Carbonio Email Service provider

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Date of release: May 15th, 2023


  • MOB-406 is the issue number.
  • Title: iOS appointment responses synchronisation corrected
  • Description: A fault in iOS mobile devices caused answers to calendar appointments to be synchronised numerous times.
  • MOB-407 is the issue number.
  • Title: Fixed attachment name encoding via EAS
  • When synchronising via EAS, attachment names containing non-ASCII characters were incorrectly encoded due to a problem.


  • PS-459 is the issue number.
  • S3 bucket validation has been improved.
  • To enhance the testS3Connection command, a file is now uploaded to the bucket, read, and eventually removed to ensure that the bucket is functioning properly.


  • TEAMS-4053 is the issue ID.
  • Bugfix for external attendees in instant meetings
  • A problem that prevented external guests from joining an instant meeting has been resolved.