Carbonio Email Service provider

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The installation on Ubuntu 20.04 or RHEL 8 is divided into phases, some of which are required for initial configuration and others that are optional. Carbonio CE installation and configuration need command-line execution, so ensure you have access to it.

When the installation is complete, you may use a browser to view Carbonio CE’s GUI; instructions are provided in Section view to the Web Interface.

If you encounter any problems during the installation, please go to Section System Troubleshooting, where you will find useful commands.

The preliminary task

Before we begin the Carbonio CE installation, we must first install and configure the PostgreSQL database.

Step 1: Repository Configuration In order to add Carbonio CE’s repository, go to the following page and fill in the form: You will receive an e-mail containing: the URL of the repository the GPG key of the repository Follow the instructions in the e-mail to add these data to your system.

Step 2: Setting Hostname Carbonio CE needs a valid FQDN as hostname and a valid entry in the /etc/hosts file. To configure them, execute these two commands. First, set the hostname then update /etc/hosts with IP and hostname You can also simply get the current IP and hostname and save them

Installation job
Step 3: Upgrade the system and install the packages.

After establishing the repositories, Carbonio CE installation takes a few instructions.

We begin by updating and improving the system.

Next, we install all of Carbonio CE’s required packages.

After successfully installing the package, you can check that all Carbonio CE services are operating, using

If any service has failed, restart it. Some Carbonio Monitoring exporters may fail to start properly because the database bootstrap (Step 8) must be completed first. After that, if any of the services are not operating, you will need to manually start it by executing a command like the following, replacing carbonio-prometheus-nginx-exporter.service with the service that is not. running

Post-installation chores

Step 4: Configure the firewall.

You must only open the ports that must be accessible from the Internet, as specified in the Requirement’s Firewall Ports section.

Step 5: Configure the Carbonio Video Server

After installing the package, ensure that the Carbonio VideoServer public IP address (the one that will accept inbound connections to the Carbonio VideoServer) is present in the configuration file /etc/janus/janus.jcfg, and add it if it is absent. Find and add the variable nat_1_1_mapping, for example:

Finally, activate and start the service using the instructions.

Step 6: Bootstrap Carbonio CE.

Once all packages have been installed, use the command below to configure and launch Carbonio CE.

Before completing the bootstrap, hit y to apply the configuration. The procedure will continue until it is completed; click Enter to proceed.

Configuration and Setup chores

The next procedures address the configuration and setup of the Carbonio CE components.

Step 7: Set up Carbonio Mesh

Carbonio Mesh is essential to provide communication between Carbonio CE and its components. The configuration is produced interactively using the command.

The command will:

  • ask for the IP address and netmask.
  • Request the Carbonio Mesh secret, which is required for configuration, management, and access to the administrative GUI. For further details, please see the Carbonio Mesh Administration Interface section.
  • This password will be referred to as MESH_SECRET throughout the manual.
  • If you lose your password or the credential file becomes corrupted and unreadable, you may reset it by following the steps outlined in the section Reset Carbonio Mesh Credentials on Single-Server.
  • Save the configuration in the file /etc/zextras/service-discover/cluster-credentials.tar.gpg.

To finish Carbonio Mesh installation, follow Step 8. Create the main DB role and database for Carbonio CE.

Carbonio CE uses a variety of databases to store and track all of the things it needs to manage. The primary database may be setup in a few steps.

We start by creating a strong password for PostgreSQL’s administrator account.

When asked, provide a password of your choosing; it will be saved in a variable called $DB_ADM_PWD and may be used throughout the operation. It is vital to note that only the user (root) has access to the password in the current terminal. Nobody else can view it, and it will be removed after you log out.

Remember to replace the password with a strong password of your choice and save it somewhere secure (ideally in a password manager), since you may need it later in the procedure and possibly in the future. The password will be marked as DB_ADM_PWD.

The second step is to establish a database.

You may manually remove the variable (and the password it saves) at any time with the command below, but keep in mind that you will need it in the following step.

Step 9: Bootstrap Carbonio Files Databases

The password DB_ADM_PWD, which was established in the previous stage for the carbonio_adm role in the database, is required in this phase, which involves configuring the database required by Carbonio CE using the following instructions.

Installation Complete

At this time, the installation is complete, and you may begin utilising Carbonio CE and its graphic interface, as described in the section Access to the Web Interface.

It is also strongly suggested that you update the Global Admin’s password, as mentioned in the Manage Global Administrators section.

Step 10: Enable the Workstream Collaboration UI Beta.

The Carbonio Workstream Collaboration role is deactivated by default; however, you may enable it via the Carbonio Admin Panel or from the command line by running the command as the zextras user.

This command allows chat for the default COS, however you can only activate it for specific COSes.

Restart the following services in the provided order:

  1. Message Broker Message Dispatcher Carbonio Workstream Collaboration
  2. In case you also installed Carbonio VideoServer.