Carbonio Email Service provider

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Date of release: September 25th, 2023

List of New Features

TEAMS-4100: Improved appointment board room input behaviour

This version includes various enhancements to the Appointment board, with a focus on the behaviour of entering rooms. The changes are intended to improve user engagement and streamline the process of choosing and maintaining rooms.

TEAMS-4020: The videoserver’s token does not change during the upgrade, and the videoserver and Meetings continue to function normally.

The token of the videoserver does not change during the upgrade, and the videoserver is appropriately online, as are the meetings.

SHELL-140: Feedback has been deleted from the user interface.

To avoid receiving feedback through this user interface, feedback has been disabled.

SHELL-128: Account Settings Rights Request Optimisation

To eliminate needless queries, the Carbonio Web Mail interface has been optimised. Previously, a getRightsRequest was performed every time a user moved to the account settings. This request is now made only once, which improves speed and reduces repeated data requests.

SHELL-121: Logout URL now accepts custom URLs

Carbonio’s logout URL now supports custom URLs.

SHELL-120: Admin feature control in the setting module

Admin may now allow or disable particular features for any user within the settings module. This is accomplished by enabling the parameter ‘zimbraFeatureOptionsEnabled’, which allows for fine-grained control over which settings are accessible or hidden in the webmail interface.

PREV-69: Document Preview Print Option

When previewing a document in the programme, users may now print it immediately. The app works with browser settings to either download or open the PDF for straight printing.

IRIS-4669: Synchronised discussion mode for shared accounts

Conversation mode with shared accounts now works flawlessly. When sending or deleting emails in a discussion, both the owner and delegate user are synchronised, ensuring that operations are appropriately replicated across both interfaces.

IRIS-4605: Improvements to Draft Saving Notifications

Users will now receive timely alerts if an issue occurs during the draft saving process. This guarantees a more dependable and smoother experience when working on key tasks.

IRIS-4602: Send attention in advance for missing subject and attachment

Pre-send attention popups now warn users if they attempt to send an email without a topic or attachment, ensuring that crucial elements are not overlooked.

IRIS-4601: When the editor is closed, a saved document alerts the user.

When the user closes the editor, it will now alert them that the draft may be deleted.

IRIS-4597: Attendee invite group enlargement

Users may now immediately invite a group of contacts when creating an appointment in Carbonio Web Mail. The system will propose the contact group once you provide the group name in the ‘Attendees’ or ‘Optionals’ area. When you select a group, it expands to show all of the individual contact chips that make up the group.

IRIS-4556: Email Instant Group Expansion

Users may now send emails to a group of contacts in Carbonio Web Mail with ease. When a user begins entering a contact group’s name in areas such as To, Cc, or Bcc, the autocomplete tool proposes the group. Selecting the proposed group will instantly extend or “explode” the group, presenting each member as an individual recipient.

IRIS-4509: Improved user feedback attachment upload experience

When you pick a file to upload in the mail composition modal, a progress indicator and an animated GIF will now offer visual indication that the attachment is being processed. This enhancement makes users aware of the current upload process, which improves the overall user experience.

IRIS-4263: Remove HTML links from calendar sharing

This modification affects the “HTML Link” option in Carbonio’s “Calendar’s access share” menu. Because this capability is not yet accessible, the development team has opted to remove it from the user interface to avoid any confusion or incorrect usage.

IRIS-3847: Improved feedback on attachment uploads

Carbonio Web Mail now provides users with real-time feedback during the attachment upload process. This improvement clarifies the upload status, reducing confusion or unnecessary waiting, especially for big attachments that may take a long time.

IRIS-3456: The inline attachments have been refactored.

The implementation of inline attachments has been refactored.

IRIS-2342: Improvements to the attachment button in email composing

The new attachment button design in the Design System now enables for seamless usage of the multi-button capability, minimising possible usability concerns during email production.

FILES-708: The user has easy access to file previews.

The user may now rapidly browse and download PDF previews of odt/ppt/docs/xls and other docs-managed files.

Display File Extension in New File Dialogue (FILES-428)

In the Carbonio Files module, the dialogue for generating a new document, spreadsheet, or presentation has been modified. In addition to the input field, it now contains a non-editable file extension. This alerts users to the sort of document they’re working on and notifies them that the system will automatically attach the appropriate file extension.

DOCS-191: Language Synchronisation: Configuration of Docs Editor and Carbonio

Set the language in Carbonio webmail settings, then open or create a new docs file and edit it; the docs editor menu choice will appear in the currently configured language.

COR-958: Open and accessible Port 8743 – No System Blockage

Port 8743 on the Mailbox server is now open and accessible.

COR-947: Upgrade JVM to 17.0.7

The JVM has been updated to carbonio-openjdk 17.0.7, which improves speed, security, and compliance with the most recent Java features.

COR-942: Carbonio core upgrade getLicenseInfo

The getLicenseInfo CLI tool’s output is now consistent with the subscription model.

CO-792: PreAuth Servlet Redirect Fix

The PreAuth servlet now leads visitors to the correct /carbonio URL rather than the non-existent /mail URL.

AC-755: COS – Improved Server Pools Behaviour

COS – Server Pools behaviour has been enhanced; now, the administrator can disable the server pool.

AC-748: MTA section is now available in the admin UI.

The Mail Transfer Agent portion of the Admin UI is now available. This update simplifies email administration by allowing administrators to easily create and monitor email services.

AC-737: Admin has the ability to modify the Read Receipt behaviour.

The admin may now adjust the account’s Read Receipt behaviour from the admin panel.

AC-724: ACL has been renamed Security Groups.

To provide clarity and reduce language, the label previously known as ‘ACL (Access Control List)’ within the Carbonio Admin has been renamed ‘Security Groups’.

AC-716: The administrator has the ability to list all domains.

The admin may now see a list of all domains on the system.

AC-702: Chips now have a copy button.

In the Carbonio Admin interface, a “copy” button has been introduced to chips.

AC-686: Admin support for custom logout URLs

Within the WhiteLabel settings, administrators may now specify a custom logout redirection URL. Both the User and Admin UIs will utilise this URL to reroute users once they log out.

AC-630: The administrator may administer bespoke HSM policies.

The administrator may now set custom HSM rules and have them execute at the appropriate time in the scheduler. They can also build for the future or completely avoid the creation process

AC-571: Improved External LDAP/AD Warning

When working with user credentials in domains that utilise external LDAP/AD, a warning has been added, especially when local fallback is deactivated, to ensure that administrators do not attempt settings that will not be effective.

AC-570: Domain/delegated admin now unable to deactivate system accounts such as galsync, etc. While accounts are presented in the list and global admin can delete system accounts, a major warning message is displayed before deletion.

SHELL-152: Display of the primary bar module

A race situation problem was discovered and rectified during the module loading process.

SHELL-126: More Accurate Persona Counter Calculation

The persona counter calculation mechanism has been improved to minimise identity name clashes, particularly in cases involving unsaved identity alterations or deletions.

SHELL-123: The UI enhanced quota percentage is accurately presented.

When the quota percentage surpasses 100%, the UI now displays it correctly.

SHELL-109: Refactor the functionality of “Delegates”

When users change and save data via the user interface, the zimbraPrefDelegatedSendSaveTarget value in the radio group is appropriately adjusted.

SHELL-87: Improved searchbar string translation

The search bar strings have now been properly translated.

SHELL-81: Breadcrumb settings enhanced

In Settings, I disabled the clickable feature of the breadcrumbs, which enhanced user navigation.

SHELL-49: UI for Extremely Long Search Keywords has been corrected.

The user interface has been enhanced for extremely long search phrases; previously, entering an excessively lengthy query in the search box caused the UI to slide uncomfortably to the left.

IRIS-4702: Email picture positioning that is flexible inline Compose writing new emails enables the smooth insertion of photographs anywhere inside the email body, whether the first, last, or anywhere in between.

IRIS-4688: Interaction problem resolved: getMsg request and SaveDraftRequest

“getMsg Request” no longer shows alongside “SaveDraftRequest” in the “Network” pane while changing a draft message. This indicates that the “getMsg” function is unnecessary and does not activate when the body or topic content is altered.

IRIS-4687: Safeguard shared folder delete delegation

The deletion of a local shared mounted folder is now secured and recoverable. When the shared counterpart is removed or renamed, the programme prevents the loss of the original folder.

IRIS-4683: Improved recipient search in mail with sophisticated filter

Users may now search for emails more effectively by utilising the advanced filter by recipient in both the TO and FROM fields. This improvement features email ID autocomplete and filled from chips, making it easier and more simple to search for emails by recipients.

IRIS-4679: Choosing a persona address allows you to send an email.

When a persona address is selected for mail delivery, the system now shows the whole name associated with the persona and accordingly activates the send option.

IRIS-4678: Automatic message storing while writing an email

I’m not getting any deletion of prior content when I use the save button again while we’re creating new messages in the mail editor, entering additional text, and saving them.

IRIS-4671: Draft double click enhanced

A double click on the drafts now restores the editor to its original state, with no problems.

IRIS-4667: Message List Reply Functionality with Seamless Reply

Users may now respond to messages straight from the message list without facing any issues. This upgrade improves the communication process, providing consumers with a consistent experience.

IRIS-4662: Improved advanced account search filters

The advanced filter has been used to improve search capabilities within shared account inboxes. When advanced filters are applied to shared accounts, search results now only show shared account data/chips in the search result bar, ensuring private data stays protected and secure.

IRIS-4661: Fixed shared account mail duplication

Duplicate emails in shared accounts are no longer an issue. Previously, multiple emails were seen when sending a message to a shared account and receiving a response. The system now manages these emails appropriately as a result of this update.

IRIS-4659: The missing CC contacts in “Reply All” have been rectified.

The issue with missing CC contacts while using the “Reply All” button has been resolved. Previously, while utilising this function, some contacts were not included in the CC list.

IRIS-4658: Improved Identity description

Following technical improvement, the identification description in the editor now displays the right size.

IRIS-4657: Valid addresses can be selected from distribution lists.

When sending an email, distribution lists can now be selected as valid addresses.

IRIS-4655: “no send delay” issue resolved

The “no send delay” option is now operational. Previously, selecting “no send delay” would start a countdown that would never stop.

IRIS-4621: Display of EAS inline photos in Carbonio

Images included inline inside the body of an email in the Outlook client are now shown correctly when the email is viewed within the Carbonio user interface.

IRIS-4617: Recurrent Event Exception Invites UI Update

The UI is now being updated. Properly A red indicator now displays when an appointment has not been issued when sending Recurrent Event Exception Invites.

IRIS-4603: Sent on behalf of Identity name correction.

When utilising the “send on behalf of” identity, a solution has been built to collect and show the right sender’s name. The root cause of the “no name” problem has been found and remedied.

IRIS-4598: Carbonio Web UI Printing Layout Improvements

When sending regular emails using the Carbonio web UI, the printing arrangement has been improved. Some lines were cut or stretched beyond the page in previous editions. This update resolves these issues, providing for a more fluid printing experience.

Attendees on a shared calendar no longer vanish.

The attendees no longer vanish while editing a shared calendar.

IRIS-4550: Ability to edit shared calendar appointments

Users with access and privileges to particular calendars may now effectively edit appointments, such as date adjustments or changes to guests.

Operational IRIS-4539: Email Integration Inside Appointment Displayer

The email integration within the appointment displayer is now active.

IRIS-4425: Carbonio signature changes should be seamless.

Users may now easily change or add a new signature to their documents. When a user creates a new email, all modifications made will be immediately displayed, removing the need to reload the page.

IRIS-4399: Fix for calendar modal content overflow

The content of the “Edit Calendar” popup in the Carbonio Calendars UI was overflowing, which was fixed. When sharing a calendar with several accounts, the content is now confined within the modal and navigable via a scrollbar, providing user-friendly interactions.

IRIS-4387: When an email is forwarded, an attachment is included.

When an email is forwarded, the attachment is now present.

IRIS-4152: Saved/draft appointment deletion without notification

Users may now remove stored appointments without sending a cancellation notice to the participants. Users will have greater flexibility over how they manage their calendars as a result of this enhancement, and they will not get unnecessary messages.

IRIS-4026: Improved Signature Functionality in the Carbonio Environment

Users may now alter or add a new signature with ease. The changes will be applied dynamically when a user creates a new email, eliminating the need for a page reload.

Add public link from Files works, IRIS-3970

When utilising the email attachment options, adding public links from files now works properly on the email board.

IRIS-3960: Improved picture rendering in received emails

The mail system now ensures proper picture formatting in the received letter body, especially when it comes from outside sources. This improvement provides a more reliable and visually pleasing email experience.

IRIS-3958: Email forwarding image preservation

A patch has been implemented to guarantee that when users use Carbonio UI to transfer an email containing an inline picture, the image remains intact and is not lost during the forwarding process.

IRIS-3939: Email Image Upload inline

The software has been improved so that inserting inline graphics while writing an email remains stable in the email composition interface.

IRIS-3929: No More Duplicate Messages in Draft Folder Improved draft folder functionality. Users will no longer see multiple messages while drafting an email, especially if a topic is included and the document is saved quickly. This upgrade offers a smooth and fast drawing experience.

IRIS-3844: Inline image fidelity in draft emails

When users change a previously saved draft or a scheduled e-mail including inline pictures, the integrity of these images is preserved, eliminating broken image links or unseen images.

IRIS-3751: Retaining images in email responses inline

When replying or forwarding, Carbonio Web Mail now ensures that inline graphics from both internal and external email sources are kept.

IRIS-3730: The attachment menu is no longer floating. The attachment menu has been improved, and the attachment choice now closes properly. When the user shrinks or expands the board.

IRIS-3712: Attachments are no longer lost during mail forwarding.

When an email is forwarded, inline attachments are no longer lost.

IRIS-3692: Feature for instant default signature updating

Users may now automatically designate their signature as the default after creating or modifying it. This improvement guarantees that the revised signature preference takes effect instantly, without the need to reload the page.

IRIS-3626: Appointment Cancellation Enhancement Logic

Appointments can no longer be cancelled for all users who are not designated as the organiser, and he may only send alerts to the organiser.

IRIS-3625: Improved mail composition switching mode

Users may now move between Rich Text Editor and standard text mode without losing any letter body data. This improvement allows a seamless transition in mail composition, allowing for continuous workflow.

IRIS-3616: Email file attachment causes automatic popup closure.

Attaching a file to an email has been optimised for user ease in the most recent version. When you pick a file, the source pop-up box (local disc, files…) will now dismiss immediately once the attachment has been successfully attached to the letter.

IRIS-2933: Email send button disables automatically while attachment is in progress Now, when we start writing a new email and fill in all the data, we want to attempt sending mail while the attachment is in progress (uploading), so the send button disables or blocks us from sending mail.

FILES-713: Improved file versioning for download

A defect was fixed when the carbonio-files routes were refactored, allowing users to download a specific version of a file and open a specific version of a document with documentation.

FILES-705: Improved error handling in the folder user interface for children response
If a revision data “node_id” is erased from the database, the corresponding file will no longer be accessible in the folder UI. The list will now just show the remaining files, making the user experience more streamlined and error-tolerant.

FILES-689: All modules may see uploaded objects.
When an upload is done from a separate module, uploaded objects are shown.

FILES-528: Clickable “Upload” Icon for Smooth File Upload
Users may now click on the “Upload GIF” option during file uploads, which smoothly navigates them to the upload tab and displays the ongoing file upload process.

COR-990: The ‘getServer’ API has been corrected.
A issue has been repaired, and the getServer API now responds to queries appropriately.

CO-839: CalDAV appointment change rectified
A issue that generated an error while adding, changing, or removing an appointment from the calendar using CalDAV has been fixed. Appointments may now be successfully made, edited, and removed.

CO-797: Carbonio-bootstrap service status has improved.
We may enable/disable services when we run carbonio bootstrap during installation. Following setup, we retrieve service status as configured during installation.

AC-770: Admin has control over PublicServiceHostname.
The administrator may now manage the PublicServiceHostname from the Admin UI.

AC-767: Improved Mailing List Performance
You may now create or update mailing lists directly from the admin panel in the most recent version. When you save changes to the “Who can send mails TO this list?” setting and then close the modal box, the changes are saved. When you return to the same setup, it will be exactly as you left it.

AC-751: Account Mailbox Quota Correctly Updates
The value of a user’s mailbox quota now adjusts and remains constant based on your settings. This means it will no longer return to “0” on its own.

Carbonio Admin Panel Login Error fixed (AC-745)
The login error messages in the Carbonio Admin Panel have been fixed. When the Mailbox node or service is unavailable, the admin login page now displays relevant error messages. The error message will be more detailed after this upgrade, stating “Error 502: Service Unreachable – Retry Later.”

AC-744: Handling Login UI Errors for Passwords including Personal Information
When a user attempts to set a password on the first login using his personal account information, the valid error message “Invalid password Password contains username or other personal data” occurs.

AC-743: Improved error handling for mailbox service
When the mailbox service is disabled and a user attempts to log in to Carbonio CE/Advanced, a user-friendly error message instead than a JSON error is presented. The system now recognises and displays the “Service Unreachable” error to the user.

AC-721: Schedule for Enhanced HSM Settings
 Hint HSM settings now have improved configuration saving capability. In addition, the scheduling clue “0 2 * * *” has been included. These enhancements provide a more secure and efficient experience.

AC-717: Improved Cross-Domain Account Delegation
Administrators can now delegate accounts outside of the domain to which they belong. This increases flexibility and administrative control by allowing an admin from, for example, to delegate powers to

AC-703: The General Tab option “Prevent user from changing password” is deleted.
As it is managed from the security page, the “Prevent user from changing password” option has been removed from the General page in edit mode.

AC-700: bugfix for powersStoreMoveScheduler
Fixed an issue in which the admin console always displayed the default value of powerstoreMoveScheduler. The value is now appropriately shown.

AC-681: The distribution list edit issue has been rectified.
We resolved a previously observed behaviour with the changing of distribution lists in the Carbonio Web Admin interface. After generating a distribution list, users may now modify and save changes without difficulty. Changes to the “Members,” “Owners’ Settings,” and “Who can send mails TO this list?” fields are now effectively preserved and appropriately represented when the page is refreshed.