Carbonio Email Service provider

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This section will walk you through the process of adding a Proxy Node to an existing Carbonio CE installation.


Please read the whole method on this page before attempting to install a new Proxy Node and ensure the following conditions are met.

Carbonio CE infrastructure is already operational.

A new node is available that meets the Multi Server Requirements and has already completed the Preliminary Tasks. This node will be known as

All commands must be carried out as the root user.

Scenarios for Installation
Adding a Proxy node may be beneficial in a variety of circumstances while having no effect on the Carbonio CE configuration. However, it is possible that the existing company’s infrastructure will need to be modified. Let’s look at some common use scenarios and how they differ.
Carbonio is a bootstrapped carbonio.
Start the Carbonio bootstrapping procedure.
You must submit these values during the procedure, which may be obtained from SRV1.
The FQDN of SRV1,, is the Ldap master host.
The command is used to acquire the Ldap Admin password from SRV1.
The command obtains the bind password for the nginx ldap user via SRV1.
Carbonio Mesh should be installed.
Carbonio Mesh will run as an agent, connecting to and communicating with the server. The agent’s configuration is produced by launching command.
This command will do the following:
request the current Node’s IP address and netmask
Request the Carbonio Mesh secret, which is saved on SRV1 in the file /var/lib/service-discover/password.
After the setup has been finished successfully, use the secret to run the following command.
Activate Memcached
Use the following commands as the zextras user to enable Memcached access:
Finish the installation
The final procedure to do is to restart all services.
Use this command to ensure that the Node was properly added.
The new node should be included in the output, for example:
Use command to see if all services are up and functioning.