Carbonio Email Service provider

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Changelog Version 23.2.0

This is the Carbonio 23.2.0 Changelog, which was published on February 23rd, 2023.

Admin Console and Login UI are two components.

AC-407: The domain selector should display the default list of domains.

After clearing the domain selector, the admin panel now displays the default list of domains rather as the filtered one.

AC-379: Account status in the admin console is presented

The account status is now accurately displayed in the admin panel; if the account is locked out, it is shown there.

AC-352: Administrative COS Locale Management

Admins may now manage the default user Locale in the Class of Service.

AC-336: URL redirection of the login page logo

Admin can change the URL to which users are sent when they click on the login page logo.

AC-329: Management of single-user password policies

The admin now has the ability to adjust single-user password rules.

Carbonio Advanced operations list (AC-291) Running and Waiting

Admin may now oversee running and pending activities in Carbonio via the admin interface.

AC-81: Refactored volume creation

The admin panel now allows you to create both local and remote volumes. Volumes may now be configured to be current when they are created. Mail is a component.

IRIS-3889: Client timezone problem rectified when missing

Fixed an issue that caused the user interface to raise an error while modifying an appointment in the calendar and displaying its timezone, although it was not on the list of recognised ones.

IRIS-3781: Spaces are disregarded while looking for contacts.

Leading and trailing white spaces are now disregarded while searching for a contact to prevent missing results.

IRIS-3735: BBC mail sender responds

When responding to BCC/redirected emails or when the recipient’s address is not one of the account’s identities, the sender field is now set to the default address.

IRIS-3723: Edit appointments that have already been issued to attendees

Users may now amend appointments that have already been issued to attendees.

IRIS-3683: Saved draught message

When you double-click a message stored in the draught folder, it is now opened for editing.

IRIS-3682: Changes to the Sender Field in “Draught” have been corrected.

When you open a message from “Draught,” the sender field contains the value you set when the “Draught” was created.

IRIS-3678: Improved multiple reply editor

When opening two or more reply tabs for the same email message editor, the succeeding tabs do not contain content from the previously opened editor tab.

IRIS-3667: Include a link to a virtual room in the appointment invitation.

When getting an appointment invitation, you may now click on the virtual room link.

IRIS-3656: Shared account sender address on reply

When a user replies to an email that has been received by more than one of an account’s personas and shared mailboxes, the sender address is determined by the folder from which the user is answering.

IRIS-3610: Clickable picture signature

When there is a link to an external website, the image/logo is now clickable.

IRIS-3539: In calendars, copy or send email

It is now possible to copy an email address from an appointment or send an email by just clicking on the corresponding button next to it.

IRIS-3475: Enhancement to the appointment edit page

If a user is not the owner and does not have write access on a calendar appointment, he can no longer update it.

IRIS-3473: User interface colour customization

The end user interface may be customised with specific colours based on the needs of the organisation.

IRIS-3450: Position of the trash folder

Even when custom folders are available, the trash folder is now always placed directly after the other default folders.

IRIS-3443: Roboto typeface local copy

Instead of downloading the Roboto typeface from Google, UI now utilises a local copy of it.

IRIS-3144: Address book is now empty.

Emptying the address book by right-clicking it and selecting the empty function now works properly.

Backup is an important component.

BCK-681: Smart scan functionality has been corrected.

A issue that caused objects to be skipped while pausing a Smart Scan process has been fixed.

BCK-679: Undelete procedure is now functional.

A issue was fixed that caused the doUndelete process to fail to restore certain items and stall in some edge case conditions.

Carbonio is a component.

CO-504: Download Multiserver setup credentials tar

Service discover downloads the credentials tar from LDAP while configuring a multi-server environment.

CO-501: Remove authentication cookies after logout

Both the ZM_AUTH_TOKEN and ZX_AUTH_TOKEN cookies are now erased when a user logs out. Similarly, when an administrator logs out, the administrator authentication cookie ZM_ADMIN_AUTH_TOKEN is deleted.

CO-495: Improved logo URL attribute

Carbonio logo URL is now stored in LDAP as carbonioLogoUrl.

CO-494: Redirection of the Carbonio Admin login page

When connecting into the admin panel, admin is now forwarded to the correct /static/login/ link.

CO-477: Assign the zimbraMailCatchAllForwardingAddress property to the target domain

Sending an email to a domain alias account will now deliver it to the target domain account.

CO-304: zmcbpolicydctl has been corrected.

Fixed an issue that caused the zmcbpolicydctl command to fail when launched.

CO-25: Address book for port 8636.

With a valid SSL certificate, the address book service now listens on port 8636.

Core component

COR-850: Sender and destination addresses for notifications

The sender and destination email addresses of alerts may now be specified by the administrator.

COR-822: CarbonioLogoURL appears in LDAP attributes.

Carbonio LDAP now includes carbonioLogoUrl to configure the URL used by the logo on the login page.

Mobile/EAS is a component.

MOB-397: Fixed startTime change while accepting an appointment

When synchronising via EAS 14.0 and below, an issue caused the StartTime value of an approved appointment to shift to the current date/time.

MOB-393: Fixed startTime change while accepting an appointment

When synchronising through EAS 14.1, an issue caused the StartTime value of an approved appointment to shift to the current date/time.

Storages are a component.