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Date of release: December 27th, 2023

AC-317: Done Operations Display in Carbonio Admin NEW FEATURES LIST

The Carbonio Web Admin interface now has improved capabilities for accessing and controlling completed operations in the Carbonio Advanced Module via the Operations Done tab. This update provides administrators with a complete picture of all completed tasks.

AC-508: Increased visibility of the failed bucket check message

In the Carbonio Admin Panel, the visibility and substance of failure warnings during bucket formation have been improved. Administrators will now receive clearer and more detailed warnings regarding the causes of failure as well as specific methods to fix the issues.

AC-695: Admin UI quarantine management functionality

This is a new improvement in the Carbonio admin panel where the global admin can see a quarantine global quarantine account and their retention period of holding infected emails with the virus and the global admin can see the list of infected emails/messages as well as open such infected email and do the activity related to the particular message like remove the message, deliver the message, etc.

AC-733: Input box for domain-specific login/logout URLs

With our most recent upgrade, you now have more power! In the admin interface, we’ve included a critical input area that allows users to customise login and logout experiences for a given domain. This enhancement interacts neatly with our white label functionality; users may now set a redirect URL login/logout, improving the overall user and admin experience.

AC-771: Admin panel quarantine management functionality update

Explore the newest Carbonio admin panel update, which enables global admins to manage quarantine accounts and actions more efficiently. This upgrade provides greater management and security by allowing the establishment of global quarantine accounts, establishing retention durations for infected emails, and taking different actions on impacted communications.

819: Dialogue for error prevention for unsaved account delegates

When attempting to quit without storing changes made to Account Delegates, the Account Advanced Edit now displays an error prevention dialogue.

AC-836: Improved mailbox quota table

The Mailbox Quota table under the ‘Mails’ section has been improved. To better visibility and management capabilities, a new column (MB) has been introduced.

AC-837: Improved CSV mailbox quota with decimal rounding

Improve your control over mailbox quotas in CSV format. For increased flexibility, you may now simply round to one digit or no digit after the decimal point in the Mails column.

AC-838: Improved mailbox quota table based on domain selection

The mailbox quota table has been improved to show only the content of the specified domain. Other domain mailboxes have been removed from the table, resulting in a more concentrated and realistic depiction.

AC-839: Domain General Settings COS input validity improved

In the General Settings COS section of the Domain, input validation has been strengthened to allow just integers and ‘-‘ (hyphen), ensuring a more reliable and accurate setting.

AC-840: Improved visibility of the COS list in the COS tab

The COS listings are now displayed on the COS tab. Previously, the list was not shown.

AC-842: Domain creation and COS selection

Administrators may now choose a Class of Service (COS) in the Domain creation window. This innovation allows for the direct assignment of COS during the construction of new domains, which speeds up the setup procedure.

AC-843: Disabled ‘User will change password’ by default.

For easier domain and account administration, the ‘User will change password on next login’ functionality is now deactivated by default during new user creation.

AC-849: Carbonio admin console security improved

The admin console’s enhanced security features now protect local browser cookies, providing secure processing of closed and reopened tabs with Gobel data, and preventing unauthorised access to URL details in the backend.

AC-850: Improved control for installing additional MTA extensions

Postfix (MTA) Inbound Flow & Security now allows administrators to add prohibited extensions. Incorrect inputs, such as punctuation marks (!@#$%&*), are now rejected, resulting in a more secure setting.

AC-874: Enhancement to the visual appearance of the exceeding quota indicator

The Mailbox Quota table in the Admin UI has been improved to visibly indicate mailboxes that have exceeded their quota restrictions. When a mailbox exceeds the predefined limit, the quota percentage is shown in red for easy identification.

AC-877: Mailing Lists have been renamed Distribution Lists.

The word ‘Mailing Lists’ in the Domain Management part of the Carbonio Web Admin interface has been changed to ‘Distribution Lists,’ reflecting a more realistic description of its functions.

Accurate Compression Status in Centralised Volume AC-884

Improved accuracy is now available as the Centralised Volume in the AdminUI displays the right compression state. With this feature, you can stay informed and manage your data more efficiently.

AC-891: Improved MTA DNS Blacklist Threshold

Improve MTA settings by changing ‘DNS Blacklist Threshold’ from a choice to an input field for more flexibility.

AC-898: Minor changes to whitelabel settings

Using image URLs, you may change the background and favicon of the login page. Image for the login page: JPG/PNG, 1280×720, 16:9, 800KB. Favicon: 32×32 ICO pixels.

CO-851: Improved functional account address management

Users may now keep functioning account addresses in the ‘Emailed Contacts’ book, with Autocomplete combining local and shared contacts smoothly when the ‘Include Address in Shared Contacts’ option is enabled.

CO-870: Implementation of the Auth Healthcheck API

The Carbonio now has an improved Auth Healthcheck API, which speeds up response times and eliminates the requirement for consensus checks on other nodes. This improvement seeks to minimise response times, especially when one or more nodes are down, and avoids the need to increase timeout numbers.

CO-873: Carbonio-advanced consul token

During the installation of Carbonio Advanced, the programme now installs a new Consul token. The programme uses this token, which is available at /etc/carbonio/mailbox/service-discover/token.

FILES-729: Creating public folder access connections

This functionality allows you to create public folder access links. The feature is meant to serve a certain purpose. For example, whilst the link is live, it is accessible, but it becomes invalid when it expires or is revoked. Furthermore, only users with edit permission may establish the link, making this operation unavailable to others.

FILES-733: Access to public folder links

A new functionality has been included in this version to make it easier to access public files via links. Enabling the public folder link lets anybody with the link to view the contents of the folder. If the connection expires, gets revoked, or does not exist, an error notice will be presented.

FILES-736: Viewing and interacting with public folders

Viewing and interacting with public folders now adheres to authorised permission standards. The existing public folder link policy assures that anybody having the public link may easily read and download the contents of the folder. A read-only permission policy is applied by default, prohibiting anybody other than the folder owner from uploading, editing, deleting, or modifying the folder’s content.

IRIS-3508: Improved Calendar header button placement

The arrangement of the calendar’s header buttons has been enhanced, ensuring appropriate space between buttons. The buttons for the Week and Today no longer overlap, delivering a better visual experience.

Exploding distribution lists in email composition (IRIS-4450)

While creating emails, users can now recognise and extend distribution lists, allowing them to check and amend recipients before sending for more clarity and control.

IRIS-4537: Recognise and explode distribution lists in Calendar Users may now recognise and explode distribution lists smoothly inside the calendars module, enhancing productivity and user experience.

IRIS-4763: In appointments, the user can pick equipment.

Users may now choose equipment when creating appointments, assuring correct presentation in the summary view, displayer, and editor during edit operations.

IRIS-4766: Appointment equipment selection

Users may now specify equipment while creating an appointment, assuring accurate presentation in summary view, displayer, and editor during edit operations.

IRIS-4842: Apply a Filter to Existing Email Folders

Users may now add filters to emails within existing folders, giving them more control and organisation over their mailbox content.

IRIS-4889: Optimising editor performance.

By using useMemo in editor hooks and reorganising logic into sub-components, the editor’s efficiency has improved. These enhancements reduce the need for re-rendering, resulting in greater efficiency for the editor.

IRIS-4894: Improved contact lookup in shared address books

Improved contact search capabilities in shared account address books. Selecting a sender identity connected to a shared account in the mail editor now enables auto-complete in the to/cc/bcc fields, taking into consideration contacts in that shared account’s address books.

AC-762: Admin console backup progress alerts BUGFIX LIST

When you initiate a backup using the Admin panel backup button, the status of the backup should now be presented on the dashboard alerts area as well as via email.

AC-826: Improved dashboard notification table

In a multi-server setup, the dashboard notification table now displays notifications for all servers, overcoming the prior constraint of just showing the most recently added server alerts.

AC-830: Account details session management

Individual user sessions may now be filtered and ended in the account information area. This addition enables administrators to manage user sessions more efficiently by allowing them to browse through sessions and cancel them as needed.

AC-832: Domain Settings COS name visibility

In the Domain General Settings, the Class of Service (COS) name is now displayed.

AC-856: Improved background image ratio in whitelabel settings

The background image ratio is now respected in the white-label settings. The requirements are available to administrators under the Background for the Login Page section: “The image must have a minimum resolution of 1280×720, a 16:9 aspect ratio, and be less than 800KB in size.”

AC-859: MTA Configuration of outbound flows in the admin UI

Admins have more flexibility now that text fields in the ‘Outbound Flow’ section are editable, allowing for easy customisation of global parameters such as the relay host.

AC-871: Distribution list subdomain validation

When adding members to distribution lists, the software has been changed to allow correct validation of subdomains including dashes (-). Members with subdomains in the type “” can now be entered by administrators without facing validation issues.

AC-885: Antivirus attribute update corrected

This modification guarantees that adding, updating, and deleting MTA ‘Antivirus & Spam’ options in the Carbonio Web Admin interface updates the characteristics appropriately. It resolves the prior problem in which some changes were handled incorrectly.

AC-894: The administrator can add several virtualHosts.

Using the admin panel, administrators may now quickly add several VirtualHosts to the domain for more customisation and flexibility.

BCK-695: setBackupVolume cache has been repaired.

Fixed an issue that allowed the setBackupVolume command to fail to delete its cache, resulting in a duplicate of the blobs remaining in the metadata path. Blobs are now only saved in the appropriate volume.

CO-860: Fixed Calendar Free/Busy for MacOS

Resolved an issue that previously prohibited the MacOS Calendar’s Free/Busy functionality from operating. When adding guests to an appointment, availability is now accurately shown.

CO-899: Upgrade Issue from Version 23.11 to Version 23.12 Resolved

The upgrade problem from version 23.11 to version 23.12 has been corrected. The problem was caused by a clash between the carbonio-common-appserver-db and carbonio-appserver-db packages, which necessitated the removal of the former before installing the latter. For the upgrading procedure, developers used ‘apt full-upgrade’ and ‘dnf distro-sync’.

CO-901: Configuration of enhanced virtual host response headers

The Proxy Generator “libexec/zmproxyconfgen” has been updated to retrieve information from the Domain configuration rather than the Global configuration, which improves the processing of virtual host response headers.

CO-913: AppServer upgrade dependency problem has been resolved.

During the upgrade from 23.11 to 23.12, a conflict between carbonio-common-appserver-db and carbonio-appserver-db was resolved. For a smooth resolution, developers utilised apt full-upgrade and dnf distro-sync.

CO-932: Fixed backup on external storage.

The server configuration now includes the volumeRootPath property, which was previously missing. The backup to external storage is now operational.

COR-972: Delegated administrator fine-tunes Public service settings

Delegated administrators may now change the PublicServiceHostname, protocol, and port settings.

COR-1012: Fixed the “Max Manageable Accounts for a Domain” option, allowing zero “0” for limitless accounts.

COR-1019: Corrected notice sending scope.

Previously, when carbonioNotificationRecipients was set to delegate admin, notification emails were delivered to the Global Admin rather than the Delegated Domain Admin. This problem has been fixed, and notifications are now being forwarded to the delegated administrator as intended.

IRIS-3420: Better folder selection after an interrupted drag

After cancelling a drag-and-drop operation using the ESC key, users can now click on the target folder.

IRIS-3728: Fixed the presentation of calendar appointment descriptions.

This update guarantees that all data for received appointments are displayed correctly in the Calendar event.

IRIS-3733: Improved ‘Reply All’ functionality in shared accounts

The ‘Reply All’ feature in a shared account has been changed to automatically populate the recipient list in the editor with the sender and recipients from the original email, except the sender’s own address. The sender was included in the recipient list in the previous version of the ‘Reply All’ function.

IRIS-4682: Configurable signature editing

This feature allows users to easily change their email signatures from the ‘Signatures’ section of Settings. Users may now simply alter current signatures, add new ones, and revert to earlier signatures, resulting in a more flexible and user-friendly experience.

IRIS-4706: Radio component fixed in custom modal

The Calendar’s radio component in the Custom modal now picks alternatives appropriately, resolving the prior issue of unpredictable behaviour in which picking one radio affected another.

IRIS-4753: Enhancements to configurable recurring appointment checks

Improved the Calendar radio component in the Custom modal for a better user experience.

IRIS-4802: Mail editor format selection has been corrected.

Previously, the mail editor ignored the specified text format and always utilised rich text. This problem has been resolved, and the mail editor now appropriately adheres to the text format selected.

IRIS-4836: Improved Reply/Forward for Unknown Subject

This improvement enhances the system’s behaviour by allowing users to reply to or forward emails even when the topic field is blank or empty. Such emails will be automatically assigned a blank topic by the system, preventing mistakes during these procedures.

IRIS-4838: Appointment modification shows correct dates
Appointment change now appropriately shows start and end dates, especially in the case of series with all-day activities spanning more than one day. The editor accurately displays the desired dates, resolving the prior issue in which it incorrectly displayed the current time.

IRIS-4851: Fixed email scrolling regression fault
This update resolves an issue in which scrolling through lengthy emails in the Mail module for roughly a minute might suddenly reset the display to the top, interfering with seamless and uninterrupted reading.

IRIS-4857: Added Trash to the improved folder selector
The Trash folder is now included in the folder choice for the ‘Move into folder’ action in filters. Simply choose the Trash folder.

IRIS-4891: Event organiser configuration assurance
Event organiser is now correctly configured, allowing for the proper creation and modification of new appointments in both shared and personal calendars.

IRIS-4927: Automatic appointment removal for damaged Calendars
When broken calendars are removed from the UI, all related appointments are automatically removed. This provides a consistent and accurate user experience while manipulating calendar data.

PS-467: Improvements to HSM policy scheduling
HSM policies now work in accordance with the scheduler that has been specified in Linux. Messages are being moved from one store to another as per the cron task ‘carbonio powerstore doMoveBlobs start’.

PS-472: Improved Unset Powerstore move scheduler
The powerstoreMoveScheduler has now been upgraded at the server level, and when unset, it reverts to the default setting.

SHELL-173: Localised unsaved modal changes
The unsaved changes modal, including its title, buttons, and tooltip, now translates appropriately based on the user’s language selection in the UI settings.

TEAMS-4124: Restored recording functionality
The issue with group meeting recording has been repaired by reinstalling the most recent carbonio-videoserver and recorder packages. Now, recordings go smoothly and save appropriately in Files.