Carbonio Email Service provider

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The release date is set for October 16th, 2023.

SHELL-170: Improved initial configuration for tinyMCE (New Features List)

This version improves TinyMCE’s initial setting for a more seamless user experience. Checks for browser spellcheck, newline behaviour in blocks, and bulleted/numbered lists are included.

SHELL-168: Continuity of web UI structure across screen widths

The Crabonio web UI now retains structural integrity even when the screen size is lowered thanks to this modification. Users will now notice a horizontal scrollbar at the bottom, providing for a seamless experience while without interfering with the UI layout.

SHELL-149: Simplifying the logout procedure with the ‘/logout’ endpoint

This update guarantees that when a user hits the logout button, the system now calls the ‘/logout’ endpoint directly rather to the prior ‘/?loginOp=logout’ endpoint, enhancing the performance of the logout process.

IRIS-4720: Improved spellcheck validation in browsers

This version focuses on certifying TinyMCE’s browser spellcheck capability. The procedures include starting a new email, enabling rich text mode, and ensuring that the browser appropriately indicates misspelt words. This improvement tries to improve the editor’s spellchecking.

IRIS-4607: Root-level folder movement

Users may now transfer folders straight to the account’s root level, providing improved organisation choices inside the Mails module.

IRIS-4585: Improved User Experience for Bullet Lists

This improvement is intended to improve the user experience while dealing with bullet lists. It adds more intuitive functionality, such as clicking the ‘Enter’ key to progress to the next bullet point, while hitting ‘Shift’ + ‘Enter’ enables for smooth text continuation within the current bullet paragraph. This change brings the behaviour in line with generally used email writing methods, resulting in a much improved user experience.

IRIS-3507: TinyMCE floating toolbar

A floating toolbar will now be available to users authoring lengthy emails in the editor. This dynamic toolbar increases usability by eliminating the need to scroll up to reach editing features.

COR-977: Admin has access to ISP billing data.

Administrators may now handle ISP billing data more effectively thanks to the newly integrated CLI capabilities. Using the ‘getUsageData’ and ‘deleteUsageData’ commands.

CO-824: MailTrustedIP now has a default setting.

ZimbraMailTrustedIP now has a default value, which helps to maintain the original IP (OIP) in authentication and records connections between proxy and auth using Carbonio and Consul.

CO-821: SOAP API documentation enhancements

SOAP API documentation has been expanded to include previously undocumented fields.

CO-813: /logout endpoint added for nginx template consistency.

To simplify user logout, a new logout endpoint has been added. This modification ensures that the logout procedure is uniform across the Admin UI and the Web UI. Furthermore, the previous query parameter-based logout mechanism (loginOp=logout) will be deprecated in the future Carbonio release, with a message provided in the template to alert users. The goal of this upgrade is to improve logout handling and standardisation.

AC-802: Enhanced subscription feature labelling in the admin panel

We’ve made substantial enhancements to the labelling of features in the admin area of our subscription service. This results in a more user-friendly and organised presentation of software packages, with features now listed in descending order. In addition, we’ve included new labels for a variety of functions, which improves the overall user experience.

AC-784: Improved subscription labelling scheme

For increased tracking and clarity, the subscription label now changes from the emission date to the end date.

AC-773: Enhanced attribute management for administrators

Admins may now examine and customise Notes (zimbraNotes) and Description (description) properties for distribution lists, domains, accounts, security groups, and COS general information, boosting administrative control and efficiency.

AC-740: API returns an error if the “Storages HSM” licence is not active.

This update guarantees that if the Carbonio Licence is not activated or the “Storages HSM” feature is not enabled in the bundle, any attempt by an administrator to establish a new policy in Storage-HSM will result in an API error message with explicit information about the licence status.

AC-728: Administrators may now manage the MTA Queue 

Administrators can now monitor the current MTA queue state and request a cache flush from the administration panel.

AC-718: Updated web admin navigation icon alignment

When the length x width ratio parameters are met while accessing the Carbonio Web Admin module, icons are realigned into landscape orientation and optimised for consistency.

AC-696: Improved user control for the settings module

The admin may now enable or disable the “settings module” in the Carbonio web UI for users. This feature gives administrators more control over user rights linked to setting access, boosting overall user security.

AC-537: Name and surname fields in account creation have been switched.

The account creation sequence has been modified to “Surname, Middle Name, and Name,” which has resulted in the “Name” and “Surname” columns being inverted for both new and existing accounts.

AC-480: Admins can recover accounts from multiple domains.

Admins with multi-domain access may now choose the destination domain for account restoration in real time. During the account restoration procedure, admins can select from the granted domain or domain aliases, ensuring efficient and accurate control.

AC-473: Enhancements to the admin panel for account viewing

With the addition of a new function, the Carbonio admin panel now provides a better user experience. In the account viewing area, we’ve included a new customisable “Items per Page” option. This upgrade improves your admin experience by providing a more informative view of the overall amount of things presented each page.

PREV-124: Improved picture preview navigation in the file module

The picture preview capability in the file module now displays previous and forward navigation buttons even when the browser screen size is lowered, making it simpler to navigate between photos while previewing.

Thunderbird external cyrillic attachment EAS encoding MOB-415

The problem with improper encoding for Cyrillic attachment names when delivered from Thunderbird via external providers to Zextras Suite and Carbonio accounts synchronised via EAS has been fixed. Attachments with Cyrillic names keep their original format, including file extensions, as a result.

IRIS-4734: Improved draft editing no longer loses previous modifications

When a user makes numerous revisions to a document, all changes made before are now saved. This feature protects user work, resulting in a more fluid and efficient drawing experience.

IRIS-4733: Improved calendar editor delete feature.

Users may now use the editor without interruption to amend the cancellation message. This update ensures that the editor’s performance remains constant when revising the deletion of a calendar appointment.

IRIS-4728: Appointments may be edited straight from search results.

Users may now alter appointments directly from search results. This enhancement simplifies the appointment management procedure, increasing efficiency and ease. Users can now make necessary modifications to their appointments after doing a search without taking any further steps.

IRIS-4567: Improved email composition contact address editing

Users may now immediately edit email addresses when writing a new email. When you input an address in the TO, CC, or BCC boxes, you have two options: ‘Edit Address’ and ‘Delete Address.’ This upgrade improves the user experience by making it easier to modify and manage email addresses during email creation.

IRIS-4559: Move multiple messages to folders
Improved the behaviour when users drag and drop emails into multiple folders sequentially, ensuring that the emails are transported to and from the correct folders.
IRIS-4461: Accurate badge counts for chats in shared folders
We fixed the problem with badge counts in shared folders, so they now appropriately represent the amount of things in discussions.
IRIS-4357: Participants’ ‘Send an Email’ icon has been improved.
This update guarantees that the ‘Send an Email’ option for participants works properly. Following the successful transmission of an appointment, the email is now appropriately preserved in the user’s sent folder. This enhancement results in a more smooth user experience.

IRIS-4297: Improved Calendar Description Preserve
After accepting a proposed new time for a calendar appointment, the original description is now saved and accurately shown for both online and mobile users, offering a more seamless scheduling experience.
IRIS-4108: Confirmation of calendar colour update appears appropriately.
When you alter the colour of the calendar, both the icon and title will update. This enhancement guarantees that the specified colour is accurately represented.
IRIS-3959: Updates to the Instant Calendar model with revoked sharing permission
The current version guarantees that when a user removes permission from a shared calendar, the changes are instantly reflected in the modal view, making permission management faster and more efficient.
IRIS-3952: Improved ‘From’ email persona setting
The ‘From’ persona mail option has been corrected in this version, allowing users to choose their display name under Account settings. This guarantees that when recipients receive emails, they see the selected name rather than the UID field.
IRIS-3890: Accurate appointment time zone information
Within the appointment information, users can now see the correctly selected time zone. Our most recent update ensures accurate time zone information for appointments. When accessing old appointments established in different local system time zones, the displayed time zone information now corresponds to the original appointment creation time zone.
IRIS-3335: Share list refreshes after removal of rights
Previously, when a grantee’s right was revoked, the shares list would not refresh. This problem has been fixed, and when a grantee is removed, the shares list will be refreshed to reflect the changes.
FILES-728: Updated the shared file user ID.
When a user uploads a new version of a shared file or a new file in a shared folder, the Files module now sends the owner’s user-id to the Store rather than the uploader’s.
FILES-515: Automatic updating of shared folder content
When you share a folder, the system now guarantees that any changes to its content, including subfolders, are updated as soon as possible. This keeps the shared material up to date and reflects any additions or changes made to the folder structure.
COR-999: Start the carbonio-avdb-updater automatically after a fresh installation.
This update guarantees that the carbonio-avdb-updater runs immediately after a fresh installation, simplifying the setup procedure and allowing for improved functionality.
COR-995: Automatic licence activation
The licence activation process is now seamless, with the ‘Cannot store subscription in Consul KV-store’ problem fixed. This guarantees that the activation procedure goes smoothly. The ‘activate-license’ option in the console now works flawlessly.
CO-819: Timezone configuration in carbonio-bootstrap
With this version, administrators may set the timezone settings while carbonio-bootstrap is running, enabling better flexibility and accuracy in system setup.
CO-277: Configure public service hostname during Proxy node startup
The Public Service Hostname is now specified during the Proxy node bootstrap process in a multiserver configuration. It was previously configured during domain formation on the directory server. Because the domain was formed before the proxy, there were instances when the service Hostname was configured with the Directory Server hostname, resulting in problems. This problem has since been fixed.
AC-793: Improved interface for domain delegates
For a clearer interface, the “Remove” and “Remove All” buttons in the Domain Delegates section have been hidden. In addition, the Add input fields and button have been disabled to improve the user experience.