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The Monitoring Role is made up of the tools Prometheus and Grafana. Grafana provides dashboards, and some manual repository setting needed a

Carbonio is a bootstrapped carbonio.

The bootstrap command will perform a variety of operations and configure the node. At the end, you will be presented with a menu, and if you have previously configured everything, all you need to do is click y for confirmation.

You must give these values during the procedure, which you may obtain from the initial Mesh and Directory node.

  • The FQDN of the first Mesh and Directory node is the Ldap master host (example:
  • The first Mesh and Directory node provides the Ldap Admin password (ldap-admin-password).
Join the Carbonio Mesh.

Carbonio Mesh will run as an agent, connecting to and communicating with the server. The agent’s configuration is produced by launching command.

This command will do the following:

  • request the current Node’s IP address and netmask
  • Request the Carbonio Mesh secret, which is saved on the Directory Leader node in the file /var/lib/service-discover/password.
  • After the setup has been finished successfully, use the secret to run the following command.

To finish the installation, restart the prometheus service by typing:

Grafana Setup and Configuration

As previously stated, Grafana requires some user intervention before and after installation to install the required plugins, establish data sources, and import them from Carbonio.

Installation of Grafana

Before installing Grafana, get the Grafana GPG key, add it to the list of trusted keys in your APT installation, and add the Grafana repository to your APT sources.

Setup Grafana

Start the Grafana service and check its status. If everything is working well, you may allow the service to launch Grafana on boot.

Sign in to Grafana.

The Grafana portal may be accessed via port 3000 on the node where you installed the Monitoring Role, which we presume is

You can log in for the first time with the following credentials: password = admin / user = admin

Installation of Grafana Plugins
Some dasboards require a plugin to function properly, therefore we install them:

  1. The Worldmap panel
  2. Panel with a treemap
To utilise the updated plugins, restart Grafana:

Grafana datasource configuration
Navigate to to access the Grafana web interface.

  1. Log in to Grafana with your username and password.
  2. Click Connections on the left sidebar, then Data Sources.
  3. Add a new data source
  4. Select Prometheus as your type. Find and pick “Prometheus” from the list of accessible data sources, and then give it a name.
  5. Set up the Prometheus connection. Fill up the Prometheus necessary information, including the URL for your Prometheus server (e.g., http://localhost:9090).
  6. To ensure that the Prometheus connection was properly configured, click the “Save & Test” option. Save the data source if the connection is successful.
Carbonio dashboards may be imported.
In Grafana, a dashboard is a visual representation of data that provides a complete and real-time overview of numerous metrics and information. Dashboards are fully customisable and can include panels that display graphs, tables, heatmaps, and other visualisations depending on data from linked data sources. Zextras built various dashboards that are required for pleasant monitoring; these may be readily imported from the Grafana marketplace as follows.
  1. Navigate to the Grafana web interface.
  2. Select “Dashboards” from the left sidebar.
  3. To launch the import page, click “New” “Import”.
  4. Copy and paste the dashboard ID that you wish to import.
  5. Click “Load” to have the system retrieve dashboard information.
  6. Configure import parameters, such as selecting a data source and other choices, if necessary.
  7. To finish the import, press the “Import” button.
  8. To view the imported dashboard, navigate to the “Dashboards” area and choose it.
Using its unique ID, these procedures will allow you to rapidly import a dashboard into Grafana.