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The Zextras repositories are updated whenever new versions are published, and packages are then made available for installation with other system updates. Carbonio CE does not have an installer. Since there are only a few commands that must be run on each Node, whether it is the (single) Node in a Single-Server installation or all the Nodes in a Multi-Server installation, the upgrading procedure is often a very rapid activity.

The technique for upgrading consists of a preparatory step followed by the correct upgrade, which is the same for each Node. No matter what version of Carbonio CE is already installed, a successful upgrade will always update it to the most recent version available, which is presently 23.9.0.

Some manual step may be necessary, depending on the updated packages and the version you are upgrading from. Before beginning the update, please carefully read section update Checklist to see whether any further tasks are required.

In addition, if the upgrade involves third-party software, incompatibilities might occur, necessitating the completion of certain extra manual processes. There is advice to prevent or resolve these problems in the section below under Troubleshooting.

Improvement Checklist

The following roles or packages are affected by this update, and they involve some manual work.

 the package called carbonio-docs-core. You could run into a little issue with RHEL 8 only, and the section Troubleshooting has the answer.

introductory tasks

The Directory Server’s LDAP data is backed up as a first step. Run the tasks listed below on the node—SRV1 in our example—that has the Directory Server Role installed on a multi-server installation.

  1. Create an LDAP database dump, particularly if the update involves the Directory Server. The command can be used to do this (as the zextras user).
  2. File /opt/zextras/conf/localconfig.xml should be copied as a backup and kept in a secure location.
Improve Nodes

Remember to begin installation on the node hosting the directory server (SRV1 in our four-node scenario), then proceed to the remaining nodes in the same sequence.


You can discover remedies for a few potential upgrading procedure errors in this area.

Carbonio-docs-editor’s installation was unsuccessful

You could have the following problem when installing Carbonio-docs-Editor on RHEL 8-based distributions:

You must carry out the instruction and heed the counsel in the last line.

You can pick up the upgrade again when the package has been installed.

Carbonio-docs-editor user not found

You can get the following problem on all AppServers that don’t have the carbonio-docs-editor package installed on RHEL 8-based Multi-Server deployments.

In these circumstances, you must use a text editor to locate the following lines in the script that fails, /opt/zextras/libexec/zmfixperms:

The fix is to comment out these four lines by adding a # to the beginning of each line, which will result in:

Next, execute the script once again.