Carbonio Email Service provider

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On mobile devices running iOS or Android, the following APPs may be downloaded and installed. They can be used to communicate with Carbonio servers or Carbonio CE.


The client is what allows users of iOS or Android mobile devices to manage their mail.

conversations The Chats software ensures that wherever the user is, conversations, virtual meetings, and places may be created and used.

The user may read, upload, and even delete files stored in Carbonio Files using the Files app. Additionally, mobile device uploading of photos and documents is possible.

Downloading mobile apps
In the Files App, preview

On the Files App, you may see the following file types in preview mode. Unsupported file formats can be opened by a third-party programme.

Configuring mobile applications

Please adhere to the instructions in this section to access your account using a Zextras mobile app. The process is only necessary when configuring the first APP; after that, all subsequent APPs can utilise the access credentials set up for the initial APP; in other words, access credentials are shared by all Zextras APPs.

If you install the Carbonio Mail App, for instance, and set it up to access the account, you will instantly be able to access the files saved in Carbonio Files for that account whenever you install the Carbonio Files App.

The Carbonio Mail App is configured in the remaining sections, but the instructions apply to other Apps as well.

Configuration on the server side

All users have the mobile application activated by default. The only server-side needs are as follows:

  • Internet connectivity must be available for Port 443/HTTPS.
  • There must be an active SSL/TLS certificate for the domain.
  • The Carbonio Mail App requires that you connect in with an active and current user.

Use Carbonio Mail to log in.

Use Carbonio Mail App by doing the following actions:

  1. Download the programme (see the section on downloading mobile apps).
  2. Activate (see the Section for Notifications)
  3. Use an app to log in.

  • Name of the email account
  • Password
  • The server name must be identical to the FQDN. The port number 443 and HTTPS are already configured, therefore there is no need to input them.

Authentication The HTTPS secure connection used by the Carbonio Mail mobile app connects to the server, and Carbonio replies with its certificate. If the SSL certificate is active and not expired, this process (also known as the SSL handshake) ensures data integrity and data privacy for the encrypted information sent between the client and the server.

Android device makers have stringent default settings that limit which apps may display notifications, which occasionally prevents the Carbonio Mail App from notifying users of new messages.

Observe these measures to ensure that your device permits all necessary notifications:

  1. Logging off the app
  2. Go to Settings on the smartphone, then choose the Apps & Notifications tab.
  3. From the list of all installed apps, choose the Carbonio Mail app.
  4. enter the section for notifications
  5. Activate the notifications (top-left option).
  6. Activate the banner notice on the Email and Appointment subsections.
  7. Re-log in

Now, notifications ought to function.