Carbonio Email Service provider

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The Mails section is where you may save, generate, and organise fresh emails.

Folder and Shared Folders

E-mail is organised into folders, which by default include Inbox, Junk, Sent, Drafts, and Trash. These folders are also known as System folders and cannot be renamed or removed. New folders may be established by right-clicking on any item in the folder list and arranging them in a hierarchy.

When a folder includes unread e-mails, a blue icon with the number 99+ appears to the right of the folder name, indicating that there are at least 99 emails to read.

A right-click also allows you to perform further activities on the selected folder, such as moving, wiping (removing all e-mails from the folder), editing, deleting, and sharing.

To locate shares, click the FIND SHARES button beneath the Share Folders. In the dialogue, enter the e-mail address of the colleague whose shares you wish to locate. If the colleague has shared a folder, it is displayed as a list.

When dealing with shared folders, you may move messages or conversations (depending on the visualisation) from shared folders to local, non-shared folders, and vice versa.

While e-mails are automatically tagged as read when they are first viewed, you can label them individually. This option is very beneficial for shared accounts, as it ensures that everyone who has access to the email has read it.


A tag is a label that is put to an e-mail or a calendar event item to aid with both the organisation of the e-mails or events and their searchability.

Right-clicking on the tags menu item adds new tags, whereas right-clicking on an existing tag modifies or deletes it.

To search for a tag, type tag:name into the Search quickbar, substituting name with the tag’s name. Calendar appointments may be marked using the same tags as emails.

Working with Emails

When emails arrive, they are automatically placed in the Inbox folder (unless they are tagged as junk email) and delivered to the delivered folder. These landing folders may be altered on the Mails settings page by configuring filters to automatically transfer any email to a certain folder.

By default, e-mails are ordered in Conversations, which means that an e-mail and all of the responses it gets are combined into a single element in the list. In this scenario, a little number indicates how many emails are in the conversation.

It is possible to display each e-mail as a distinct item in the list, however answers to the e-mails will not appear with the original e-mail.

Conversations (or single messages, when displaying e-mails by message) may be dragged and dropped into any folder. To pick one conversation in the list, click on the Avatar to the left of the e-mail (the circle with the sender’s initials). You will be sent to the so-called Selection Mode, where you may click on more chats or choose all of them by clicking the choose ALL button above the list, and then transfer them to a different folder.

When you delete a discussion, it is placed in the Trash folder, allowing you to search for messages inside the discussion before permanently removing it.

The recipient list of an e-mail displays the sender’s name if it is already in the contacts, and the e-mail address otherwise; the list may be enlarged by clicking the little chevron to see the recipient’s complete name and e-mail address. Near each recipient, two little icons allow you to write directly to the recipient or copy the e-mail address to add it to your contacts.

There are a few icons in the top-right corner of each e-mail that allow you to do a variety of tasks; click the symbol to access them, among others: Mark an email as read/unread or spam, then print, delete, tag, or report it. A flag is a basic signal for an email that may be customised: for example, it is more important than others, it requires action, or it has been processed and can be archived or destroyed.

More actions are accessible and displayed when you right-click an email.

Carbonio CE supports e-mail receipts: while drafting an email, clicking the symbol on the right-hand side of the subject adds a request for a read receipt from the receiver.

When you first open an email with a receipt request, a modal will display, asking you to send a read receipt to the author. Click NOTIFY to send the receipt; otherwise, none will be sent.

To avoid sending an unfinished e-mail, Carbonio CE adds an automated delay of a few seconds (see the Set send time option in Settings), and a notice displays in the bottom right corner: click UNDO to stop sending and continue editing the e-mail.

When you have numerous aliases or access to shared accounts, you may use a different signature for each e-mail you create, forward, or respond to: see the Using Signatures section in the Mails settings.

Writing emails

To send a new email, click the NEW button in the Carbonio CE’s top bar. A screen with the editor will appear, allowing you to send an email. This panel may be resized and dragged to any position inside the browser tab. Furthermore, this panel is shared by the other modules, so you may start numerous activities (e.g., send or respond to an e-mail, modify a contact, create a new calendar event) and they will all be presented in the same panel, which will be grouped using tabs that appear on top of pannel

A draft is stored when composing an e-mail; when you close the panel, you will be prompted to save it so that you may continue writing later. If a problem occurs that prevents contact with the server (for example, a network failure), an error message will be shown. In instance, if you attached a document and the upload fails, you must delete it and attach it again.

When there are numerous addresses in the TO, CC, or BCC fields, you may drag & drop them from one to the other.

If one of the receivers (TO, CC, or BCC) of your email is a distribution list, you may view a list of all members by clicking the little chevron symbol. By pressing the blue icon at the top of the list, you may change it with all of the individual e-mail addresses.

Attachment Management

Carbonio CE allows e-mail attachments; depending if the e-mail is composed before it is sent or has been received, the following actions are accessible.

Trash Folder

The trash folder is a special folder that temporarily stores e-mails designated for deletion in case they need to be retrieved. An e-mail in the Trash folder will be removed automatically after 30 days, which is the default retention term.

Junk Folder

This is a special folder, similar to the trash folder, that stores e-mails that have been designated as spam or are otherwise unwanted or unwelcome.

Carbonio CE has anti-virus and anti-spam engines that can automatically determine if an email is legitimate or spam and label it accordingly. However, if you believe an e-mail is spam but has not been processed, you may manually designate it as spam by right-clicking it and selecting designate as spam. Also, the converse is true: an e-mail in the Junk folder (i.e., identified as spam) can be designated as not spam, and it will be delivered to the Inbox

The garbage folder’s contents help the anti-spam engine learn and improve its results.