.
  • Auth credential backup enhancement
  • Description: The auth backup behaviour has been improved; now, instead of merely the daily operation, the real-time scanner adds credentials to the backup.
  • AUTH-165 is the issue number.
  • Changes to the Auth saml output default settings
  • The default output format of zxsuite auth saml get has been changed from json to text.
  • AUTH-166 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to Auth commands
  • Improvements to the zx auth saml commands; all is now the default key value.
  • AUTH-174 is the issue number.
  • Cli orders a date improvement
  • Description: Improved the output of the zxsuite auth commands; now returned dates are not in epoch format.
  • AUTH-175 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to Auth cli commands
  • Improvements to the samples supplied by the zxsuite auth commands, which now utilise generic names such as and
  • BCK-367 is the issue number.
  • Restoreonnewaccount log enhancement
  • Description: Improved the logs for restoreonnewaccount operations so that they no longer include information about the delegated admin function because such settings are not restored when using this option.
  • BCK-403 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to the bucket cli command
  • Description: Improved the positioning of bucket cli commands, which are now located under zxsuite core.
  • BCK-411 is the issue number.
  • Title: Change the backup route without restarting the mailboxd
  • Backup can now manage changes to the backup path without restarting the mailboxd.
  • MOB-280 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to Exchange ActiveSync malformed email synchronisation
  • When a message cannot be processed by Zimbra, the device synchronisation via EAS no longer breaks.
  • MOB-282 is the issue number.
  • Title: Acceptance appointment description problem repaired
  • Description: A issue caused the appointment description to be removed when accepting it via Exchange ActiveSync.
  • MOB-287 is the issue number.
  • Fix for a problem in a mobile shared folder
  • Description: A bug that prevented mobile devices from synchronising shared folders has been fixed.
  • TEAMS-2069 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Missing Team Replacement
  • When the cursor is lingering over the Team portion of the menu, text is now returned.
  • TEAMS-2143 is the issue ID.
  • Scroll feature has been added to instant messaging responses.
  • By clicking on the text connected to responses to instant messages, you may now scroll to the original message.
  • TEAMS-2166 is the issue ID.
  • Improvements to the visualisation of forwarded instant messages
  • Long forwarded instant message text is no longer clipped, making it simpler to read.
3.1.5 Zextras Suite
The film will be released on November 30th, 2020.
  • AUTH-161 is the issue number.
  • Title: The mobile password must be unique to EAS.
  • Description: A issue that allowed the account’s password to be used for EAS synchronisation even if a Mobile Password was configured has been fixed.
  • AUTH-170 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to the “Domain configuration missing” notice
  • Description: The “Domain configuration missing” warning from Auth will now disregard domain aliases and will only be issued once per day.
  • BCK-404 is the issue number.
  • Title: Corrected a mistake in the smartscan email log
  • In the “smartcan completed” email, a missing hyphen was added.
  • BCK-406 is the issue number.
  • Title: S3 backup volume creation fixed
  • Description: Fixed an issue that prevented backup volumes from being created successfully when S3 credentials were given to the command.
  • COR-485 is the issue number.
  • Fixed drive start-up switch
  • Description: A bug in the online admin panel prevented administrators from disabling drives upon startup.
  • COR-504 is the issue number.
  • CLI commands for email address input validation
  • Input validation has been introduced to the CLI to alert the administrator when incorrect email addresses are entered.
  • DOCS-103 is the issue number.
  • By default, the sidebar is hidden.
  • The sidebar is now disabled by default in Docs to make the UI more transparent.
  • DOCS-105 is the issue number.
  • Redirected unauthenticated access to documents
  • Unauthenticated access to documents has been diverted to the login page.
  • DRIV-993 is the issue number.
  • Title: Distribution lists with fixed drive shares
  • Fixed an issue that prevented drive objects from being shared with distribution lists.
  • DRIV-1002 is the issue number.
  • Updated zimbraXversion to 4.0.0.
  • Updated the zimbraXVersion value in the com_zimbra_drive_modern zimlet manifest.
  • MOB-266 is the issue number.
  • Improvement of the follow-up flag
  • Description: The logic of FlagType has been changed so that mail delivered using Exchange ActiveSync does not automatically include the follow-up flag.
  • MOB-276 is the issue number.
  • Title: All day activities added to the wrong day corrected
  • Description: Fixed a timezone error that caused all-day events produced using Exchange ActiveSync to be added to the previous day instead of the right one on webmail.
  • PS-260 is the issue number.
  • Migration of deprecated drivesecondarystore values
  • Description: Added the automated construction of a hsm rule to implement what was previously done using the driveSecondaryStore argument.
  • PS-271 is the issue number.
  • doCreateVolume command enhanced for centralised volumes
  • Description: The doCreateVolume command has been updated to provide feedback to the administrator when it is executed.
  • PS-275 is the issue number.
  • Title: Improved zxsuite online assistance 
  • Description: Additional examples for executing a docheckblobs operation without arguments have been added.
  • TEAMS-1789 is the issue number.
  • Team account status awareness has been included to the title.
  • Description: The team now checks to see if the account status is “maintenance” and, if not, sends or receives further messages for it.
  • TEAMS-1873 is the issue ID.
  • Addition of Instant Message Functions
  • Edit, Delete, Forward, and Reply to messages in chats, groups, and channels have been added.
  • TEAMS-1895 is the issue ID.
  • There is no title
  • There is no description
  • TEAMS-1938 is the issue number.
  • Ticket #36850, Case 01043426, [TSE]
  • Description: Issue TEAMS-1977 User Report
  • TEAMS-1970 is the issue ID.
  • TEAM loading screen enhancement
  • TEAM’s starting screen has been improved; an animation now informs the user that the programme is loaded
  • TEAMS-1987 is the issue ID.
  • Fixing instant message text cleaning
  • Description: Resolved an issue where the minichat’s instant message textbox was not cleaned when the message was sent from the TEAM tab using the send button instead of enter.
  • TEAMS-2013 is the issue ID.
  • Changed the behaviour of the deactivate microphone.
  • Description: Changed the disable microphone behaviour such that just the local device is muted rather than all user devices.
  • TEAMS-2019 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Minor graphic problem corrected
  • Description: On Modern, a problem that caused a modal window’s buttons to be wrongly positioned while initiating a new instant meeting while another one was already running was fixed.
  • TEAMS-2020 is the issue ID.
  • Fixing new immediate meeting window buttons
  • Description: Resolved an issue that prevented all abort buttons from working when starting a new instant meeting while another one was already going.
  • TEAMS-2026 is the issue ID.
  • Changed the “Mute” behaviour
  • The “Mute” button has ben renamed “Mute for all”
  • TEAMS-2027 is the issue ID.
  • Meeting screenshare termination repair
  • Fixed an issue that caused a screenshare to continue after the group/space/channel/instant meeting window was closed.
  • TEAMS-2028 is the issue ID.
  • Improvement of screen sharing avatar behaviour
  • Description: Improved the positioning of the screen sharing avatar so that it no longer makes the screen sharing function difficult to use.
  • TEAMS-2034 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Download concurrency problem resolve 
  • Fixed a bug that caused video conferencing and instant messaging to be unavailable for a few seconds while mail attachments were being downloaded.
3.1.4 Zextras Suite
Date of release: November 2nd, 2020
  • BCK-308 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to account deletion logging 
  • Description: Improved account deletion logging, which resulted in non-relevant lines being reported while the backup service is active but not initialised.
  • BCK-366 is the issue number.
  • Improvement to External Restore Backward Compatibility 
  • Description: When restoring data from backups produced on extremely ancient versions, tag data is now successfully imported.
  • BCK-384 is the issue number.
  • Title: Disable chat backup option added
  • It is now possible to remove the chat backup from the scheduled operation.
  • BCK-385 is the issue number.
  • Improved restoration date management 
  • When a restoration is attempted with a date prior to the account’s initial backup, a more legible error is provided.
  • BCK-386 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for doExport admin mail 
  • Description: Corrected the value of the backup export directory returned in the administrator’s operation log email.
  • BCK-399 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Added backup to external volume support 
  • It is now able to utilise an external volume, such as an S3 bucket, as a backup storage location.
  • COR-417 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for core page inaccessibility due to expired licence 
  • Fixed an issue that rendered the main area of the zextras menu inaccessible with an expired licence.
  • DOCS-92 is the issue number.
  • Updated Docs Codebase 
  • Upgraded the libreoffice component to version 4.2.6.
  • DOCS-99 is the issue number. 
  • Roboto font has been added to Docs. 
  • The Roboto Font has been added to Docs.
  • DOCS-106 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Safari compatibility problem resolved
  • Description: Resolved an issue that prevented DOCS from opening and resulted in a security mistake.
  • DRIV-83 is the issue number. 
  • Drive maintenance mode handling has been included.
  • Drive no longer displays objects shared by an account when in maintenance mode.
  • DRIV-933 is the issue number. 
  • Drive latest version editing error fixed 
  • Description: Fixed an issue that caused an error to appear if a user possessed a disc object that had been last updated by another user and no longer existed.
  • DRIV-952 is the issue number. 
  • Version has improved deleted user handling. 
  • Improved the Drive version list so that if a user who updated a file is deleted, the “deleted user” is now shown in the versions list.
  • DRIV-956 is the issue number. 
  • Handling shared folders on fixed drives 
  • Description: Fixed an issue that prevented users from uploading files to a shared folder on a separate server.
  • DRIV-988 is the issue number.
  • Fix for increasing public share
  • Description: Resolved an issue that resulted in an error while opening the link to a public shared item.
  • MOB-239 is the issue number.
  • Appointment acceptance date/time fix
  • When an appointment is accepted via Exchange ActiveSync, its date and time are modified to reflect the acceptance. This has now been resolved.
  • MOB-242 is the issue number. 
  • Addition of mobile custom zimbraId handling 
  • Description: Mobile support for accounts with a custon zimbraID uuid has been added.
  •  MOB-248 is the issue number. 
  • Mobile password management has been removed from the Admin GUI. 
  • To comply with the new multiple mobile password management, the mobile password management has been removed from the Admin GUI.
  • MOB-254 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for mobile calendar location settings 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented calendar syncronization if a location was specified but some fields were not compiled.
  • BCK-308 is the issue number. 
  • Improvements to account deletion logging
  • Description: Improved account deletion logging, which resulted in non-relevant lines being reported while the backup service is active but not initialised.
  • BCK-366 is the issue number. 
  • Improvement to External Restore Backward Compatibility 
  • Description: When restoring data from backups produced on extremely ancient versions, tag data is now successfully imported.
  • BCK-384 is the issue number.
  •  Title: Disable chat backup option added 
  • It is now possible to remove the chat backup from the scheduled operation.
  • BCK-385 is the issue number. 
  • Improved restoration date management 
  • When a restoration is attempted with a date prior to the account’s initial backup, a more legible error is provided.
  • BCK-386 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for doExport admin mail 
  • Description: Corrected the value of the backup export directory returned in the administrator’s operation log email.
  • BCK-399 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Added backup to external volume support 
  • It is now able to utilise an external volume, such as an S3 bucket, as a backup storage location.
  • COR-417 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for core page inaccessibility due to expired licence
  • Fixed an issue that rendered the main area of the zextras menu inaccessible with an expired licence.
  • DOCS-92 is the issue number.
  • Update to the Docs Codebase
  • Upgraded the libreoffice component to version 4.2.6.
  • DOCS-99 is the issue number. 
  • Roboto font has been added to Docs.
  • The Roboto Font has been added to Docs.
  • DOCS-106 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Safari compatibility problem resolved
  • Description: Resolved an issue that prevented DOCS from opening and returned a security error
  • DRIV-83 is the issue number.
  • Drive maintenance mode handling has been included.
  • Drive no longer displays objects shared by an account when in maintenance mode.
  • DRIV-933 is the issue number. 
  • Drive latest version editing error fixed 
  • Description: Fixed an issue that caused an error to appear if a user possessed a disc object that had been last updated by another user and no longer existed.
  • DRIV-952 is the issue number. 
  • Version has improved deleted user handling. 
  • Improved the Drive version list so that if a user who updated a file is deleted, the “deleted user” is now shown in the versions list.
  • DRIV-956 is the issue number.
  • Handling shared folders on fixed drives 
  • Description: Fixed an issue that prevented users from uploading files to a shared folder on a separate server.
  • BCK-308 is the issue number. 
  • Improvements to account deletion logging 
  • Description: Improved account deletion logging, which resulted in non-relevant lines being reported while the backup service is active but not initialised.
  • BCK-366 is the issue number. 
  • Improvement to External Restore Backward Compatibility 
  • Description: When restoring data from backups produced on extremely ancient versions, tag data is now successfully imported.
  • BCK-384 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Disable chat backup option added 
  • It is now possible to remove the chat backup from the scheduled operation.
  • BCK-385 is the issue number. 
  • Improved restoration date management 
  • When a restoration is attempted with a date prior to the account’s initial backup, a more legible error is provided.
  • BCK-386 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for doExport admin mail 
  • Description: Corrected the value of the backup export directory returned in the administrator’s operation log email.
  • BCK-399 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Added backup to external volume support 
  • It is now able to utilise an external volume, such as an S3 bucket, as a backup storage location.
  • COR-417 is the issue number 
  • Fix for core page inaccessibility due to expired licence 
  • Fixed an issue that rendered the main area of the zextras menu inaccessible with an expired licence.
  • DOCS-92 is the issue number. 
  • Updated Docs Codebase 
  • Upgraded the libreoffice component to version 4.2.6.
  • DOCS-99 is the issue number. 
  • Roboto font has been added to Docs.
  • The Roboto Font has been added to Docs.
  •  DOCS-106 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Safari compatibility problem resolved
  • Description: Resolved an issue that prevented DOCS from opening and resulted in a security mistake.
  • DRIV-83 is the issue number. 
  • Drive maintenance mode handling has been included
  • Drive no longer displays objects shared by an account when in maintenance mode.
  • DRIV-933 is the issue number. 
  • Drive latest version editing error fixed
  • Description: Fixed an issue that caused an error to appear if a user possessed a disc object that had been last updated by another user and no longer existed.
  • DRIV-952 is the issue number. 
  • Version has improved deleted user handling. 
  • Improved the Drive version list so that if a user who updated a file is deleted, the “deleted user” is now shown in the versions list.
  • DRIV-956 is the issue number. 
  • Handling shared folders on fixed drives
  • Description: Fixed an issue that prevented users from uploading files to a shared folder on a separate server.
  • DRIV-988 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for increasing public share
  • Description: Resolved an issue that resulted in an error while opening the link to a public shared item.
  • MOB-239 is the issue number. 
  • Appointment acceptance date/time fix 
  • When an appointment is accepted via Exchange ActiveSync, its date and time are modified to reflect the acceptance. This has now been resolved.
  • MOB-242 is the issue number. 
  • Addition of mobile custom zimbraId handling 
  • Description: Mobile support for accounts with a custon zimbraID uuid has been added.
  • MOB-248 is the issue number. 
  • Mobile password management has been removed from the Admin GUI. 
  • To comply with the new multiple mobile password management, the mobile password management has been removed from the Admin GUI.
  • MOB-254 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for mobile calendar location settings 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented calendar syncronization if a location was specified but some fields were not compiled.
  • MOB-255 is the issue number. 
  • Improvement of mobile mail sender 
  • When personas are specified, the mobile module now uses the primary address as the sender more reliably
  • MOB-273 is the issue number.
  • Fix for mobile device list 
  • Description: Resolved an issue that prevented the mobile area of the web admin interface from displaying a list of mobile devices.
  • PS-263 is the issue number. 
  • S3 volume connectors handling enhancement 
  • Improved S3 code to decrease the amount of http(s) calls to a bare minimum.
  • TEAMS-1786 is the issue number.
  • Title: Webcam enabled on screen share has been corrected 
  • Description: Improved the functionality of the instant meeting by enabling the webcam after a screen sharing session even if it was disabled before to commencing the screen share session.
  • TEAMS-1819 is the issue ID. 
  • Status and avatar unset configurations have been added. 
  • In the instant messaging settings, you may now alter the user status and remove the avatar photo.
  • TEAMS-1835 is the issue ID. 
  • Improvement to instant meeting creation 
  • When a new instant meeting is started while another one is underway, all fields are now empty.
  • TEAMS-1869 is the issue ID. 
  • Improved notice of connectivity issues 
  • When instant chatting is not available owing to connectivity troubles, a message is clearly shown.
  • TEAMS-1930 is the issue ID.
  • Team now has a Turkish translation 
  • The Turkish translation of the instant messaging interface is now available.
  • DRIV-988 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for increasing public share 
  • Description: Resolved an issue that resulted in an error while opening the link to a public shared item.
  • MOB-239 is the issue number. 
  • Appointment acceptance date/time fix 
  • When an appointment is accepted via Exchange ActiveSync, its date and time are modified to reflect the acceptance. This has now been resolved.
  • MOB-242 is the issue number. 
  • Addition of mobile custom zimbraId handling 
  • Description: Mobile support for accounts with a custon zimbraID uuid has been added.
  • MOB-248 is the issue number. 
  • Mobile password management has been removed from the Admin GUI. 
  • To comply with the new multiple mobile password management, the mobile password management has been removed from the Admin GUI.
  • MOB-254 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for mobile calendar location settings 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented calendar syncronization if a location was specified but some fields were not compiled.
  • MOB-255 is the issue number. 
  • Improvement of mobile mail sender
  • When personas are specified, the mobile module now uses the primary address as the sender more reliably.
  • MOB-273 is the issue number.
  • Fix for mobile device list 
  • Description: Resolved an issue that prevented the mobile area of the web admin interface from displaying a list of mobile devices.
  • PS-263 is the issue number. 
  • S3 volume connectors handling enhancement 
  • Improved S3 code to decrease the amount of http(s) calls to a bare minimum.
  • TEAMS-1786 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Webcam enabled on screen share has been corrected
  • Description: Improved the functionality of the instant meeting by enabling the webcam after a screen sharing session even if it was disabled before to commencing the screen share session.
  • TEAMS-1819 is the issue ID.
  •  Status and avatar unset configurations have been added. 
  • In the instant messaging settings, you may now alter the user status and remove the avatar photo.
  • TEAMS-1835 is the issue ID.
  • Improvement to instant meeting creation 
  • When a new instant meeting is started while another one is underway, all fields are now empty.
  • TEAMS-1869 is the issue ID. 
  • Improved notice of connectivity issues 
  • When instant chatting is not available owing to connectivity troubles, a message is clearly shown.
  • TEAMS-1930 is the issue ID. 
  • Team now has a Turkish translation. 
  • The Turkish translation of the instant messaging interface is now available.
  • MOB-255 is the issue number. 
  • Improvement of mobile mail sender 
  • When personas are specified, the mobile module now uses the primary address as the sender more reliably.
  • MOB-273 is the issue number.
  • Fix for mobile device list 
  • Description: Resolved an issue that prevented the mobile area of the web admin interface from displaying a list of mobile devices.
  • PS-263 is the issue number 
  • S3 volume connectors handling enhancement
  • Improved S3 code to decrease the amount of http(s) calls to a bare minimum.
  • TEAMS-1786 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Webcam enabled on screen share has been corrected
  • Description: Improved the functionality of the instant meeting by enabling the webcam after a screen sharing session even if it was disabled before to commencing the screen share session.
  • TEAMS-1819 is the issue ID.
  •  Status and avatar unset configurations have been added. 
  • In the instant messaging settings, you may now alter the user status and remove the avatar photo.
  • TEAMS-1835 is the issue ID. 
  • Improvement to instant meeting creation 
  • When a new instant meeting is started while another one is underway, all fields are now empty.
  • TEAMS-1869 is the issue ID. 
  • Improved notice of connectivity issues
  • When instant chatting is not available owing to connectivity troubles, a message is clearly shown.
  • TEAMS-1930 is the issue ID. 
  • Team now has a Turkish translation. 
  • The Turkish translation of the instant messaging interface is now available.
3.1.3 Zextras Suite
Date of release: October 5, 2020
  • BCK-365 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for the CoherencyCheck halting process 
  • If stop is received before the check begins, the Coherency Check now terminates without verifying server settings.
  • BCK-370 is the issue number. 
  • The restore function now preserves the colours of folders. 
  • When recovering from an external source, the colours of folders are now kept.
  • BCK-373 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Drive revisions restored correctly 
  • A issue that prohibited the current version of a Drive document from being recovered successfully in an external restore has been repaired.
  • BCK-374 is the issue number.
  • Title: The restore procedure now keeps the maintain forever attribute in Drive. 
  • The “keep forever” characteristic of Drive file versions is now retained after external restore.
  • BCK-380 is the issue number. 
  • Improve the restore drive share loglines
  • Improved restore operation loglines for disc shares so that they no longer refer to “new target”
  • COR-374 is the issue number. 
  • Redesign of the notification panel 
  • Based on user feedback, the notifications list and operations queue in zimbraAdmin have been totally updated to be more obvious and easy to use for administrators.
  • DRIV-885 is the issue number. 
  • Improve the handling of deleted shared drive items 
  • Drive shared things are now highlighted in “shared with me” rather than being listed in the trash folder.
  • DRIV-928 is the issue number. 
  • Drive quotas are shown using a new command. 
  • Description: In response to customer requests, a new CLI function to read Drive quotas has been implemented.
  • MOB-244 is the issue number. 
  • getAllDevices now works in multiserver situations.
  • You may now use the getAllDevices command to get the device list from all store servers.
  • MOB-246 is the issue number. 
  • Exceptions to fixed attachments in recurring appointments 
  • A issue that prohibited attachments from being downloaded in recurring appointment exceptions has been resolved.
  • MOB-256 is the issue number. 
  • Calendar attachment deletion has been resolved.
  • Description: A issue that prohibited calendar attachments from being removed from synchronised devices has been fixed.
  • PS-257 is the issue ID. 
  • Title: Centralised volumes as a supplementary storage facility 
  • Centralised volumes now inherit the type on all servers; if the centralised volume on the main server is built as a secondary volume, any centralised volumes that derive from it on other servers will be secondary as well.
  • PS-261 is the issue number. 
  • DoCheckBlobs orphaned mailbox handling enhancement 
  • DoCheckBlobs no longer returns an error when an orphaned mailbox is encountered, thanks to improved orphaned mailbox handling.
  • PS-264 is the issue number. 
  • Improvements to the Moveblobs log 
  • If the dumpster items were not included in the hsm policy, the Moveblobs log no longer contains a Dumpster log line
  • TEAMS-1393 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to the sharing link for quick meeting 
  • The links for joining instant meetings have been enhanced to make it simpler to distribute them while preventing mistakes.
  • TEAMS-1778 is the issue number. 
  • Team database synchronisation has been improved. 
  • When filling rooms across distinct Team nodes, the Team nodes now bulk insert people.
  • TEAMS-1782 is the issue number.
  • Title: Move room mistakes corrected 
  • Description: A issue has been corrected that prohibited error messages from being reported when relocating a single room across stores in a multiserver scenario.
  • TEAMS-1783 is the issue number. 
  • Daily cleaning of unused rooms 
  • A scheduler now cleans the Team rooms that are empty on a daily basis.
  • TEAMS-1809 is the issue ID. 
  • Improved processing of group names 
  • Description: Group names that contain characters the drive cannot handle no longer cause an error during file upload.
  • TEAMS-1821 is the issue ID.
  • Team loading splash screen has been added.
  • While Team is loaded, a splash screen will be displayed to users.
  • TEAMS-1827 is the issue ID.
  • Improvements to Instant Meeting Creation 
  • When selecting to create a new instant meeting, the user now has the choice of starting a new one while cancelling the present one or aborting the procedure.
  • TEAMS-1831 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Room repair cleaned by anonymous user
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain anonymous users to be kicked out of rooms after 1 hour.
  • TEAMS-1833 is the issue ID. 
  • User status truncated at 256 characters 
  • To comply with the Team API, the setStatus handler now truncates the user status to 256 characters.
  • TEAMS-1836 is the issue ID.
  • The topics ‘instant meetings’ and’spaces’ have been included to the invite email.
  • The topic has been included to the mail’s subject to avoid Zimbra grouping invites to instant meetings and spaces.
3.1.2 Zextras Suite
The film will be released on September 10th, 2020.
  • BCK-233 is the issue number. 
  • Improved backup feedback on the web console
  • If there are problems with the backup directory (backup damaged, disc full, etc.), a better warning is presented in the web admin panel.
  • BCK-307 is the issue number.
  • Title: A bug that prevented backup information from being written for files revisions has been resolved. 
  • Description: Metadata for Briefcase’s file revisions were not correctly produced in the backup by the Real Time Scanner whereas they were by the Smart Scan. The Real Time Scanner now appropriately generates information for changes.
  • BCK-319 is the issue number. 
  • Backup GetAvailableAccounts count repair 
  • Description: A problem that caused an erroneous list of accessible accounts from the backup when an account was removed and subsequently restored with the same name was fixed.
  • BCK-326 is the issue number.
  • Coherency check repairBackup can now handle missing blobs on drives. 
  • The coherency check with the fixBackup option set to true can now handle missing blobs from Drive.
  • BCK-329 is the issue number. 
  • doRestoreOnNewAccount fails when the user’s zimbraPrefWhenInFolderIds link to a shared subfolder
  • Because maps are not available during that step of the procedure, a NullPointerException problem in determining the foler’s account owner was fixed.
  • BCK-341 is the issue number. 
  • Backup exports now have a disabled filter cos
  • Coses that have been deleted from backup will no longer be included in backup exports
  • BCK-358 is the issue number. 
  • External restoration now recovers the Drive’s shares
  • The external restore process now also recovers the Drive’s shared resources. The doFixShares method may also handle other types of serialised maps that are compatible with Drive mapped ids.
  • COR-452 is the issue number. 
  • Improved server-to-server connection management 
  • When the DataStoreServiceAccessor performs an operation, a new connection is formed and terminated. This significantly slows down cluster synchronisation. Replace this with a persistent connection that will be opened and terminated as part of the DataStoreServiceAccessor lifecycle.
  • DOCS-96 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for Docs Memory Check 
  • Description: Resolved an issue that resulted in inaccurate totalAvailableMemory and utilised figures.zxsuite docs status command memory
  • MOB-207 is the issue number. 
  • Title: A parameter to customise Outlook EAS filter has been added. 
  • Description: The ZxMobile_MaxOutlookVersion option may now be used to customise the EAS version used by Outlook clients by modifying the default Outlook EAS filter.
  • MOB-215 is the issue number. 
  • “No such folder id: 0” is the title. a search error 
  • When searching for a string that produces no results, a problem led mobile searches to generate an error.
  • MOB-216 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Fixed mobile device reactions to invitations 
  • Description: A issue was fixed that prevented mobile device reactions from being displayed in the appointment information.
  • MOB-222 is the issue number. 
  • Workaround for Samsung EAS16 sync loop 
  • When utilising EAS16, Samsung smartphones may enter a loop if an incorrect email address is saved in a draught.
  • MOB-223 is the issue number. 
  • Attachment bugfixes for recurring appointments
  • Three problems were fixed that prohibited attachments from being correctly synchronised in recurring appointments on an invite.
  • MOB-224 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Completed tasks synchronisation problem resolved 
  • Description: A issue was fixed that prevented finished tasks from being properly synchronised via EAS.
  • MOB-252 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Corrected an issue that caused all appointment attendees to get a “Appointment Deleted” signal when one person refused the invitation via a mobile device. 
  • Description: A issue that caused all appointment attendees to get a “Declined” signal when one person denied the invitation via a mobile device has been fixed.
  • PS-244 is the issue number. 
  • When orphaned mailboxes are present, doVolumeToVolumeMove reliability is improved. 
  • When the server had orphaned mailboxes, the doVolumeToVolumeMove procedure frequently failed. Orphaned/missing mailbox issues are now handled and documented correctly.
  • PS-248 is the issue number.
  • Misleading reports were eliminated from the doVolumeToVolumeMove procedure. 
  • Description: In lazily deleting file systems, the count of source blob deletions might reveal deceptive figures when performing a doVolumeToVolumeMove operation, hence the confirmation has been deleted.
  • PS-250 is the issue number. 
  • Title: Correctly compressed digest processing added 
  • Docheckblobs operations with the fix_incorrect_compresset digests flag set to true now check if the digest is calculated on the compressed blob even if the blob is not compressed and correct it.a
  • PS-259 is the issue number. 
  • Fix for moving a mailbox with an empty Drive document 
  • Description: Fixed a problem that prohibited an empty Drive document from being correctly relocated to another mailbox.
  • TEAMS-1755 is the issue number. 
  • Improvements to WebSocket Stability 
  • To enhance stability on sluggish connections, a delay has been inserted between a client disconnect and the shutdown of the corresponding WebSocket
  • TEAMS-1756 is the issue number. 
  • Title: UX Enhancements When Connection Issues Occur 
  • Description: Due to connectivity difficulties, the same message may appear many times in the conversation. The extra copies are removed when the client is reloaded.
  • TEAMS-1768 is the issue number. 
  • Chat sidebar graphical improvement 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Zimbra components in the top bar to move upward when the icons in the chat sidebar exceeded the screen height.
3.1.1 Zextras Suite
The film will be released on August 10, 2020.
  • BCK-290 is the issue number. 
  • Improved error handling in restore operations 
  • Improved restoration procedure so that it would finish even if any Drive’s blob is absent from the backup.
  • BCK-305 is the issue number. 
  • Improvements to Restore Operation Feedback 
  • Improved restore operation log; restored/unrestored/skipped zimbra and drive items are now counted on both undelete and restoreonnewaccount actions.
  • COR-406 is the issue number. 
  • Removed case sensitivity from mobile device list
  • Description: Hostname checks for the list of user mobile devices in the web admin panel are no longer case sensitive, preventing admins from editing users’ settings.
  • DOCS-90 is the issue number.
  • Title: Corrected the “too many open documents” error.
  • When more than 50 documents are opened at the same time, there is no longer a warning.
  • DRIV-776 is the issue ID. 
  • Title: Firefox PDF scrolling glitch fixed
  • Fixed an issue in which when opening a PDF file in the Firefox browser, the page would not scroll using the keyboard.
  • DRIV-821 is the issue number. 
  • The “Save into Drive” option for mail-type attachments has been removed 
  • The option to store mail-type attachments to Drive has been deleted.
  • DRIV-828 is the issue number 
  • Improvements to the Drive File Versioning Window
  • Minor graphical enhancements to the gap between text and icon in the first line of the drive file versioning panel.
  • MOB-208 is the issue number. 
  • Improvements to mobile incorrect address handling 
  • Description: A solution was implemented for mobile devices that do not check destination accounts, resulting in a loop when sending emails with incorrect addresses
  • MOB-217 is the issue number.
  • Blank Bcc box removed from email in mobile devices 
  • Description: A issue that caused a blank Bcc field on mobile devices when the receiver was in Bcc has been fixed.
  • PS-251 is the issue number.
  • Title: Added a log line when deleting a docheckblobs item
  • Description: When an item is deleted by missing, a log line for the docheckblobs is added.Option _blob_delete_item
  • PS-252 is the issue number.
  • Title: Double compression handling implemented
  • If check_incorrect_compressed_digests is set to true, Docheckblobs operations now repair double compressed items.
  • TEAMS-1119 is the issue ID.
  • Start a new instant meeting based on fresh talks. 
  • Users may now initiate a new immediate meeting from a fresh chat without first writing a single message.
  • TEAMS-1317 is the issue number.
  • Improved handling of instant meeting ringing 
  • Improved the handling of ringing on instant meeting calls. When a user answers a call from a mobile app, the ringing in the web browser stops.
  • TEAMS-1436 is the issue number. 
  • Duplication of instant messages due to connection failure
  • If connections to the server are lost during a discussion, messages are duplicated since they are resent while the connection is down.
  • TEAMS-1581 is the issue number.
  • Title: Move room between hosts function added 
  • It is now able to transfer groups/spaces/channels across hosts.
  • TEAMS-1622 is the issue ID. 
  • Title: Data are being saved as new instant meetings are being created 
  • You may now switch tabs when establishing a new instant meeting without losing the data that has already been entered.
  • TEAMS-1688 is the issue ID.
  • Team and Drive are hidden on mobile browsers. 
  • Because users may utilise the relevant mobile applications, Team and Drive have been hidden from mobile browsers.
  • TEAMS-1689 is the issue ID. 
  • Title: Resolved many preview_ready websocket message 
  • A issue that caused numerous “preview_ready” signals to be delivered over WebSocket while uploading an image in a chat has been resolved. When the preview is complete, only one message is sent.
  • TEAMS-1735 is the issue ID. 
  • Title: Firefox chat GUI bug fixed
  • Description: Resolved a problem that would appear on Firefox upon launching a discussion, causing the user interface to jerk.
3.1.0 Zextras Suite
Date of release: July 14th, 2020
  • BCK-230 is the issue number.
  • Improvements to Itemrestore logs
  • Description: The main address of the restored item’s account is now specified in the restore log lines.
  • BCK-248 is the issue number.
  • Title: Backup coherency check reports missing digests
  • Description: A issue that prohibited missing digests from being reported in backup coherency checks has been fixed.
  • BCK-262 is the issue number.
  • Fix for RestoreOnNewAccount domain formation
  • Description: A issue that allowed a domain to be undeleted while performing a dorestoreonnewaccount action to recover an account from a deleted domain has been fixed.
  • BCK-273 is the issue number.
  • HSM service is required for restoration functioning.
  • RestoreBlob actions now need the hsm module to be operating, else an error will be given.
  • BCK-284 is the issue number.
  • Fix for restoring an account with a deleted COS
  • Description: A issue that caused the restoration on new account to fail when the assigned COS was destroyed has been fixed
  • COR-300 is the issue number.
  • CLI arguments and attribute names are now case-insensitive.
  • To increase CLI usage, parameter and attribute names are now recognised with any capitalization.
  • COR-361 is the issue number.
  • Title: No more reported bogus unknown logins in the admin panel
  • Description: Fixed an issue that caused erroneous unknown logins to be recorded in the monthly admin activity report.
  • COR-371 is the issue number.
  • Translations for the admin interface have been added.
  • The admin interface is now available in Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Indonesian, Thai, and Hindi.
  • DRIV-338 is the issue number.
  • Several modest drive import enhancements
  • Description: For doImportBriefcase operations, logging has been improved: user details for each line, exceptions are reported, the number of accounts is listed, a final report has been added, and a missing account is no longer a blocking condition.
  • DRIV-750 is the issue number.
  • Fixed drive cyrillic font handling during download
  • When cyrillic fonts were available, the filenames of disc objects were corrupted during download.
  • DRIV-765 is the issue number.
  • Title: Drive’s documents menu items have been fully translated.
  • All docs-related menu items under the drive tab have been translated.
  • DRIV-771 is the issue number.
  • Title: Compared the antique and contemporary Drive panels
  • Description: I did some graphical work on the Drive panel to make it more similar to the old and current GUIs.
  • DRIV-783 is the issue number.
  • Fix for the Info button in Drive search views
  • Fixed an issue that prohibited the info button from being clickable in search views, which include the default views (starred, shared by me, shared with me, and Trash).
  • DRIV-785 is the issue number.
  • In view-only sharing, the Upload and Purge buttons for Versions are disabled.
  • For view-only sharing, the purge and upload buttons remained active in versioning. This has now been resolved.
  • DRIV-786 is the issue number.
  • Description of improved versioning
  • Versioning descriptions are now independent of retention duration and the number of versions to preserve.
  • DRIV-790 is the issue number
  • Title: Removed unnecessary drive menu entry
  • The Dirve move menu entry for “shared with me” objects has been deleted.
  • PS-235 is the issue number.
  • Check_digests is an implicit check for fix_incorrect_compressed_digests.
  • When fix_incorrect_compressed_digests is also true, it is no longer essential to specify check_digests true.
  • PS-241 is the issue number
  • Fixes for missing text in the online admin interface
  • When a mailboxmove operation is initiated using the web interface, the command for examining the current moveblobs operation is now returned.
  • PS-242 is the issue number.
  • Title: Customs3 bucket migration issue resolved
  • Description: Fixed an issue where upgrading to the new bucket management did not add “storeType CUSTOM_S3” to custom buckets settings if a custom_s3 bucket and at least one swift or openio volume were present.
  • TEAMS-1329 is the issue number.
  • Fix for missing Safari notifications
  • Fixed on-screen alerts that were missing in Safari.
  • TEAMS-1389 is the issue number.
  • Provide a relative route for websocket and v7 APIs.
  • Team login now includes a relative local path for websockets and the API version 7.
  • TEAMS-1561 is the issue number.
  • Title: Emoji selection graphic enhancements
  • Description: Improved the harmony of the emoji selection.
  • TEAMS-1562 is the issue ID.
  • Scrollbars have been added to instant messaging components.
  • To examine all of the components available in the interface, scrollbars are provided.
  • TEAMS-1579 is the issue number.
  • Improved control of instant message length limits
  • It should not be able to include more than 4096 characters in an instant message (it was previously permissible, but it would have been truncated).
  • TEAMS-1580 is the issue ID.
  • Improved add participants view title
  • The avatar icon has been added to the instant meetings’ add participants view.
  • TEAMS-1588 is the issue ID.
  • Improvements to the Send Message Icon
  • If text is entered into the textbox, the icon used to send instant messages should change from an aeroplane to a clip.
  • TEAMS-1612 is the issue ID.
  • Addition of empty message handling
  • It should not be possible to send an instant message comprised entirely of empty space.
  • TEAMS-1614 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Improved read message notifications
  • Description: The read message alerts now display who has read the messages in groups, spaces, and instant meetings.
  • TEAMS-1628 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Improved user information section
  • Description: Fixed an issue where the user’s name was shortened too early in one-on-one talks.
  • TEAMS-1633 is the issue ID.
  • Title: User settings translations completed
  • The device settings in the user’s settings area have now been translated.
  • TEAMS-1634 is the issue ID.
  • Title: Added file description translation
  • When adding a file to an instant message, the file description now includes translation.
  • TEAMS-1638 is the issue ID.
  • Removed end-of-meeting notice
  • The end-of-meeting message no longer generates a notice.
  • TEAMS-1650 is the issue ID.
  • Translations for new graphics have been updated.
  • Translations have been expanded, and all aspects for audio/video meetings are now translated.