Carbonio Email Service provider

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The Domain page allows you to manage domains and their associated settings, such as individual accounts, user quotas and authentication, mailing lists, and more.

The page includes the following sections: domain information and domain management.

Make a New Domain

Fill out the form that appears after clicking the CREATE button to create a new domain

.The Domain Details section contains more domain setup options, such as how to configure authentication and accounts in the domain.

Domain Specifics

The domain settings may be refined using the many subsections available in Domain Details. Most of the choices’ values (for example, the Time Zone) are inherited from the primary domain established if they are not provided for a specific domain.

General Options

The general settings determine the fundamental domain setup; the majority of them occur during domain formation. Additional choices enable you to specify the time zone, whether to use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol (we recommend always using the latter), and whether to utilise a mail server for spam-relay purposes.

A default COS and its status can also be assigned to the domain.

The DELETE DOMAIN button at the bottom of the page allows you to delete the domain. When this button is pressed, a dialogue will appear, showing all of the domain’s defined elements (Accounts, mailing lists, resources, and so on), which will be removed along with the domain. There are two options: Close the domain, which keeps all things but prevents access, or Remove the domain and all its objects.

The Global Access List
A GAL is a special account (“GALSync Account”) that stores all of the e-mail accounts set on the server and allows you to rapidly search for e-mail addresses, such as when drafting an email or adding participants to a Calendar event. When configured on Carbonio CE, a GAL can be internal, external (when configured on the LDAP used by Carbonio CE), or both. On this page, you may modify the GALSync account’s email address from external to internal, or vice versa, or both. You may also delete it, add it if it’s missing, and adjust some of its settings.
The GALSync account is updated on a regular basis, depending to the period defined in the page’s Settings section. By pressing the RE-SYNC button, administrators can compel a resynchronization of all GALs defined on a domain.
Certificates and Virtual Hosts
A Virtual Host is a different name for the same domain that may be used to access it. To use the virtual host, the name must be registered with an A record on the domain’s DNS. Users may then access the domain using simply their usernames and not the domain name.
  • An SSL certificate can be assigned to each virtual host. Carbonio CE allows you to upload numerous SSL domain certificates from the Carbonio Admin Panel and associate them with different domains in a few simple steps.
  • Click UPLOAD AND VERIFY CERTIFICATE after selecting the virtual host. In the dialogue, you can select:
  • A longChain Certificate from Let’s Encrypt, which includes an intermediate certificate. Before selecting the GENERATE CERTIFICATE button, be sure you have met all of the requirements. Follow the steps below to complete the operation.
  • A Let’s Encrypt shortChain Certificate with no intermediary certificate: like in the previous example, ensure that the conditions are met before clicking the GENERATE CERTIFICATE button. Follow the steps below to complete the operation.
  • A unique certificate. In this instance, you must supply the three files of the authorization chain (the Domain Certificate, the Certificate CA Chain, and the Private Key) in the first or copy the text of the individual files into the relevant areas. Click VERIFY to validate the certificates: if everything is correct, a message will appear. The validity of the certificate will be shown. Click the I WANT TO USE THIS CERTIFICATE button to upload and activate the certificate. A notification will be displayed once more (The certificates have been stored). To finish the operation, if you are on a Single-Node, restart it; otherwise, restart the node where the Proxy is installed.
By selecting the relevant button above the certificates, you may REMOVE or DOWNLOAD them.
Installation of a Let’s Encrypt certificate
To properly issue a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your Carbonio CE installation, follow the procedures below.
As mentioned in the previous section, the first step is to generate the certificate using the Carbonio Admin Panel button. Aside from the notification in the bottom right corner, you will receive an e-mail in a few minutes confirming the success or failure of the certificate generation if you have set Carbonio characteristics, see list above.
In the event of a failure, the e-mail will notify you of the errors that you must correct before attempting again. Keep in mind that if you repeatedly request a certificate without success, you may be temporarily barred from requesting it again.
The message is When the issue is resolved successfully, the certificate is included in the e-mail, together with additional information such as the expiry date, and is followed by a second confirming e-mail.
You may now install the certificate on your infrastructure. Log in to the CLI as the zextras user and run the following commands.
The certificate expires after 90 days and should be renewed 30 days before expiration, according to Let’s Encrypt guidelines. You may perform this manually using certbot renew from the CLI or, if you’re sure, automatically using crontab.
After that, repeat the two deployment instructions.
Mailbox Limit
These options enable you to specify a maximum limit (in bytes, with 0 indicating no restriction) for the amount of space utilised by each account and the entire domain. It is also possible to provide a number that, when reached, will send an e-mail warning to a specified address. The values set here are inherited by all new accounts, but can be altered on a per-user basis.
The bottom of the page provides a list of accounts and their utilised quotas to make it easier to monitor users’ quotas.
Domain Administration
Account, mailing, and general resource configuration options are available on the Manage Domains page.
This page contains a list of all domain accounts, as well as information on their kind and status.
The text field above the list may be used to filter the list, and the + button can be used to create a new account.
A click on any account will reveal a new panel with a variety of information and choices, including the account’s name and aliases, if any, status (see below), and creation date. By choosing the MANAGE ALIAS button, you can quickly manage the aliases: in the opening dialogue box, pick a domain and a new alias, then click + to add the alias to the user.
The upper right corner of the panel contains buttons that enable you to modify or remove the user, as well as redirect to the person’s inbox.
Most of the options available when modifying a user’s account are the same as those available in the Create New Account section and are structured in tabs. The options defined in the user’s COS are inherited, however they may be changed for every individual user.
A list of active sessions shows at the bottom of the panel: for example, if a person has signed in from three distinct devices and has never logged out, three sessions will appear. When you pick one of them, pressing the END SESSION button will end that session.
Make a New Account
To create a new account, click the + button: a dialogue box displays, allowing you to configure the new account’s basic settings.
To make acme_admin a Global Administrator, go to the General tab, then Settings, and then select the switch labelled This is a Global Administrator, then save. The acme_admin user may now log in to the Carbonio Admin Panel.
e-mail list
A mailing list may be easily created by clicking the Add button, which opens a tabbed modal dialogue in which the mailing list can be configured.
In the first page, you may give the mailing list a name, an address, and a description; in the second, you can add Members by simply typing their e-mail addresses into the test area.
Advanced parameters, such as limiting the members who are authorised to send e-mails to the list, policies for subscription and unsubscription requests, and the mailing list’s owners, can be adjusted under the third tab.
The last tab summarises the options: you may now return to any of the previous tabs and adjust some of the choices, or you can proceed to establish the mailing list.
After creating a mailing list, it may be further customised by adding aliases, which function similarly to e-mail accounts, updating the members and owners, and allowing chosen people access to send e-mails to the mailing list.
Dynamic Mode The Dynamic Mode of a mailing list provides for the automated administration of members. Each Dynamic Mailing List is recognised by a name as well as a unique Mailing List URL, which is an LDAP query that automatically populates the Mailing List’s members.
To establish a Dynamic Mailing List, follow the same steps as for regular Mailing Lists: click the Add button and enter a Displayed Name name and list Name, then select the Dynamic Mode switch to access additional choices, including the Mailing List URL, which is required. You may also hide the list from GAL and assign owners to the list who can manage the list’s setup.
When updating the Dynamic Mailing List once it has been created, advanced options such as subscription and unsubscription are accessible.
A Resource is a generic object that may be allocated an e-mail address, but unlike conventional accounts, they do not require a signature, thus you cannot supply one. A conference room is an example of a Resource: to reserve the room, send an e-mail to the room’s e-mail address.

A policy can be applied to Resource to determine how to respond to a booking request, either manually or automatically accepting or rejecting it.

Additional e-mail addresses can be added to the resource, for example, to tell the company’s facilities manager which meeting rooms are reserved and which are available.