Carbonio Email Service provider

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This section provides general guidance on the functions and duties performed most frequently by the various Carbonio components. The following parts contain specific sections with further details, instructions, and recommended practises:

  • Quick Search And New Object Creation Features: Find any item using the search function or add a new one.
  • View files without having to save them first
  • The main element of Carbonio is mails.
  • How to provide people access to Carbonio using Carbonio Auth
  • Calendars: Keep track of your commitments and communicate them to coworkers
  • To gather and organise your email addresses, use Contacts.
  • Chats: real-time chats with people through text and images in shared locations and virtual rooms
  • To create, distribute, and collaborate on documents, utilise files.
  • The functionality of Quick Search is completed with Search.
  • All Carbonio parameters may be customised in the settings section.

After login in to the mailbox, all Zextras Carbonio functions are accessible; using the mailbox just needs using a compatible browser on any device as long as it is online.

To access particular Carbonio features on mobile devices, utilise a specialised application.

To reach the login page and enter your credentials, use the webmail address:

  • your email address as the user name
  • Password: Use the same one that was used for your username
  • Version: The available options are Classic, Iris, and Carbonio’s native GUI.

The user will be on the Home screen after logging in, where he may access all of his mailbox’s features.

Each module of Carbonio’s capabilities may be accessed from the menu on the left side of IRIS, the program’s primary web interface. They appear to be:

Manage your email inbox and folders by adding filters.


Create a schedule of your appointments and activities, communicate them with coworkers, and locate their shared calendars.

All the data pertaining to contacts and distribution lists is displayed under Contacts.

Individual and group conversations, video calls, and video conferencing are all supported via the chats tool (optional component).


Colleague document sharing is an optional step.


a robust search engine for the mailbox’s many components.


Set your options to personalise the look and functions of your inbox on a daily basis.

Additionally, all of the functionality in the various modules to search for things in the inbox and create new objects has been consolidated.

For the most typical actions that may be completed using Carbonio’s GUI, use instructions are provided in the remaining portions of this section.

Functionalities For Quick Search And New Object Creation

The top bar in Carbonio now includes both the functionality to add new objects (such as emails, contacts, calendar events, and so forth) and to search. For instance, while reading emails, it is feasible to make a new calendar appointment or look up contacts while organising an event on the calendar.

Use Carbonio’s top bar, as seen in Fig. 11, to do this. To create a new item in the module you are now in or to create a new object in another module, click the blue NEW button. For example, when in the calendar, click to make a new appointment.

The search operates in a similar manner: the text entered in the text box may be searched in the module using the white button to the right of the NEW button, whose label varies based on the active module. To do a search in a different module, click the. The Advanced search module offers a more sophisticated search option.

For users, Carbonio Auth

To handle all user-side credentials and features, including account and EAS mobile passwords, mobile app QR codes, and OTP for 2FA, Carbonio Auth has a separate settings page (see Fig. 12).

The right-side menu provides access to the Carbonio Auth settings page. The Carbonio Auth may be used by users without any CLI access.

By creating a new credential, you may grant others access to your account, perhaps including the Zextras Mobile Apps, without disclosing your own credentials.

  • Password-changing for the person who is presently logged in
  • You may reach the specialised sites by choosing Exchange ActiveSync, Mobile Apps, or OTP Authentication. There, you can add new credentials.
  • Verify the creation status and other details for each credential produced for Exchange ActiveSync and Mobile Apps. The label of the password, its status, the service it is valid for, and its creation date are all displayed next to each entry in the list in each section.
  • Verify the status and other details for each One Time Password that has been created. Each entry in this table includes a description, its status, any unsuccessful attempts, and the date it was created.
  • Control the 2FA logins. Unless its usage has been enabled or disallowed at COS, domain, or global level, each user may decide whether to impose access via 2FA.
  • Delete any generated credentials.

The rest of this section provides instructions on how to add or remove credentials as well as an overview of the many options for creating new credentials.

Alter your password

Click update Password to update your password. You must first input the current password here before twice entering a new one.

Click the blue CHANGE PASSWORD button to save the new password.
EAS Create New Credentials
Click Exchange ActiveSync, then NEW AUTHENTICATION + to generate a new password for the EAS service. Here, in the Authentication description section, type a password identification that is simple to remember.
The new mobile password will then appear after clicking CREATE PASSWORD.
To copy the password to the clipboard, click the COPY PASSWORD button at the end.
To exit the Carbonio Auth window, click DONE. The Carbonio Auth Zimlet’s Active Passwords list now includes a reference to the new Mobile Password.
Create New Credentials for Apps on Mobile
Zextras Application logins, such as those for the APPs for Mobile Devices, may be sped up and managed with Carbonio Auth. To do this, a QR Code is generated, which the user may scan from the app’s login page to log in. The process is fairly similar to the one that was explained in the part before.
Open the Carbonio Auth Zimlet, choose Mobile Apps, and then click NEW AUTHENTICATION + to generate a new QR code for a mobile application. Here, fill up the Authentication description field with a password that is simple to remember. The new QR code for Mobile Application will appear when you click CREATE PASSWORD. To frame the code and allow access to the app, utilise the Zextras mobile app.
To exit the Carbonio Auth window, click DONE. In the Carbonio Auth Zimlet.vv’s list of Active Passwords, the new Mobile Application now has a listing.
OTP for New Credentials Creation
Open the Carbonio Auth Zimlet and select OTP Authentication, then NEW OTP + to bring up a dialogue where you may add a special label to distinguish the One Time Password access.
When the QR code is displayed, you may either scan it with your smartphone or copy it (as a string) to the clipboard. After that, click the next button to view the list of PINs that can be used as authentication.
To print the codes on paper or to a file, use the PRINT PIN CODES button after that. The printed page contains all the codes, their legitimate usernames and email addresses, as well as usage instructions.
Click DONE at the end to shut the Carbonio Auth window. The list will display an entry for the new OTP entry.
Discard Credentials
Simply choose a credential from the Active passwords or OTPs list and press the DELETE x button to remove it:
It’s convenient to transmit files to coworkers via Carbonio Chats, as email attachments, or by saving them in Carbonio Files.
You may take a brief peek at those files using Carbonio Preview. The svg format is not supported, however other supported file types such as PDFs, text documents, spreadsheets, and other office files may all be previewed
Click the file’s name once to access the Details pane and preview a supported file. Click the little magnifying glass icon above the information to automatically see a JPG preview that is resized and centred to fit the browser window. By using the buttons (PgUp, PgDown, Home, End), PDF files may be navigated.
To open a file for editing on Carbonio Files, you must right-click the file name and choose Open Document from the drop-down menu.
It is possible to share, download, or print a document after it has been opened in preview mode.
The print action may begin immediately or a print dialogue may be shown, depending on the browser being used and its settings.
You generate, organise, and save new emails with the Mails module.
Shares and Folders
Folders are used to organise emails, and the default ones are Inbox, Junk, Sent, Draughts, and Trash. These folders, which are also referred to as System folders, cannot be removed or renamed. Any item in the folder list may be right-clicked and a new folder with a hierarchy can be formed.
A blue symbol with a number will appear to the right of the folder name if a folder has unread emails; 99+ indicates that there are at least 99 emails to read.
With a right-click, you can also relocate, wipe (remove all emails from the folder), edit, delete, and share the selected folder with internal coworkers or even make it publicly viewable.
Click the FIND SHARES button beneath the Share Folders to search for shares. Enter the email address of the colleague whose shares you want to locate in the dialogue box: If a colleague has shared any folders, a list of them is displayed.
When using shared folders, you can transfer messages or chats from the shared folders to a local, non-shared folder and vice versa (depending on the visualisation selected).
Although emails are automatically tagged as read when they are viewed, you may manually mark each one. In the event of a shared account, this option is very helpful to ensure that everyone with access to the email has read it.
A tag is a label that is put to an email or a calendar event item that helps to organise the emails or events itself and to make it easier to search through them.
Right-clicking on the tags menu item will allow you to add new tags, while doing so will also allow you to edit or remove an existing tag.
Use the syntax tag:name in the Search quickbar to search for a tag, substituting name with the tag’s name. Calendar appointments may be marked using the same tags as e-mails.
Processing emails
By default, emails are sent to the Sent folder and placed in the Inbox folder as they arrive (unless they are designated as junk email). By using filters to transport emails automatically to certain folders, these landing folders may be modified via the Mails settings page.
By default, emails are sorted in Conversations, so an email and all of the answers it gets are condensed into a single element in the list. A tiny number in this instance indicates the amount of emails that make up the dialogue.
The option to display each email as a single item in the list is available, but answers to the emails would not appear close to the original email.
You may drag and drop conversations (or individual messages, when displaying emails by message) to any folder. To pick one discussion in the list, click on the avatar to the left of the email, which is the circle containing the sender’s initials. You will then be in what is known as selection mode, where you may transfer conversations to other folders by selecting one discussion at a time or all of them by pressing the SELECT ALL button above the list.
You have the ability to search within a chat before permanently deleting it because when you delete a chat, it is stored in the Trash folder.
Each email has a few icons in the top-right corner that may be clicked to access a variety of tasks, including the following: Email can be marked as read/unread, spam, printed, deleted, tagged, or flagged. A flag is a straightforward signal for an email that may be customised to one’s preferences, such as whether it is more important than other emails, if it requires action, or whether it has already been processed and is ready to be archived or destroyed.
Right-clicking an email displays other actions that are accessible.
Email receipts are supported by Carbonio; to include a request for a read receipt from the receiver of an email, click the symbol to the right of the subject line while writing an email.
A modal window that asks to submit a read receipt to the author will show up when opening an email for the first time. To send the receipt, click NOTIFY; otherwise, no receipt will be issued.
In Carbonio, a three-second automatic delay prevents sending an incomplete email, and a notice reading “Click UNDO to stop the sending and continue editing the email” displays in the bottom right corner.
When you create, forward, or respond to an email using numerous aliases or access to shared accounts, you can add a different signature each time. For more information, see the section Using Signatures in the Mails settings.
sending emails
Click the NEW button in the top bar of the Carbonio to start a new email. An editor panel that enables for email writing will then display. This panel may be resized and dragged to any location inside the browser tab. Additionally, since the other modules share this panel, you may begin numerous activities (such as writing or replying to emails, editing contacts, or creating new calendar events) and they will all be displayed in the same panel, which is grouped by tabs that appear on top of the panel.
A draught of an email is kept as you write it; you will be prompted to save it before closing the panel so you may continue writing later. An error message will be shown if a problem develops that prevents communication from the client to the server (for example, a network issue). In particular, you need to delete and reattach a document if you uploaded it but the upload fails.
Email attachments are supported by Carbonio, and the following actions are accessible depending on whether the email is composed before it is sent or after it has been received.
a trash can
Emails designated for deletion are temporarily preserved in the trash folder, just in case they need to be retrieved. An email that has been placed in the Trash folder will be automatically removed after the retention term, which is by default 30 days.
Trash Folder
This is a special folder, similar to the trash folder, where emails that have been flagged as spam or are otherwise unwanted or unwelcome are kept.
Carbonio has anti-virus and anti-spam engines that can determine if an email is legitimate or not and flag it as spam automatically. The email can be manually designated as spam by right-clicking it and choosing Mark as spam if you believe it to be spam but it was not yet processed. Additionally, the opposite is true: if an email that has been designated as spam and placed in the Junk folder is changed to not be spam, it will be moved to the Inbox.
The garbage folder’s whole contents aid the anti-spam engine’s ability to learn and enhance its performance.
Calendars: You may keep track of the meetings, events, and appointments you need to attend as well as share them with your coworkers using the calendar component.
A new appointment can be made in addition to using NEW in other methods. The first involves selecting the appropriate day and time on the calendar by clicking on them. The start (and finish) times are the only thing that differs: when using the button, they are set to the current time, whereas when using the calendar, they are taken from the clicked time.
As an alternative, you may open an existing appointment, copy it, and change only the pertinent information, such as the date and time, without having to make a new appointment and fill out all the fields. If you need to plan recurring events without a set timetable, this option might be helpful.
If an account is set up with several identities, you may pick which one to send invites from; the sender field in the email will then be filled in with the selected identity.
Participants who are required to attend might be added by putting their e-mail address. The attendee’s email address will be highlighted and a message will be displayed if they are already unable to attend or have another appointment that conflicts. This enhances and streamlines the event development process.
A red icon will be seen next to the event in the calendar if the invitation was not issued or if something went wrong. The participant may suggest a new time. A fresh email will be created in this scenario and sent to the other participant informing them of the change.
A calendar event can be edited, copied, or moved, as well as seen in its original, plain text form, by using the various options available when right-clicking the event.
Any calendar event can also have tags attached to it, and the event itself can be (tentatively) approved or rejected.
It’s simple to look for events: just enter a search term in the fast search bar to get started. By default, all matches from the last 30 days and those to come are displayed. Click the ADVANCED FILTER box and choose the new start and end dates using the date selectors to enlarge or narrow the search. Optionally, expand the search’s keyword list.
A calendar event can be edited, copied, or moved, as well as seen in its original, plain text form, by using the various options available when right-clicking the event.
Any calendar event can also have tags attached to it, and the event itself can be (tentatively) approved or rejected.
It’s simple to look for events: just enter a search term in the fast search bar to get started. By default, all matches from the last 30 days and those to come are displayed. Click the ADVANCED FILTER box and choose the new start and end dates using the date selectors to enlarge or narrow the search. Optionally, expand the search’s keyword list.
Combined Calendars
By selecting Shared Calendars from the left-side column and then clicking the FIND SHARES button, you may also look for calendars shared by your coworkers. Enter the (partial) name of the colleague in the dialogue that appears, choose a colour, and then click ADD.
The calendar will appear in the list of calendars, and all of the appointments are displayed; selecting the checkbox changes their visibility.
Establish a CalDAV CLient.
Your preferred CalDAV client can easily add a Carbonio calendar with just a few simple steps. The process is essentially the same regardless of the client; the differences are listed in the box at the end of this section.
In this example, the user wants to set up a calendar called Calendar on the domain in Mozilla’s Thunderbird. Replace these values in the remaining text with appropriate ones.
You can keep track of all the individuals you correspond with through email in the Contacts component and organise them into address books. The column to the right of the component’s list contains the address books that are currently in use. By selecting New Contact from the NEW button, you may add new contacts to the Contacts component, where they will be saved under the Contacts section. Additionally, you may decide in which address book the new contact is kept. Any contact can have Tags applied to them as well.
The unique Trash address book is where deleted contacts are stored until you manually clear it. Right-click the address book and choose Empty Trash to accomplish this.
A right-click on the address book gives you the option to update, share, empty, or remove it, among other actions. New address books can also be made. Icons for each contact make it possible to perform a variety of activities, including deleting, moving, and sending an email to the contact.
You may enter the e-mail address and click the FIND SHARES option under Shared Address Book to see whether any of your coworkers have shared an address book. You will see every address book that the user has shared.
Using the search bar, you may browse contacts. After that, by selecting the ADVANCED FILTER option, you may narrow your search. You may select to include shared address books in the search here as well.
Carbonio conversations is a component that offers text conversations, one-to-one video calls, and videoconferencing for business users.
Three columns make up Carbonio Chats’ user interface:
  • The list of contacts and the history of previous talks are located in the left-hand column. In the area above it, you may CREATE new conversations and groups, filter chat names, and choose between chats and virtual rooms at the top (see more below). Button controls allow for managing virtual rooms below it.
  • The conversation messages are located in the centre column. To begin a video call with the contact, click the phone symbol in the top-right corner of the conversation.
  • The contact’s information is located in the right-hand column, where you can also copy the special link to their virtual room, mute notifications, and delete the history of any chats you’ve had with them.
Monitors in the Rooms
The user who establishes a room (which we refer to as a group or virtual room; see below) instantly takes on the role of room moderator and has control over both the text and video discussions that take place in the room. The Mute For All and Add New Members capabilities in particular are only available to Moderators.
A moderator can invite any user to become a moderator and can only leave the virtual space if neither other users nor another moderator are present.
In order to connect with numerous persons simultaneously—by default, up to five—groups are non-persistent entities. Any user may start a group and invite people to it, and any group member can extend the invitation to more individuals. A group no longer exists if every member has left.
Online rooms
Virtual Rooms enable the organisation of group video conferences with both internal and external guests. people who have accounts on the present Carbonio instance are the former, whilst people without accounts on the Carbonio instance are the later. Neither of them must be a member of the Virtual Room to temporarily join.
Users may also quickly view all ongoing and upcoming meetings involving them on the Virtual Room page.
Click the CREATE ROOM button, then type a name to start a new meeting. The position of Owner will be immediately given to you. A virtual room’s owner is the only person with the authority to delete it, in addition to being a Moderator who cannot be removed.
All meetings are displayed in the left-hand column, broken down into Ongoing Meetings and Scheduled Meetings. A few buttons are displayed for each of them, allowing users to enter or exit a virtual room, copy and share the link, and modify the connection.
When arranging meetings with coworkers, scheduled meetings are helpful: make a planned meeting, then add the URL to the virtual room to the invitation in the calendar.
It is possible to record video calls, however this requires an extra package. If you need instructions or additional details on the feature, please see the section Recording a Video Meeting.
When entering a virtual room, a dialogue box with the room’s name and options for selecting and testing audio and video equipment opens.
distributing documents
It is possible to exchange files in text chats by either uploading a file from a desktop computer or mobile device or by sharing the public URL to a file that is housed in Carbonio Files. Click on the paper clip symbol to the right of the chat’s input field to do the latter operation.
Additionally, before downloading, the majority of files may be examined; for more details, see Section Preview.
Carbonio Chats manages presence automatically; everytime a user checks in, regardless of whether Chats is the focus, they are marked as online.
All messages are presented with a customizable number of tick symbols as part of the user presence system:
If privacy is enabled when sending a text message, only one grey tick is displayed, indicating that the server has received the message. The receiving user won’t reply with an acknowledgement.
Messaging Not Read
Any discussion (Group and instant meeting) will display the number of unread messages on the right side of the label for the chat or instant meeting where the message originated as well as in the list of conversions below, adjacent to the chat that generated the message.
Carbonio Files is a file storage solution that allows for document versioning, collaborative editing, and document sharing with coworkers.
The files stored in Carbonio Files are displayed in the centre and arranged in a folder structure. These folders originally contain the icons for Home, Shared with me, Trash, Filters, and Uploads as well as a number of pre-defined shortcuts. Files may be organised in folders under Home, and a list of recently viewed files and folders is also provided so that users can immediately pick up where they left off.
Making Use of Files
The most frequent operations that may be performed on files and folders are summarised in the following panels.
With Carbonio Docs, everyone in the business may work together to edit many sorts of documents, including text documents, word processors, spreadsheets, and presentations. Carbonio Docs is built on a fully adapted LibreOffice online package.
A specific Carbonio Docs component manages the smooth integration of Carbonio Docs with Carbonio Files objects and email attachments.
A connection to a Carbonio Docs server instance is established whenever someone wishes to edit a document, and a copy of the file is then obtained and shown in the user’s browser. In order to maintain the authenticity and fidelity of the document between client and server and use as little bandwidth as possible, only modifications to the client are sent back when changes are made.
Every document may be shown either in edit (read/write) mode with a complete GUI, or in read-only mode with a minimal GUI limited to the viewing features.
Critical Elements
The Carbonio Docs’ most popular core features are:
  • view and edit documents, both individually and together
  • The same features as a desktop version of LibreOffice are supported. 
  • Any current browser may provide collaborative editing features; no extra plugins are required. 
  • Microsoft Office document compatibility
  • cross-platform and cross-operating system compatibility 
  • preservation of document style and formatting across various file types or formats: 
  • text files (including doc, docx, txt, and more) 
  • Spreadsheets (XLS, ODBC, and OD) 
  • ppt, odp, and pptx presentations
  • presentations (ppt and odp) 
  • the capability of saving the same file in various file types or formats.
  • support for document export to PDF files 
  • Generation of previews and thumbnails for the majority of image formats, including PNG, GIF, and JPEG 
  • previewing PDF documents
  • Full GUI to support all read and write documents, limited GUI for read-only documents
Shared Folders, You (and Your Mobile), and Shared Folders
Folders that are not owned by the user themselves can be synced to mobile devices using Carbonio. You may sync any shared email folder, address book, calendar, or task list to mobile devices because this is true for all item types supported by the Exchange ActiveSync protocol.
Depending on the client being used, certain functionalities that are available on mobile devices may vary.
The synchronisation of shared folders is subject to the following limitations:
  • A mountpoint referring to a whole account share cannot be synced.
  • A shared folder’s subfolder cannot be synced since doing so would result in an incomplete folder tree. 
  • A read-only share cannot be synchronised because the Exchange ActiveSync protocol does not support the idea of read-only resources. There will be numerous errors and severe discrepancies between the client and the server if a read-only folder is synchronised.
You can keep track of all the individuals you correspond with through email in the Contacts component and organise them into address books. The column to the right of the component’s list contains the address books that are currently in use.
By selecting New Contact from the NEW button, you may add new contacts to the Contacts component, where they will be saved under the Contacts section.
Email addresses of recipients are automatically added to the Emailed Contacts.
The unique Trash address book is where deleted contacts are stored until you manually clear it. Right-click the address book and choose Empty Trash to accomplish this.
A right-click on the address book gives you the option to update, share, empty, or remove it, among other actions. New address books can also be made.
Icons for each contact make it possible to perform a variety of activities, including deleting, moving, and sending an email to the contact.
You may enter the e-mail address and click the FIND SHARES option under Shared Address Book to see whether any of your coworkers have shared an address book. You will see every address book that the user has shared.
Customising the modules’ functionality and look is possible using the Settings module. General, Mails, Calendar, and Contacts are the categories under which configuration choices are arranged.