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Carbonio requires the availability of a Postgres database. The Postgres database can be installed in a separate structure (as long as access to the service is ensured), or you can use a cloud service provider’s Postgres database directly.

Obviously, it is conceivable to install a Postgres node in the same architecture as the Carbonio nodes. Here are the procedures to take in this instance.

Installation of PostgreSQL

Carbonio CE uses a variety of databases to store and track all of the things it needs to manage. The primary database may be setup in a few steps.

We start by creating a strong password for PostgreSQL’s administrator account.

When asked, provide a password of your choosing; it will be saved in a variable called $DB_ADM_PWD and may be used throughout the operation. It is vital to note that only the user (root) has access to the password in the current terminal. Nobody else can view it, and it will be removed after you log out.

Remember to replace the password with a strong password of your choice and save it somewhere secure (ideally in a password manager), since you may need it later in the procedure and possibly in the future. The password will be marked as DB_ADM_PWD.

The second step is to establish a database.

You may manually remove the variable (and the password it saves) at any time with the command below, but keep in mind that you will need it in the following step.

Finally, perform these instructions to let other nodes to access the databases stored on this node.